Smite Effective Against SFS

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Smite Effective Against SFS

Post by Splee999 »

Currently, several of the enchantments you can get for equipment, especially swords, don't get very much love. I'd like to throw the idea out there of the Smite enchantment being effective against SFS-wearing players. Not only would it give more use to an disliked enchantment in SMP, it would provide another interesting drawback to wearing Soulforged armor. Also, in a more lore based sense, strapping the enslaved souls of the damned around your chest as protection can't please the higher powers of Minecraftia too much.


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Re: Smite Effective Against SFS

Post by Sarudak »

Hm... The idea of enchants changing the pvp landscape more than "durr more attack" and "hyuk more defense" is interesting. There's already some possibilities in game like this for example wearing all blast protection or fire protection armor and luring your opponent into a trap that you can survive and they can't. On the other hand I have a feeling this would involve significant base class modification for fairly minimal reward...
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Re: Smite Effective Against SFS

Post by Splee999 »

Sarudak wrote:On the other hand I have a feeling this would involve significant base class modification for fairly minimal reward...
I'm operating under the notion/hope that FC could piggy back this on the existing SFS effects, like the drowning and groth resistance.
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Re: Smite Effective Against SFS

Post by DxPanxD »

Really, smite is effective against the undead, but as far as I know, Steve is very much alive and kicking. The armor he's wearing doesn't change that (In fact its purpose is to keep him that way). I don't think Smite doing more damage because of what armor he's wearing makes much sense. However, I'm not shooting down your idea, just modifying it to perhaps better fit with the lore in btw.

A smite weapon could possibly negate some of the protection gained from the souls trapped within the armor, perhaps smite weapons could have an extra durability penalty against plate armor as well.
Basically what I'm saying is if a player wearing full steel armor was hit by a smite weapon, the damage reduction for that hit would be lowered to somewhere in between iron armor and diamond armor (Even without the souls, Steel>Iron) and the armor would lose 2 durability rather than one.

In case I didn't explain the damage reduction well enough.
A full set of Iron reduces damage by 62.5% without enchants
A full set of Diamond reduces damage by 83.3% without enchants
I don't know how much SFS gives, but let's pretend it's 95% when hit by most attacks.
Lastly When SFS is hit by Smite, it would only give a damage reduction of 75% or so.

Anyway, I'm likely just over complicating the idea, and I have no clue whether or not half of what I typed is actually do-able within the constraints of minecraft.
Apparently I'm Capitain Overcomplicate.
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Re: Smite Effective Against SFS

Post by TheInfernalEnchanter »

The smite enchantment only deals extra damage to zombies, skeletons and zombie pigmen. NOT other players. To really hurt other players, try sharpness...
TheAnarchitect wrote:Steve also occasionally gets random flashes of uncontrolled insight, like what the caves under that mountain look like.
Ah, chunk errors...
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Re: Smite Effective Against SFS

Post by Splee999 »

TheInfernalEnchanter wrote:The smite enchantment only deals extra damage to zombies, skeletons and zombie pigmen. NOT other players. To really hurt other players, try sharpness...
I understand that. The intention of this idea was to add another drawback to using SFS and to give a new feature to an unloved enchantment. Based on the name and function of this enchantment, I don't think it's much of a stretch to say Smite could apply to ALL unholy things, whether that be the undead or a certain soul-enslaving Steve.
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Re: Smite Effective Against SFS

Post by FlowerChild »

What he's saying does make some sense. If the weapon is capable of hurting the armor more, you wouldn't expect it to offer as much protection from certain kinds of attacks.

Despite what Capitain Overcomplicate gets into above with the math epic, this just amounts to more damage.

I'll think about it. Not a bad idea.
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Re: Smite Effective Against SFS

Post by Splee999 »

Thanks for the consideration FlowerChild. Feel free to lock up this thread to avoid necros and other mishaps. ;)