New Lightning and Fire Mechanics, Old build

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New Lightning and Fire Mechanics, Old build

Post by PacoBelan »

So, I haven't been playing for the last few months and I saw that in the meanwhile a few new updates came out. Very cool! But, since my base mostly exists of wooden structures, I am a bit worried about the new lightning and new fire mechanics. So what are some good ways to make my base lightning proof? As I understand it, as longs as the highest block in a certain area is a non flamable block, there is no problem. So how much area does a block-made lightning rod (I don't have SFS atm) roughly cover? Kind of a gamey question, I know, but my walls also are made out of wood, so I need to cover a lot of area to prevent a chain reaction.
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Re: New Lightning and Fire Mechanics, Old build

Post by EpicAaron »

I don't know any specific numbers for lightning rods, but lightning rods will always protect their immediate area. I think 10 blocks out from the rod is a safe number from my observation. Other players will have more concrete information.

In terms of fire spread, however, here is a useful pic:
Courtesy of Dawnraider from the Vioki discord. Torches are pretty safe so long as there is no wood directly touching the air above a flame. Same for ovens. Be careful with campfires.
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Re: New Lightning and Fire Mechanics, Old build

Post by dawnraider »

Yeah campfires are the same as normal fire shown in that image for the spread.

As for lightning, IIRC 8 blocks out is guaranteed to be safe, while another 8 is likely to be safe unless something in that area is higher than the overlap block between the inner and outer radii, or if something outside the outer radius tracks to inside the outer radius, but outside the inner radius. Basically, lightning will pick a random location, then search up to 8 blocks away for a high point to strike. Then it will search up to 8 blocks AGAIN for a lightning rod. Thus 8 blocks of strong protection (if the first high point landed inside that inner radius), 8 blocks of weak protection, because if that outer radius was the original choice it may be protected, but not if the high point was found in the outer radius.

Really though, logs are the main concern for lightning. Everything else *should* be put out quickly by the rain, but logs will not.
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