Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 20, 27/11

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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 15, 30

Post by gftweek »

Stormweaver wrote:
pi4t wrote:... I take it that 'mistake' was intentional?
If I'm not missing anything silly, then yes it was. I think...'steve' needs to progress to torturing souls in a more...logical manner than the tech tree really asks for.
Not sure if plot related
Looks like that gearbox is too close as well, it will catch fire there. Needs to be below the level of the fire or two blocks away at the same level.
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 15, 30

Post by Stormweaver »

gftweek wrote:
Not sure if plot related
Looks like that gearbox is too close as well, it will catch fire there. Needs to be below the level of the fire or two blocks away at the same level.
There are no adjacent air blocks for it to catch fire ^.^ thanks for worrying though.

It did take me a while to work out how I wanted that platform laid out tbh, but I didn't want it to be huge just for the sake of making fire, so I opted for covering the gearbox instead of moving it farther away.
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 15, 30

Post by gftweek »

Stormweaver wrote:There are no adjacent air blocks for it to catch fire ^.^ thanks for worrying though.

It did take me a while to work out how I wanted that platform laid out tbh, but I didn't want it to be huge just for the sake of making fire, so I opted for covering the gearbox instead of moving it farther away.
Ah, I always have maintenance shafts, and hence adjacent air blocks, didn't realise that enclosing it would protect it, nice to know.

Your updates always make me want to play MC again, but I'm trying to finish Fallout:NV before Skyrim is released!
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 15, 30

Post by Stormweaver »

gftweek wrote:
Stormweaver wrote:There are no adjacent air blocks for it to catch fire ^.^ thanks for worrying though.

It did take me a while to work out how I wanted that platform laid out tbh, but I didn't want it to be huge just for the sake of making fire, so I opted for covering the gearbox instead of moving it farther away.
Ah, I always have maintenance shafts, and hence adjacent air blocks, didn't realise that enclosing it would protect it, nice to know.

Your updates always make me want to play MC again, but I'm trying to finish Fallout:NV before Skyrim is released!
You people and your money to buy new games with -.-

I should have time to get the next one up tonight. See how things go.
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 15, 30

Post by gftweek »

Stormweaver wrote:
gftweek wrote:Your updates always make me want to play MC again, but I'm trying to finish Fallout:NV before Skyrim is released!
You people and your money to buy new games with -.-
Well thanks to MC, I have spent very little on games in the last year, and New Vegas was over 60% off, and Notch told me to buy Skyrim (plus a pre-order discount)!
Stormweaver wrote:I should have time to get the next one up tonight. See how things go.
Doh, so much for me making progress then!
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 15, 30

Post by Stormweaver »

gftweek wrote:
Stormweaver wrote:I should have time to get the next one up tonight. See how things go.
Doh, so much for me making progress then!
Nah, it won't be up tonight. I uploaded all the pics, then managed to delete the written part of it -.-

didn't realise till it was too late to ctrl-z. At any rate, I may stick the pics up in the OP for tonight, and re-do it tommorow, I'm kinda tired from having to fight that ghast fifity fucking times to get a screenshot of it dying -.- (and even that pic is pretty crap)
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Stormweaver »

You can thank my cat for this going up so early in the monring. Or you can skip that part and get onto reading a slightly more fleshed out chapter than that last. I mean, this one has ghasts! Well, you only get to see one of them.

Chapter 16!

I just can't understand this world. I suppose at first I thought it a construct of alchemy, an artificial world with simplilfied rules made; as I was told, to be a place to run to if things got bad. The more time I spend here....was it really made for that? Even if it was, why did it have to be so different?

And why is it starting to feel...right, that things are like this now?

I suppose it's been about a week since my failed attempt at stoking fire. This place seems to resist 'technology' as such; simple things, like making something spin around an axle is relitively difficult; the blade on the saw was a pain to get right even thought I was transmuting it into shape. Anything...magical, i suppose - on the other hand seems to happen with ease. I know the laws that govern this place are not the ones I'm used to, but I should still be able to apply them, right?

The week went by fairly quickly. Farming has left me with more food than I could ever want to eat, and yet I'm even growing sick of bread. A few days ago I transmuted a couple of cows - in hindsight, I'm surprised how little I thought about it before doing it again - but once the chickens were transformed, I suppose that I grew cold feet, and such I havn't had any of the beef I had thought of at first. The access to milk has been refreshing though, even if it tastes a little strange.



