"The Device"

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"The Device"

Post by DxPanxD »

I'm relatively new to these forums, but I've noticed several references to something called "The device". I've done a bit of searching, but I can't really find out if it's something FlowerChild mentioned, or if it's just the fan name for whatever mechanic or structure that ends up being used. Reading through this thread, but it seems the idea of "the device" was already in place before it.

Anyway, I just wanna try to catch up on the story of BTW, and the cryptic references have been driving me nuts.

Originally I was thinking it was something like a nether portal made out of SFS blocks, but w/o any functional use (yet) but I doubt that's right. Although... that would support the ideas that soul forged steels mysterious properties are based on elements. It drinks water, it emits smoke, and then there's the property recently added, but as of yet undiscovered. A few people were speculating that it was earth or air based.
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Re: "The Device"

Post by Itamarcu »

The Device is our nickname to the contraption which is about to be needed for the next big release. It looks like that:
It is made of 32 Steel blocks. In a (already deleted) video, FlowerChild was seen building it over what could have been his spawn point, put redstone on top of all the Steel blocks, pressed a lever and entered it. It is thought to be a portal, a gate, a time machine, a lightning caller, all sorts of theories.
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Re: "The Device"

Post by Poppycocks »

I don't feel like searching for the post, but The Device™ is two 3x3 platforms with a 2 high space between them, the centers are diamond blocks, the rings are SFS blocks and some redstone.

It's something FC posted as a clue, it was also in his "big update" video, which isn't available anymore. There was lightning, there was growling.

Some disagree but many think it's what we'll be supposed to build in the strongholds once we get there. Then we'll be able to go home somehow.

Someone else might link the post, draw your own conclusions from it :).

EDIT: Damn ninjas.
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Re: "The Device"

Post by DxPanxD »

Ah ha, thanks ^_^

I guess I wasn't too far off with the nether portal idea, although it resembles an end portal more, and it's a hell of a lot more materials than I originally guessed. *goes back to do more research on the BTW mythos*
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Re: "The Device"

Post by Graphite »

You know, if each stronghold location will be needing a portal like that, as well as home, then that'll be 2 stacks of soulforged steel blocks instead of the former 32 blocks. That iron golem farm is starting to look a lot more interesting :P
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Re: "The Device"

Post by Ceunon »

Not to mention whatever other uses FC has in mind for SFS.

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Re: "The Device"

Post by odranoel »

thanks for the info Itamarcu, i too have been scouring older posts and youtube to no avail. i only started coming to the forums last month or so and only joined last week. so suddenly alot of people start talking about things that have been said in the past and such, and i couldnt really find those bits of info.

oh how i scoured youtube looking for that video people mentioned, i didnt know it had been removed XD. well anyway, thanks again.

and thanks DxPanxD for the thread, i was close to making a similar thread due to lack of info.
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