[SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by Tekei »

I barely got into enchanted SFS items before this change (Because my mobtrap wasn't, and still isn't, fully operational, so I'm lacking the experience needed most of the time). That said, I've gone back to unenchanted SFS items, which works fine for me so far. Can't wait until we figure out how to get fortune and unbreaking enchants though! :)
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by matty79321 »

The thing I like about SFS tools and armor (This is a handy trick if you know about it) is as long as you have a decent supply of wood, glue/slime balls, and tanned leather, you pretty much are set after you make your first set of gear, since you can melt down metal gear in the crucible. This saves me having to waste tons of SFS on gear, so I can start on SFS Block projects like that portal thing FC previewed, and a SFS bunker, and so on. (just as a note to some people worrying about loosing SFS gear withoun an enchant.)

As of the new material, I would say tons of stuff about Arcane Scrolls, but then I would probably be banned from the forums due to cheating. So I guess I have to keep my lips shut on the matter. :( Oh well.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by Punnikin »

I'm not really concerned about enchanting my tools for now since I generally go through 2 mattocks a day. Plus I got ganked by a creeper and went from 53 levels to 6 in a single bang. I hate those little beasts.

I'd like to make some discoveries but after rebuilding my mob trap (62 pistons in total) I've gotten 4 mobs to spawn in it. Things aren't moving very quickly yet.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by FlowerChild »

Just because I'm such a horrible tease:

You guys really should take a look at the "missing" enchantments and try to figure out what they have in common.

There may be a clue in there as to what's to come ;)
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by Panda »

FlowerChild wrote: You guys really should take a look at the "missing" enchantments and try to figure out what they have in common.
The missing enchantments are kinda like my new Iphone, i dont own an iphone....
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by DIG_down »

They could be a part of the next phase, or whatever is to come. Possibly from some kind of mob that can destroy blocks? Although it's hard to imagine new mobs in BTW, but maybe that's just me.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by Thordan Ssoa »

FlowerChild wrote:Just because I'm such a horrible tease:

You guys really should take a look at the "missing" enchantments and try to figure out what they have in common.

There may be a clue in there as to what's to come ;)
Yes, yes you are.

Quick list of all missing enchantments:

Fire Protection
Feather Falling
Aqua Affinity




Personally, I see no singular connection between these. If DIG_down is right, and new mobs are coming, I don't think it's going to be just one.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by Ribky »

FlowerChild wrote:Just because I'm such a horrible tease:

You guys really should take a look at the "missing" enchantments and try to figure out what they have in common.

There may be a clue in there as to what's to come ;)

Spoilered thesis, due to length. (That's what she said)
Well... let's go over what we have. Assuming the wiki is 100% correct, this is all we have:

Smite Zombies
Blast Protection Creepers
Projectile Protection Skeletons
Sharpness Zombie Pigmen
Bane of Arthropods Spiders, Cave Spiders
Knockback Slimes, Magma Cubes (Fire Protection?), Iron Golem (which I thought was Protection...)
Looting Villagers
Flame Ghasts (because that goes on Steel weapons... wait no, yeah, that one must be wrong)
Fire Aspect Blazes
Silk Touch Endermen

Leaving the following enchantments undiscovered:

Protection (if that's not from Iron Golems...), Fire Protection, Feather Falling, Respiration, Aqua Affinity, Efficiency, Unbreaking, Fortune, Power, Punch, Flame and Infinity.

So that's 3-5 armor enchants, 3 mining enchants, and the 4 bow enchants (which don't freaking go on SFS equipment anyway).

I'm going to assume (like an ass) that Protection and Fire Protection are already in there and the wiki is just wrong, and if not, they have to do with my theory anyway.

Leaving Feather Falling, Respiration and Aqua Affinity for armor enchants. Fun fact, these all have to do with surviving and exploiting the environment, not killing mobs. In fact, none of them are any good for fighting mobs, unless you are locked in an epic cliffside duel with an Enderman. So for these at least, I'm going to throw my hypothesis out there that we will need to either brave great heights and depths to acquire these enchantments. Whether that means new mobs will be in those locales, I don't know.

