Share your hardcore hunger stories

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Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by dawnraider »

My story:
On the first day, I was scrambling to get food, so I didn't notice the time. I noticed it getting dark, and just hoped to make aneasy stand like I had done before many times. I overestimated my power. Soon after the sun set, I was chased into a tree by a pack of about 6 or 7 zombies. They pathfinded (pathfound?) up to me in single file, easily dispatched. There was a spider that tagged along with the pack, but he stayed at the base of the tree, unable to get to me. Then, I heard the sound of a skeleton. It shot me out of the tree, right onto the spider. I somehow managed to survive with 3 hearts left by kiting the mobs around the tree, taking jabs at them then hiding. Fortunately I had sufficient food on me to keep hunger up, but the impacts of low health still got to me. Fortunately, all the mobs in the area had already tried to kill me, so I was safe. It was some of the most fun I've had in MC for a long time. At the time of writing this I am about half health (damn you heal slowly), still standing in the tree, waiting for dawn.

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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by FlowerChild »

Awesomeness. As a big fan of these stories, I heartily approve of this thread as a repository for them :)
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Pseudosavior »

My story:
Started a brand new world to see just how much the difficulty was ramped up from vanilla or even pre-HCH play. I had no idea the pandora's box I opened.

Spawned in a forest biome, pigs galore, so I murdered as many as I could to get a good supply of starting food, but I knew my resources wouldn't last me long. Obviously chopped down enough trees for the necessary items, cooked my meat, constructed plenty of stone tools, especially swords. Swords seemed much more important, now that you really need to kill those livestock quick, and because without them, the mobs can really fuck you over when you get to low health (which we'll definitely get to.)

Night was almost upon me, so I decided to try to survive on the surface, and kill mobs to get loot to survive the next day. Killed a few, but those skeletons were pretty much the bane of my existence at that point and got me down to injured (which is a really nice touch, feels less meta than saying "x amount of hearts".) Quickly dug myself a shelter and let myself (slowly) recover. When I heard the sounds of burning flesh and charring bones, I knew it was morning, so I went out to find spiders to get myself a fishing pole.

Had to fend myself off from a creeper, and was able to keep him at distance, but I totally did not hear the other one behind me. Boom.

So I spawned the next time in a plains, near a desert. Got REALLY lucky with a temple, and found 11 iron and 42 gold ingots, not to mention 9 powder kegs. I was able to farm enough trees and beef and leather from the nearby areas to last me a good couple of days, so I set out to find a village to make a more permanent base. Trekked over sapping sands and swamps, had to kill slimes and run from a witch, probably a good 1000 or so blocks away from where I spawned, it felt. Made it to an ocean and found another plains, which had a village.

I was extremely happy to find all three crops there, so I set up a base, stored all my goodies (all four saplings, cocoa beans, iron, gold, and various other things). Lured some pigs over to a pit to breed, locked the villagers in their houses and night was falling. I made the mistake of thinking that a leather/gold combo of armor would defend me from skeletons. Nope. Died, probably 4000 blocks from spawn.


So, while it sucked to die, I really didn't feel sour about it. I mean, before today, I didn't play with HCS on, so it was an experience of both Hunger and Spawning, hardcore style. Overall, the experience was a great one, and definitely gave me a sense of purpose that I didn't feel before needing to travel so far for the resources just to START to progress.

Two thumbs up.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Shengji »

It was dawn. Tired of the constant roaming, the purposeless nomad lifestyle that seemed to be my fate whilst trapped in this hellish land, I climbed down from the tree I had sheltered in and scanned for creepers.

Seeing none, I set about constructing a log cabin. The hunger gnawed at me, a knife in my belly. My meat supply was low, I was going to have to kill again. I took no pleasure in the grim task, it had to be done and so soon enough, the corpses of ten cows lay at my feet. I collected their skins and flesh, enough to feed me for days and clothe me for months.

The cabin was soon constructed and while I constructed a monster and spider proof fence around the outside, snow started to fall. It coated the roof of my new home and looked as pretty as a picture. Maybe life here wouldn't be so bad after all. Would I even want to return to home?
I spent that evening collecting sand. I had half a notion to try to make glass from it. After decent meal I noticed that I had actually put on a little of the weight I had lost, you could hardly make out my ribcage at all. Night fell and as the moon rose, I watched with satisfaction as the bloated spiders wallowed and flailed pathetically around my fence. A lone creeper, his head covered in a fresh sprinkling of snow watched me soullessly. Approaching the fence agitated him, so I went indoors, to sleep in my new bed.

I lay back, my eyes were heavy. I was safe and could sleep properly for the first time in weeks. I started to drift off when all of a sudden, I started awake. I was a fool, an absolute fool. I had spent the day building this home, but had stripped the immediate vicinity of all food in doing so. How could i have let this fantasy blind me to the truth. I would have to move on when the food gets too scarce in this area, unless...

