Happiness... (What the hell is it?)

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Re: Happiness... (What the hell is it?)

Post by chaoticneutral »

redrew89 wrote:EDIT: And, I suddenly grasp how strange it is seeing our avatars in the same thread. Kamina has effectively taken advice from Lord Genome. The world will never be the same.
Kamina asking and taking advices at all is strange :D

But I hope it helped, even if a little bit.
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Re: Happiness... (What the hell is it?)

Post by redrew89 »

Poppycocks wrote:
redrew89 wrote:...Yeah, someone can lock this, now.
Actually I was honestly curious, going from the replies given.

Oh... okay. Sorry, I had a knee-jerk moment wherein I believed you were just being snarky.

Honestly, I think, as of lately, I've had to confront a few things from my past, and come to grips with some of the things I wished I could change.

For instance. From about 5th to 8th grades, I had no real friends. I couldn't trust anyone, because every time I did, that person would just turn around and do and/or say things that hurt me. At a very fragile point in my life, I was forced to harden my heart; to tell myself that "friends are over-rated." Now, I'm paying the price for that, in my day-to-day interactions with people.

It's like the difference from learning Spanish at a young age, rather than learning it in your forties.
FlowerChild wrote:Happiness is a warm and moist tentacle.
FlowerChild wrote:I just want to be loved.
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Re: Happiness... (What the hell is it?)

Post by ignika42 »

redrew89 wrote:
For instance. From about 5th to 8th grades, I had no real friends. I couldn't trust anyone, because every time I did, that person would just turn around and do and/or say things that hurt me. At a very fragile point in my life, I was forced to harden my heart; to tell myself that "friends are over-rated." Now, I'm paying the price for that, in my day-to-day interactions with people.

It's like the difference from learning Spanish at a young age, rather than learning it in your forties.

Man I know exactly what you mean, from when I started middle school to when I was 20 I had literally no friends, and now even though things have gotten better, the damage is already done, any time I partake in social interaction, be it online or in person, I can see the difference between myself and "normal people" it's like even though I progressed physically and mentally, I'm underdeveloped emotionally and socially.

Best advice I can give you is this: Find a friend

I know, its not easy to find a real friend, in fact I never thought I would, but they do exist, and you never know where you'll find them; heck, I met my best friend through a response to a youtube video, and even though he lives over 2000 miles away from me, it helps immensely to have somebody you can trust, confide in, and hang out with. It was absolutely amazing what a difference it made.
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Re: Happiness... (What the hell is it?)

Post by Ruinous »

I myself am in a similar situation, though perhaps not as bad (i dont know, my debt is less atleast). I havent cracked 'it', so I cant give you an answer, but you have my sympathy mate.
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Re: Happiness... (What the hell is it?)

Post by kazerima »

I'll let you in on a little secret for your student loans. You can request that you be able to make income based payments due to financial hardship. They won't be able to take anything more than 10% of your paycheck, though your interest won't freeze. As for finding friends, I have many problems finding friends of my own in reality. I very rarely am able to leave the house, but I'm able to keep my sanity by talking to friends I've made online or those I'm still in contact with from college. Also, once you manage that first good friend, you meet other people through that friend, and it can snowball rather well as more friends introduce you to more people.
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Re: Happiness... (What the hell is it?)

Post by tom_savage »

I know it was mentioned before, but getting outside and doing stuff is amazing. Anything that breaks the norm will do you good--because even if it turns out bad, it's a different bad, which is still exciting.

On friends, close friends are hard to come by, and it takes a lot of time to build and nurture such relationships. However, friends aren't needed to find a happy place in life (they're awesome and still worth the time though). A lot of times it's nice to have a personal getaway session, take a weekend hike or something. Go someplace where you feel at peace--leave the music, videos, games, friends, school, work, and bullshit back at home.

At any rate, I hope things start looking up for you! It seems you at least have some friends here on the forums for you!
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Re: Happiness... (What the hell is it?)

Post by tedium »

you ought to check out this forum:

they're a rather alternative crowd, but very friendly. you will find people committed to discussing almost any question you can possibly imagine, from personal problems to advanced particle physics. i've personally found 'the dark side' to be a safe haven at times, while being able to explore my questions on 'philosophy and spirituality' amongst rational, educated people. i don't spend much time on that forum anymore, but in part i can thank that forum for it.
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