Who (or what?) is Steve? Why is he here?

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Re: Who (or what?) is Steve? Why is he here?

Post by SterlingRed »

I would argue Steve is neither evil nor good. From what I see is Steve finds himself in a hostile world and is simply trying to survive and establish control and order over his own ability to live. I don't hold that the Nether or the End have special significance to the lore, merely that they are additional dimensions to which Steve can gain access in his pursuit of living. Steve has a creative scientific mind and pushes the limits of how to use the resources at his disposal in every way possible.

I think the important questions to ask are:
- Was Steve intentionally sent or did he accidentally arrive through some scientific experiment?
- Did the destruction centered around Steve's origin to the villages occur before or at Steve's initial arrival? If it occurred prior to Steve's arrival, it could be that Steve was sent as a result of the destruction and that he was not the cause.
- Along with the previous question, was Steve the cause of the villager zombie apocalypse?
- Steve cannot permanently die. Is he truly immortal or is his resurrection intentional? Almost in a, you haven't completed your mission so try again kinda way.
- Does Steve have an end goal or not? Is escape the goal or is control the goal or is fixing the original destruction of the villages the goal?

I suppose the question I'm trying to answer is: Is Steve a scientist, a prisoner, a destroyer of worlds, or a time/space traveling being attempting to make corrections to the space time continuum?
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Re: Who (or what?) is Steve? Why is he here?

Post by Yhetti »

I like to think that Steve is lost. Unaware of how he got where he is. I don't think Steve was banished because he has access to three dimensions, and he starts out in what seems to be normal reality.

I don't know if it's right to say that hardcore spawn is part of the game's story, I think that might solely be an aspect of the game that discourages death, I don't really want to say that Steve is immortal, he's just a regular Joe(or regular Steve?)

I think that something happened to the world (and steve?), and that what we experience playing the game is a post apocalyptic world, which explains the over world monsters but not the souls or magic.

I do think that the souls and magical aspects of the game have to do with whatever apocalyptic event happened, as we see remnants of a fallen civilization, intertwined with magical objects, when I see zombies and skeletons I see ex members of this civilization, infected by something. Villagers seem like savages who evolved from whatever was left of this civilization, they are still intelligent, but almost all signs of a civil society(language, technology) are gone, and they are left with small village tribes.

The only thing I feel my story is missing is the fact that Steve really seems evil, he is the bane of his world, he must destroy things to survive, but maybe that still fits, because whatever civilization did to cause the apocalypse couldn't have been all that "good."
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