New Release! (BTW V4.A4 Kiloblock Boon) - NO SPOILERS

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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.A4 Kiloblock Boon) - NO SPOILERS

Post by chaoticneutral »

Wow, the new interface is amazing!

I know this isn't a feedback thread, but I love how easy it is to see the available trades, and when they give the villager XP or a level up. The arrows only popping up when the trade is ambiguous is also a neat detail.

Thanks for the release, FlowerCh...
-Fixed problem that was causing Jungle Spiders to spawn in fewer numbers than they should have. You're welcome.
You sadist!!! :)
--Who do you think you are, War?
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.A4 Kiloblock Boon) - NO SPOILERS

Post by FlowerChild »

chaoticneutral wrote:Wow, the new interface is amazing!
Awww, thanks man! I was quite pleased with how it turned out.

Maybe not exactly what I would have designed from scratch, but in terms of "bang for the buck" in reworking the existing design and code, I think it turned out quite well :)
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.A4 Kiloblock Boon) - NO SPOILERS

Post by Psion »

man, i get depressed over how lacking minecraft modpacks are in challange so peek back here and see two! updates in a short time? i feel as giddy as i did when i saw hiatus x hiatus posting new manga chapters out! (hunter x hunter - most amazing manga i've read, but the creator has had to deal with continuing health issues.)

coming from a modpack binge, i have to say that some harsh changes were in store. a ton of them were pleasant. no journeymap lagging me down, no info interfaces popping up everywhere (WAILA, ingameinfo XL, journey map, item zoom), and no overpowered items in 10 minutes, (though to be fair, modern skyblock 2 expert mode is the first modpack in a while to make me want to cry....but not because of the harsh enviornment. more because making a tinker furnace requires redstone ingots from calculator which requires empowered redstonium, which requires botania, which requires lapis, which requires steel, which get the idea. don't get me started on making a bucket.)

i had a huge laugh when loading up BTW from the launcher takes 2 seconds as opposed to a modpack taking 5 minutes+, and loading up your singleplayer world also takes 2 seconds instead of 20. i allocated 8G to a modpack to avoid (most) lag issues, and allocated 3G to BTW and.... 240MB used. while raining. in hilly country. <_< i can probably afford to use more memory, FC. i feel like a smartphone could easily run BTW as it is now. and extra hilarity ensued when i went to change the controls.... and it all fit in one page. with modpacks i wind up spending the first 10 minutes removing a ton of hotkeys and changing 1308038501 others.

a few changes were a little trouble, mainly because i'd gotten so used to living with things like fast leaf decay, and crafting tweaks. i do think the normal leaf decay adds more to the experience though, makes you plan out which trees to cut ahead of time before the days up so you don't run out of precious saplings. i do admit missing some of those handy buttons to spread items over grid, and autosort button though. XD

as far as the new changes go, i'm loving it so far! i'm excited to see you have plenty of wiggle room now to implement things. one of my favorite games, Final fantasy XI, suffered from something similar with running out of IDs for their own designs, and it's really put a damper on what they can do with their own game mechanics when they can't add more new spells or newly designed areas. can't wait to see what you can do now that you're unleashed in that regard!

With the last few updates to the game, i have to say that swamps are nearly as terrifying now as jungles and oceans. i didn't feel that way at first, but then i made the mistake of staying overnight in one. i fought hordes of the newly evil slimes only to be ganked from behind by a witch assassin. every mob in general is terrifying in this game. only in BTW do i try to avoid or run at the first sight of any mob instead of poke it for a piece of string or bones. hardcore stump in general really hit me hard when i started in a extreme hills biome. i had over a stack of saplings growing and after two minecraft weeks i was only getting 2 trees a day on average, making wood a precious resource. i actually felt relief respawning in a forest when i finally died to....trying to outrun a spider when coming out of my hideyhole and falling through a crack into a lava lake. ._.; though i DID lose an iron axe and pick.

Mega props to all the hard work you've done and continue doing, FC!

::edit:: having had a couple close calls with hoofsies while hunting and an even closer call with a hungry wolf stalking me on the treetops without food ready on my hotbar, i can now add forests to my list of biomes of terror.
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.A4 Kiloblock Boon) - NO SPOILERS

Post by FlowerChild »

Thanks for that write up of your experiences man! It's really gratifying to know that people are still enjoying the mod so much after all this time.
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.A4 Kiloblock Boon) - NO SPOILERS

Post by Destinu »

OMG! Dude, you're a genius, seriously. I love BTW too much. I may have played a few hundred if not thousands of games in life, and I've never encountered one that holds me as much as BTW. So, thank you very much, I really wanted to live in your country, so that one day I could give you personal thnak you. Again, u are a genius.
I'm definitely not worried about -.- not at all.
( sorry for my bad english)
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