Twice I've seen spiders on the stairs from the old shelf. While I know them to be perfectly docile during the day, I don't want to risk them getting near my house...or anything else, for that matter. If Spiders can get up here, how long till zombies and creepers too? endermen? As such, I made a crude bow yesterday. I havn't tested it on a living - or unliving - target yet, but I used to be a pretty good shot, and I should at least be prepared to use all the arrows that had been shot at me on something.

I've still be heading down there to gather the remains of whatever appears, but It's getting a lot harder to make myself take those steps in the mornings. That odd stone is still just floating there, indestructible as always. Sometimes, out of the corner of my eye, I think I can see cracks in it's surface. I can't help but think if it were to actually break, that this whole place would break with it. I suppose it's time for me to go down there again now. Another day of nothing.


It's been another two days. The aggreators, or at least that's what I'll be calling them till I know more, have left me with a small fortune in matirials. It's certainly a lot better than spending countless hours breaking stone from that lava. I can't help but think about what they're actually doing though; are they really just accumulating glowstone dust onto what I put inside, or is it just becoming glowstone dust because of how I made them?

Thinking about glowstone dust has given me an idea, if indirectly. When I wanted better lighting, I was able to cook the stuff into a fairly solid filament. In it's new form it gives out a lot more light, and the filament itself is a lot more durable. Could the same work with the netherrack? If I could concentrate it in some way, or perhaps even come up with a continous method of igniting it, I might be able to stoke it without it going out.


It's gotten a bit late, but The sky looks clear; I can risk leaving the windmill's gears engaged for the night, I think. Since netherrack is so soft, a millstone should have a much better time of breaking it down than I could by hand. Just as well, since I spent the better part of the day preparing more of it. Anyway, I'll just get this thrown in and call it a night.

The next time I make a rock that looks almost alive, I should check to see if it actually is alive before sticking it in a millstone. I don't know when it started - I was able to get to sleep perfactly fine - but when I woke up this morning, I could hear screaming. I paniced, thought maybe someone else had arrived, and was being attacked...but only after running around with my new bow in arm did I realise those couldn't be human screams. I hurridly removed the remaining netherrack from the millstone; barely a quarter of what went in to begin with, and the screaming stopped. Can it really feel pain like that?


These nightmares are starting to get to me. They're not the vivid, almost memroy-like ones from before....these are confusing, darker...and now they have intermittent screams in them. I'm losing my mind, I really am.

I killed one of the cows today. The leather should come in useful - save me having to use zombie flesh at least - and the beef...I've never tasted something so good. Such a small thing to cheer me up on a day like today. I'm going to continue my research on the nethherack today, I think. So long as I avoid the millstone at least. If it's alive,. it's never shown any reaction to heat or liquid, so I should be fine going straight onto just trying to get it to form together in the cauldron.

Nothing. It obvously draws together, but whenever it does, something gets in the way, and visably pushes the clumps of dust apart. Whatever it is it's invisible, but perhaps this is the 'living' part that's been haunting my nightmares? And I suppose it stands to reason that if it can stop the ground netherrack from forming together, it could have been preventing the flames too. I need to figure a way of removing them...maybe then they'll leave my dreams alone too.


My thoughts on this were simple, if a little unfounded. Netherrack and soulsand were what that man called the two matirials that were forbidden to us. Now if this place was hell....could it have been that those things were...souls? At least if they're not, they're likely to be whatever 'soul sand' was named in reference to. Since they repel each other so much, I figure that there needs to be something that naturally occurs in the nether that absorbs them, ends them, or the whole place would break as time goes on, and soul sand...it's worth a try? It was simple enough to make. Taking the clue from the name, a bit of work with various matirials; in the end sand, rotten flesh and some glowstone, I've managed to systhesise a small pile of it, here on the platform furthest from my house. It's strange...but the way it drags at the things around it, even myself - I think I'm on the right track.

Next would be to filter out the 'souls'. It could be interesting if I could contain a few, seperated from thier netherrack, so I've prepared a hopper for this purpose.


