BTW Skyblock

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BTW Skyblock

Post by tom_savage »

Before anyone says I'm double posting, this is not going to be anything like the current Skyblock for BTW made by casinodoug. This is also going to be a while before coming out (depending if I get help or not), I'm posting this here to see if enough people would be interested to make this worth putting time and effort into. Also note that if this does get fully fleshed out and into production, I will be brushing up on my Java skills again (hopefully it comes back to me), and also learning a lot of new stuff--ergo a long time. Yet again, if anyone who actually has the skills to make this wants to help take on the task, please let me know.

Skyblock, duh. Although a lot of this comes from FTB which spawned from Skyblock, and is in my opinion, a fantastic use of a collection of forge mods. It is one situation where I feel those mods actually shine. For those of you not familiar with Feed The Beast (FTB), the game starts you out with limited resources, and using mod mechanics, you build certain items required by 'The Beast'. When you deposit the items, 'The Beast' will unlock the next tier of items for building. It requires knowledge of all aspects of the mod to accomplish a lot of things.

Thanks to BTW, I don’t need to limit what people have access too. There is already an age of progression in play. I can use this to limit people already. The huge problem trying to do this (as casinodoug probably found out) is the fact that so many needed resources aren’t able to be recreated. This is where this mod would come in. Where a lot of these things would be pointless in a regular map, on a Skyblock map, these things would be absolutely necessary. Here’s an example:

Compost Bin:

Image or Image

Gui screen will look something like this:

This would be something you would build early in the game.
Something you must know beforehand: One of the particular changes to the game I would make would be zombies having a much greater chance of dropping iron ingots (I hate golem farms, and villager farms, and villagers). And the chance to drop Iron items would just be goodies later for your crucible to break down. This will make killing mobs early, as well as designing a mob trap very essential to progression.

I say this because the main thing you’ll use in the compost bin is leaves. So having shears is going to be a must have. The compost bin will break down leaves into dirt. You can speed this process along by eventually hooking the side up to mechanical energy (spinning the compost bin around slowly), and if it’s mechanically powered, adding flint into the extra chamber will further speed the process along.

This block will also be needed in the nether. I plan on the nether being empty when you get there, so compost bins in the nether are used to create…netherrack and soulsand! Imagine that. Although, to produce netherrack and soulsand, you will need Rotting Flesh in the extra chamber. Then as the compost bin turns, (will require mechanical power in the nether, that’s right, 2 windmills, get to work) souls settle in the dirt (or sand) and rotting flesh mixing together. The extra chamber will be consumed a lot like coal in a furnace.

Compost Bin Recipes:

Leaves + Flint(optional) -> Dirt
Dirt + Rotting Flesh -> Netherrack
Sand + Rotting Flesh -> Soulsand

I have a few other block ideas ready, I just didn’t want to post them all unless people really want to see.

So this is basically my idea for skyblock. I would give the starting chest a maximum of 1 of each thing that can be reproduced easily after that, the exception being redstone dust and 14 obsidian. I’m not sure how much redstone I’m going to give to start, but it will be enough to get as many gearboxes, turntables, etc to get to the point where you can synthesize redstone dust in the crucible from your netherrack. There will be 2 wolves, cows, pigs, sheep, and 1 chicken. Not sure whether I will give the egg, or just have a small island with them all on it--most likely the island. I do need help coming up with ways to reproduce some of the other things in minecraft that aren’t reproducible. I currently have:

Diamonds (Cubic Press + Charcoal -> Diamond)
Lapis Lazuli (Clay + Gunpowder + Charcoal -> Stewing Pot -> Lapis Paste Brick -> Kiln -> Lapis Lazuli | Based on actual creation of man-made Lapis)

I haven’t quite figured out how I want Clay to be made yet. It’s kind of an odd element. I was first thinking dirt + running water, but that would introduce a lot of problems with the starting dirt when you make the cobblestone generator. Then I was thinking giving 1 Mycelium block (let the player farm it) Then have running water over Mycelium turn it into clay. But that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Any ideas? I would like to make this make sense, or at least sound plausible.

Coal would not be a problem once wither skeletons come out, but until then, I would just use Charcoal for everything coal could do.

Gold is covered with a pigman farm (after you build netherrack for them to spawn on).

Glowstone Dust I have no clue how I would reproduce.

What else am I missing?
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Re: BTW Skyblock

Post by casinodoug »

lava/obsidian is also non renewable
oh also for a long time there was discussions of making nether sludge work as clay not sure what ever happened to it but that would work if you find a way to produce nether-rack

side note :from the sounds of it you are going to LOVE what i am working on
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Re: BTW Skyblock

Post by Rianaru »

You used to be able to make clay out of nether sludge, but FC took that feature out after one or two updates because the player no longer needed to explore for clay.
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Re: BTW Skyblock

Post by Sarudak »

Rianaru wrote:You used to be able to make clay out of nether sludge, but FC took that feature out after one or two updates because the player no longer needed to explore for clay.
Yeah that was me. I convinced him to do that... </trollface>
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Re: BTW Skyblock

Post by Splee999 »

Do this. Do this so much. Also, I'd recommend fixing the glowstone issue by making it a fairly rare drop from pigmen and/or ghasts. Then you'd have motivation to build a big ol' farm in the nether to try and get your filaments made.
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