Fallen London

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Fallen London

Post by Racooknight »

is an internet browser game, which'll see you walk the streets of Fallen London, a 19th century-ish London that has, well, fallen through the ground and that now rests in gigantic caverns heated by subterran volcanoes. Or are those giants that periodically belch magma ? No one really knows.

Sell your soul to devils, or sell those of other people. Meet squishy squid-headed rubbery men, and don't get a thing of what they're trying to tell you because, well, they don't have a mouth. Charm a young jewel-thief, and use the diamond he gave you to finance an archeological expedition into the mysterious forgotten quarter, where traces of the fourth, third and second cities still lie, buried under rubbles.

This game is a story-driven "grinding" game : you get 1 action point every 10 minutes, and you can use it wherever you want. Each action has a more or less complicated description which belongs to a whole story, and there are many stories allready implemented. Like 5000 or something, I don't know the numbers.


Feel free to request friends with Racooknight. I will enjoy killing you. It's good fun, after all, since you'll come back and kill me in good sport ! Yeah, something is wrong with death in Fallen London. It's kind of not working.
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