An idea formed in my mind. I was too excited to sleep so I jumped out of bed and stepped out into the cold, clear night air. Scraping back the snow revealed the grey-brown grass, which I scratched around in, searching for seeds. There must be something edible around here, something I could cultivate. I would become a farmer!

I found seeds aright, from a tough fibrous plant which seemed completely inedible. I kept them anyway, if I could just encourage them to grow up a beanpole, I could grow them tall enough to turn their fibres into string, something better than the putrid webbing's of the giant spiders. I would have to search elsewhere for an edible plant though, I decided I would set out due East towards the warmer plains I had glimpsed. There would be animals to sustain me as I crossed in search of a grain I could sustain myself with permanently.

As I stepped out from the protective fence I had build only yesterday, I realised how important this place was. It was a place of safety, a place where a single lapse in concentration wouldn't spell death. It was a place I could relax and plan. With a safe location, shelter and plentiful food, I could live, not just survive. I took a plank, spare from yesterdays construction. I hammered it into the fence and, as nicely as I was able carved the word "Home" into it. It may sound mad, but I promised it that I would return, sooner rather than later.

My journey east was difficult at first, the dark conifers quickly gave way to the thicker deciduous trees. Creepers slunk from shadow to shadow and skeletons took pot-shots at me from between the trees. I had brought my sword with me, a sharpened length of iron which had proven effective at beating back the monsters. It was on the frail side though and knowing I was unlikely to just stumble on any more ore on the surface I used a stout stick of wood to clear monsters from my path.

As the sun rose, the monsters disappeared and my pace drastically increased. Even so, it took until the evening until I reached the plains. I was tired and hungry and shocked to discover that the plains were devoid of animal life. I ate the meagre meal I had brought with me, cursing myself for not bringing more. I had brought a shovel of all things, what was I thinking! The shovel did save some time in making a hilltop defensible for the night with a simple ditch and wall made from mud. It turned out to not be spider proof, so I spent yet another night fending off the monstrosities.

The morning came and I was weak with the nights exertion. I had broken my stick into splinters on the bloated bodies of the spiders so I drew my sword and set about the tricky task of dislodging the creepers who had filled my ditch. They screamed silently at me as I beat their helpless faces into mush from the safety of my wall. When the last one was nothing more than dust I hopped down to examine the long grass which grew abundantly across the plains.

Nothing. I couldn't believe it. I spent the day methodically working my way east cutting the grass and examining the seeds. Well, I call it grass, this stuff was rhizomous and inedible, more like an iris with long thin leaves. Any grass which did grew with it was the same flat stuff that I found under the snow at home.

The sun had just set and I looked up from my task to find shelter. I saw that I had reached the edge of a vast desert, but more than that, deep in the desert, on the horizon, I could make out a shape. A triangular shape just like that of a roof. There was more too, a church steeple. A feeling of euphoria overtook me. I rushed towards it. My mind screamed at me to stop, to hide and shelter for the night but my heart ruled me at that moment. The desert crawled with beasts and monsters but I rushed headlong towards the buildings.

Then I saw it. I recognised it immediately and all those childhood memories came back to haunt me. The Enderman had found me. I knew the rules, I had chanted them to myself every night as I lay in my childhood bed, eyes squeezed shut. Don't look at the Enderman and he won't look at you. Don't look at the Enderman and he won't look at you. Don't look at the Enderman and he won't look at you. But now, here I was looking at the Enderman. And the Enderman was looking at me.
He was angry. In his lanky arms he held a cactus. His mouth was open and he was frothing and spitting, trembling with hatred. What was he even doing here? How had he found me. I stared at him, transfixed in his gaze. I tried to convince myself that I was an adult now, the Enderman hadn't visited my room for decades. I thought back to what my mother had told me, that monsters would leave if you sang a happy song. I croaked out a few lines of a childhood favourite. But the Enderman did not leave.

I remembered the long words Doctor Phelpstein had used when he described why I saw him to my parents. Words like "Moral Degenerate" and "Wayward Imagination". I wondered if his suggestion of Immersion Therapy or Laudanum, whatever that was would have ever worked. My mother refused to allow me to take it or let me see the doctor again. But surely it would have been worth a try I used to argue but that just made her cry.

Not having or even knowing what laudanum was, I pushed the thoughts from my mind. I could hear a zombie behind me, its weeping wounds drowning whatever words it tried to utter. If I didn't move now, it would surely have me.

The adult in me took over. I tightened my grip on my sword, stepped forward and swiped at the Enderman. As my sword was about to contact his black skin, he vanished. The blade passed through thin air where he had stood just a moment earlier. As he disappeared, I heard that noise that had terrified me as a little boy. I looked all around. The Enderman was nowhere to be seen, but the zombie too close for comfort. My sword shattered against it, but it stumbled back. I ran for the village. I could see figures, humans watching me from the outskirts. If I could get there, I would have food and safety for the night.