For tool enchants, we have Efficiency, Unbreaking and Fortune. Also, completely useless in fighting mobs (unless Unbreaking helps with bashing zombies with your shovel or something). These all have to do with the exploiting the environment as well. I foresee a lot of fun coming out of the methods of acquiring these enchantments, as well as the armor one.

I dunno if the bow enchantments are going to be added or not, and those would only really matter in terms of the ease of placing exactly the enchantment you want on the bow.

So all you once-lers and once-lettes, I think we may be in for some heavy duty industrial resource collection from the environment. Happy Earth Day!
EDIT: edited for epic spoiler failage
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by muggsbud »

Ribky wrote: surviving and exploiting the environment
I could see fortune popping up in dungeon chests, or maybe from gold blocks. - but FC said that he wanted to make it so that arcane scrolls get used when enchanting; i doubt they'll be there in the next release, even if they are now.

there are ~21 mobs in the game, correct? of those ~12 have know scroll drops including overlapping drops, leaving about 11 scrolls undiscovered with 8 mobs to carry them.

!wild -unfounded speculation!
perhaps, instead of adding new mobs, they have a second state. e.g. the charged creeper. a normal creeper drops blast protection, maybe a charged creeper would drop feather falling. (just an example) because there are more than half the scrolls left undiscovered, i doubt FC would add mobs just to cary the scrolls. maybe even just setting a few dozen mos on fire before killing them

or they could drop the other scrolls based on the method used to kill them. like killing creepers with a by having a skeleton shoot them will drop a record.

in other news, has anyone tried birthing animals on SFS blocks? does it do anything special? i don't have the resources to test this or i would.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by orangeweaver »

I feel similarly to Ribky.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by Scry »

Maybe it's not new mobs, but how you kill the ones you have now. Killing with Height( Feather Falling), Drowning trap, etc...
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by CycloneSP »

What about a mob trap for yourself? In oder to get feather falling you need to die from extreme heights many times. And for affinity and breathing, you need to drown yourself many times also. I makes a little sense, right? In order to learn how to live, you gotta die first, right?

... ... ...

Okay, so probably not, but FC just doesn't strike me as the type of person to add new mobs in when he already dislikes the current combat system(or at least the focus mojang has currently put on the combat)
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by FlowerChild »

CycloneSP wrote:Okay, so probably not, but FC just doesn't strike me as the type of person to add new mobs in when he already dislikes the current combat system(or at least the focus mojang has currently put on the combat)
I like mobs, I just don't think direct combat is MC's strength. There's a difference.

For example, I love mob traps, and figuring out how to automate the dispatching of each enemy. I also love a sense of danger as I play (which is not the same as direct combat). I would also love there to more of a threat to your structures in MC, which you would have to plan defenses against.

In other words, I like it when mobs inspire the player to think, rather than left-click.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by DIG_down »

CycloneSP wrote:What about a mob trap for yourself? In oder to get feather falling you need to die from extreme heights many times. And for affinity and breathing, you need to drown yourself many times also. I makes a little sense, right? In order to learn how to live, you gotta die first, right?
This has been discussed in some detail earlier in the thread, the general consensus is that it's unlikely, I agree.

Although there is this...
FlowerChild wrote:Although the thought did cross my mind to do something along those lines to incentivize the hunting and killing of other players in SMP ;)
FlowerChild wrote: I would also love there to more of a threat to your structures in MC, which you would have to plan defenses against.
This is my reason for making my last guess about new mobs possibly breaking blocks. I'm doubt this is how FC will go about it(directly breaking blocks). It may be more likely to be something like hellfire dust in a stoked cauldron.
FlowerChild wrote:Later tech-levels will likely have mechanisms within them to specifically discourage afk play
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Sarudak wrote:Not to mention he posted an idea in the stop posting ideas thread right after he came back from a ban for posting ideas....
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by devak »

Well since the update is the "steve go home" update, and steve can destroy blocks, maybe there will be more steve-like creatures home?
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by Gormador »

I thought it was already settled that new mobs were very likely to be introduced by FlowerChild, as a new dimension is very likely to appear.
Or am I mistaken ?
FlowerChild wrote:If you have a suggestion, I recommend that it have pure manna from heaven flowing forth from its vagina to warrant posting it at this point in time.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by DaWhiskers »

This may sound like a silly question, but has anyone tried some of the existing scrolls with the wrong kind of item?

eg the looting scroll could add looting to a sword, but also be the same as fortune for a pick, fire aspect may add fire protection when added to armour instead?

