a question about java versions

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a question about java versions

Post by Talrea »

i'm running a pretty fancy pc. (running windows 7 x64)

just curious as to what version of java is recomended to minimize any potential trouble with better than wolves.

java 6 and java 7 are out, and theirs the 32 and 64 versions of those too.

the main reason why i;m asking is i'm planning on starting a new server for me and my brother (lives pretty far away) and wanted to make sure theirs no complications or chunk errors when doing so
espacally with the few reports of weird errors with the 1.4.6 update of minecraft
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Re: a question about java versions

Post by Benanov »

I'd probably try Java 7 64-bit first, and then go to Java 6 64-bit then Java 7 32-bit.

I use 32-bit Java 6 but I don't have a 64-bit capable machine.
There's only one V in my name, thanks.

<TaterBoy> I figured out why there's so much lag. We have too much iron.
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