The result; 'pure' netherrack I guess, thought it could use a better name. The...souls seem to protest a fair bit when they're filtered out, but just looking inside the box doesn't seem to show anything. I guess they really are just immatirial. Now I have some of this filtered netherrack, I'm going to go have lunch, and give some thought to how I can use it.

I suppose the best way to be certain that this will work will be to cover all the bases. I'm pretty sure that I can boil this dust down into something much like the filament, and the heat from an actual filament should be enough to light it. with that, I'd have a flame I can control at the flip of a switch, instead of having to waste good iron with a flint.


I'm glad I took my bow but...I had hoped not to see one of those things again. I don't know what they're called, but I saw enough of them covering the town with fire when I fled, back when this all began. Thankfully it seemed about as intellegent as anything else here - I was able to hide behind rubble and loose shots at it till it fell - but if I'd been somewhere else here, those fireballs could have done some serious damage. It appeared while I was filtering some more ground netherrack; the hopper simply destabalised and broke, and the next thing I heard was that...thing, and the gound, or perhaps this whole world was shaking around me. I don't know if you'd call it crying or screaming, but it clearly wasn't happy with me...could it have come from those...souls? At least I can understand why they'd be angry. The ground stopped moving when the last arrow found it's mark, but what was that?

I can still see the cracks in that rock out of the corner of my eye. What's going on?


I split the rest of the netherrack between a couple of hoppers; I managed to get a fair bit of the pure stuff, but it took longer that way. At least there were no more tenticle monsters. Cooking it slowly in the cauldron seems like the best bet. I know there shouldn't be anything left in it to make noise, but I'm going to leave for now, have an early night. And a late morning. If I knew how to transmute alcohol, it would be great to forget what happened today.

At least I'd woken up late. Half in fear of what I'll find I've put of going up to that platform till later, but I've got most of the work done; a stone slab with a filament embedded in it, with some of that concentrated netherrack applied to the top, it should work. Meanwhile, the hemp field seems to be fully grown again...


It was evening before I came up here, but in truth I'm not sure what I was worried about. The netherrack had clumped together in the cauldron as expected, and there were no random monsters around trying to kill me. Applying the new substance to the stone slabs was simple and lighting it was even easier. I tried extiguishing the flames to etst it, and it relit almost immediately; I think this is a success. With this, I should be able to make a furnace as hot as the fires of hell themselves, no matter how literal that sounds.

Fires of hell. Hellfire...it seems like a good name for this stuff.
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by pi4t »

Yay for cat! *thanks cat*
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by walker_boh_65 »

Very good, I really like how you are writing from "steve's" perspective, and giving his reasoning behind everything.
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Stormweaver »

walker_boh_65 wrote:Very good, I really like how you are writing from "steve's" perspective, and giving his reasoning behind everything.
I'm trying to, but reading back through it all it's kinda erratic :| Once this arc has finished, I'll probably go through and do minor edits to the whole lot, so it flows a little better for people reading it all in one go, and keeps steve's perspective on things consistent.
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Zhil »

There's some spelling mistakes that have been bugging me lately.

"matirial" should be "material"
"tenticle" should be "tentacle"
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Stormweaver »

Gilberreke wrote:There's some spelling mistakes that have been bugging me lately.

"matirial" should be "material"
"tenticle" should be "tentacle"
Bah. I make tons of typos when I'm on my laptop - and it's always dumb mistakes like that. I'm not sure why, but when I can't see the keyboard, I can't seem to spell >.>
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by darahalian »

Stormweaver wrote:
Gilberreke wrote:There's some spelling mistakes that have been bugging me lately.

"matirial" should be "material"
"tenticle" should be "tentacle"
Bah. I make tons of typos when I'm on my laptop - and it's always dumb mistakes like that. I'm not sure why, but when I can't see the keyboard, I can't seem to spell >.>
The typos really go along well with the whole business of Steve losing his mind, though, so I think they're excusable. But that's just my opinion...
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Kwilt »

darahalian wrote:
Stormweaver wrote:
Gilberreke wrote:There's some spelling mistakes that have been bugging me lately.

"matirial" should be "material"
"tenticle" should be "tentacle"
Bah. I make tons of typos when I'm on my laptop - and it's always dumb mistakes like that. I'm not sure why, but when I can't see the keyboard, I can't seem to spell >.>
The typos really go along well with the whole business of Steve losing his mind, though, so I think they're excusable. But that's just my opinion...
I've been saying that since about the fifth chapter.

