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Post by kazerima »

Came across this: ... urvival-rp in my facebook feed earlier today. What do you guys think?
Does $13-15 seem reasonable for what's already on the table?
Do you think this guy can handle the development?
How similar is his aim to the spirit behind Better Than Wolves?
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Re: Solace?

Post by Taleric »

Looks ok for that price.

I was be hessitant unless I knew it had off line single player.

Tough thing is they are entering a saturated market for the play type. Most of the titles they cite inspired them, 7DtD, Empyrion ect, are still progressing and take up a ton of play time before the final release.
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Re: Solace?

Post by Zhil »

From watching the video, it seems highly unlikely he's got the game design chops to make this interesting, but I could be wrong.

I base this on the fact that he keeps mentioning "more options is more fun. Freedom is more fun. Etc". He even mentions that he doesn't want to limit how skills interact, even if it means balance suffers, because freedom is better.

Now, the type of game he's creating, with infinitely scaling difficulty (the farther from spawn, the higher the monster level is), does mean balance is less important and interactions are more important, so maybe there's something to it. I'm scared, however, without proper game design chops, that this will create Fallout-esque bullet sponges and lots of grind, instead of interesting gameplay.

That said, I do support his philosophy to creating games and wish him the best of luck.

(PS, he really needs to fix that running animation, who the hell runs with his feet spaced apart like that :D)
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Re: Solace?

Post by Psion »

while i can't say too much about this, i will say this guy seems to be on top of things so far. he's gotten this far with just free time after his normal job, which shows a sign of both dedication and a love for making this game. he also has a breakdown of costs for the funding, how much he needs for various things and why, which is another positive mark for him.

things like running animations looking wonky i won't count against him yet, simply because it's pre-alpha, and the whole point at this stage is more mechanics than aesthetics. i will say though, the world looks surprisingly natural with the terrain. those mountains actually look interesting instead of just plopped onto a plain. there's some visual improvements to be made, but the bones look promising to me.
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