Perhaps what the remaining missing scrolls have in common is that there is an existing scroll that is similar, but we're not applying it to the right item.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by Rake »

Has anyone discovered the unbreaking or efficiency scrolls yet? I'm down to my last enchanted mattock and I'd rather not use a fortune 3 mattock for building.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by matty79321 »

Well, knowing that FlowerChild was or is a student of the occult, as stated on the MCF, I would suspect that if you were to enchant the arcane scrolls with something else that's not a tool, or to enchant the arcane scrolls in the enchanting table (though that seems less likely) you could possibly, by altering the magic of the arcane scroll, change it to something else. I'm currently testing this, but that is what seems to be the case as everything else hasn't seemed to work.

Edit: remembered that in life (of an occultist/magician of some sort) some problems require mundane solutions, not magick. I'm going to try some stuff, then I'll be back.
Last edited by matty79321 on Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by SgtChuckle »

Alright, I've finally got it. I see the connection between some of the "missing" enchants for SFS gear. We've been extensively studying the elements recently, and have even discovered that the four "Nexus" areas (end portals and spawn) are each linked to a certain element. Now, look at the remaining enchants we have to get. Each one is tied to a certain element.
Fire: Fire Protection, Fire Bow
Water: Respiration, Aqua Affinity
Air: Feather Falling, Punch (?), Infinity (?)
Earth: Efficiency, Fortune, Unbreaking, Protection (?)

Enchants with a (?) next to them are ones that I'm unsure whether they belong to that element or not, but it seemed the right fit. Also, I couldn't think of a proper element to fit Power into, but my best guess would be Air as it seems like it could be linked to bows.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by Itamarcu »

SgtChuckle wrote:Alright, I've finally got it. I see the connection between some of the "missing" enchants for SFS gear. We've been extensively studying the elements recently, and have even discovered that the four "Nexus" areas (end portals and spawn) are each linked to a certain element. Now, look at the remaining enchants we have to get. Each one is tied to a certain element.
Fire: Fire Protection, Fire Bow
Water: Respiration, Aqua Affinity
Air: Feather Falling, Punch (?), Infinity (?)
Earth: Efficiency, Fortune, Unbreaking, Protection (?)

Enchants with a (?) next to them are ones that I'm unsure whether they belong to that element or not, but it seemed the right fit. Also, I couldn't think of a proper element to fit Power into, but my best guess would be Air as it seems like it could be linked to bows.

That's a nice theory. By the way, we also need Fire Aspect, which doesn't seem to be in the Nether.
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by Williamson »

Blazes drop Fire aspect, don't they?
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Re: [SPOILERS] 3.80 feature discovery thread

Post by matty79321 »

SgtChuckle wrote:Alright, I've finally got it. I see the connection between some of the "missing" enchants for SFS gear. We've been extensively studying the elements recently, and have even discovered that the four "Nexus" areas (end portals and spawn) are each linked to a certain element. Now, look at the remaining enchants we have to get. Each one is tied to a certain element.
Fire: Fire Protection, Fire Bow
Water: Respiration, Aqua Affinity
Air: Feather Falling, Punch (?), Infinity (?)
Earth: Efficiency, Fortune, Unbreaking, Protection (?)

Enchants with a (?) next to them are ones that I'm unsure whether they belong to that element or not, but it seemed the right fit. Also, I couldn't think of a proper element to fit Power into, but my best guess would be Air as it seems like it could be linked to bows.
To which element do you refer to for spawn? We already know fire covers the overworld, due to that fact that you can open a nether portal anywhere, Water, due to the fact that the SFS block sreams when touching water when placed in a certain stronghold, and we (or at least I) believe that Earth and Air are going to do the same as Water in future updates, each with their respective stronghold.
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