When you're stranded on a floating island in a massive abyss, alone other than your dinner, I think spell check would be the least concern for your sanity.

Just as long as it didn't evloe itnio ugtsa givbberish, uI'bd bea haopeh. (That's "evolve into just gibberish, I'd be happy" for those who don't speak gibberish.)

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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Deepsniper »

Well his spelling is much better than mine :)
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by M!C »

darahalian wrote:
Stormweaver wrote:
Gilberreke wrote:There's some spelling mistakes that have been bugging me lately.

"matirial" should be "material"
"tenticle" should be "tentacle"
Bah. I make tons of typos when I'm on my laptop - and it's always dumb mistakes like that. I'm not sure why, but when I can't see the keyboard, I can't seem to spell >.>
The typos really go along well with the whole business of Steve losing his mind, though, so I think they're excusable. But that's just my opinion...
On the other hand when slowly going crazy like that people can develop an obsession with certain details of their daily live e.g. living on a strict schedule or concentrating on extreme correctness in writing ... ;)
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Stormweaver »

M!C wrote: On the other hand when slowly going crazy like that people can develop an obsession with certain details of their daily live e.g. living on a strict schedule or concentrating on extreme correctness in writing ... ;)
Yup. When steve goes a little more insane (quite soon!) he's going to go back through the journal and fix all of the typos. Yeah, I can even explain posting on these forums via plot device.

In related news, I finally got me a link to the EqEx pre-release (no, I'm not sharing it) So I'm gonna play around with that this evening so I know how I'll be tying the changes in.
PatriotBob wrote:Damn it, I'm going to go eat pumpkin pie while I still think that it tastes good.
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by pi4t »

M!C wrote:when slowly going crazy like that people can develop an obsession with ... concentrating on extreme correctness in writing
Hey! I have an obsession with concentrating on extreme correctness in writing! *Is worried*
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by pi4t »

Are we going to be seeing an update any time soon, Storm?
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Stormweaver »

pi4t wrote:Are we going to be seeing an update any time soon, Storm?
Tomorrow probably, been a bit busy in real life. That and that bloody harry potter fanfiction's given me a severe inferiority complex about writing >.<

Nah, I've got all the plot and everything set up (I think; working in how I'll be adapting to EE's been a mental bitch, but sorted now) so I just need to actually play some minecraft. And work out if it would be fitting to build a ton of aggrogators before updating EE.
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by jorgebonafe »

That and that bloody harry potter fanfiction's given me a severe inferiority complex about writing >.<
Link? Got me curious
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Stormweaver »

jorgebonafe wrote:
That and that bloody harry potter fanfiction's given me a severe inferiority complex about writing >.<
Link? Got me curious
Harry potter and the Methods of Rationality

There currently 70+ chapters, it's somewhat of a timesink. I was first linked to this chapter, which was what made me go and read it from the beginning. Happy reading?
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Dirdle »

Hmm, you have good taste. It's one of the better fanfics on the 'net, though it's a bit rationalist-preachy. If I didn't overwhelmingly agree with the author's reasoning, it might seem terrible. It IS pretty much hilarious though.

As to feeling inferior, you have a huge advantage on update speed :P. In the least pesterish possible way, I mean - MoR is just slooooooooooooooow.
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by Stormweaver »

Dirdle wrote:Hmm, you have good taste. It's one of the better fanfics on the 'net, though it's a bit rationalist-preachy. If I didn't overwhelmingly agree with the author's reasoning, it might seem terrible. It IS pretty much hilarious though.

As to feeling inferior, you have a huge advantage on update speed :P. In the least pesterish possible way, I mean - MoR is just slooooooooooooooow.
True...but I've just put this off again so it's not such a great advantage >.<

It'll be tommorow now. It's half done, but I cba playing anymore minecraft tonight :p
PatriotBob wrote:Damn it, I'm going to go eat pumpkin pie while I still think that it tastes good.
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Re: Witnessing the end - a minecraft Journal. Chapter 16, 31

Post by KriiEiter »

Oh god, I think I'm hooked on the HP fanfic now too. Drats!

Thanks for the link though.
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