Thunk. I heard the arrow puncture my chest. Then I saw it, sticking out from me. Following the angle that it protruded from, I saw the bony horror who had launched it. It was stringing another arrow to it's bow. Every move it made forced it's bones to grind together with a scrape. I struggled on towards the village and it was only then i felt the excruciating pain that made my vision swim. A second arrow pierced my back, staggering me and taking my breath away. I could see the human figures rushing towards me from the village. I just had to climb up a slight slope to reach safety.
Thunk. Another arrow knocked me to the floor. I heard the horror clicking it's jaw. It was laughing. I couldn't get up the hill. I couldn't see the village, only darkness. I could hear only the clicking of bones.

Thunk. As I looked up the last arrow pierced my eye, tearing my brain from my skull and killed me. This death, the first of many began the strange events which led to....

-- Torn extract from book found in ancient ruins
-- Author unknown
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by wirer »

wow. this would actually be interesting to pop into a book and quill.

have yet to try out HC hunger, but i forsee a lot of flesh eating. will post my own antics if i encounter any. we should write this stuff down!
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by SpaceGuyR »

First day trying it, new world:

Started in a jungle. Got a few logs, stone tools, etc. to begin with. You start losing hunger really quickly now you don't start the first day with full saturation, so I decided to use dirt slab ramps everywhere. Got hurt by a skeleton underground getting coal, then found a couple pigs to fill the bar again. (Cooked porkchop: +1/2 bar fat) I went exploring one direction by boat, seeing a swamp and taiga forest, useful later I guess. (Wolf didn't take the one bone I had)

Turning round, I was looking at the jungle and saw a chicken (finally) and then my first temple! (seen them in videos but not ingame ever) Since I was already down a few food bars I rushed towards it, overextended and got shot by two skeletons.

Next spawn: Helpfully, it's close to morning. Extreme Hills, jungle + chicken close by. Maybe I'm next to the temple again.

Definitely had me thinking differently than normal, I probably won't go underground at all until I have enough supplies. I do want to work out this "Hurt" "Dying" mechanic (in my last second I was moving slowly, maybe it affects other things)

EDIT: I found a lot more: wheat and potatoes (currently hiding in a village), pumpkins and chickens. Should be able to put something together (haven't got the temple yet, should have redstone) but you'll need some kind of meal production to even survive in a field.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Rugaard »

it would be interesting if some of these diary like posts appeared in minecraft written in books in the numerous chests that litter the world
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by UnresponsiveIcon »

My experience with the new update:

Walked out of base-
Died before next day-

Crippling injuries really took me by a surpirse.
I am properly terrified of skeletons now, I love it.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by magikeh »

Shengji wrote:-snip-
My god man, that was beautiful! Such an elegant way to describe the new challenges of HCH, can not wait for more! ^_^/
Magical Shit
Syruse|Work: i like magic shit
MagikEh: ...
MagikEh: >.>
MagikEh: <.<
»» MagikEh walks to the bathroom
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Syruse|Work: wait
MagikEh: xD
Syruse|Work: fuck
Syruse|Work: NO
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Shengji »

magikeh wrote:
Shengji wrote:-snip-
My god man, that was beautiful! Such an elegant way to describe the new challenges of HCH, can not wait for more! ^_^/
I'm no writer, not even close but it was fun to be a bit creative!
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Gunnerman21 »

I updated my world to 4.60 and started testing how HCH works. First i got really fat and had a ton of trouble burning it all off, then i tried starving myself. It was then that i went into my mineshaft for no apparent reason, and found a skeleton waiting for me... Now with my hunger at 2 bars(?) I quickly learned i could not jump up and out, meanwhile the skeleton had gotten two shots off as i frantically smash the spacebar. But then remembering that i was carrying food to test hunger, i rapidly ate a sandwich and punched the skeleton off the edge of the shaft, down to his death.

Definitely some exciting times ;)
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by dawnraider »

Shengji wrote:
magikeh wrote:
Shengji wrote:-snip-
My god man, that was beautiful! Such an elegant way to describe the new challenges of HCH, can not wait for more! ^_^/
I'm no writer, not even close but it was fun to be a bit creative!
I beg to differ. That was beautiful. And a good story, too!
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Gabecraft1234 »

I went in to the nether portal armed with:

1.) sharpness I diamond sword
2.) power I bow
3.) 50 rotted arrows
4.) full protection I iron armor
5.) 3 buckets of milk
6.) 16 steak and 3 sandwiches

I was pretty much as well equipped as one can be at the initial journey into the nether stage of the game.

I was lucky enough to have my portal deposite me ~30 blocks form a stronghold.

I went in fairly confidant . . . aaaaaand . . . was quickly and mercilessly butchered.

After a turning a couple of corners in the nether stronghold I found my first wither skeleton. Easily dispatch from a distance with my bow. Now I came out into the open over a vast lava lake and was confronted by 4 more wither skeletons. 2 died to my bow and the other 2 to my sword, but the last had given me the dread disease. Now I was "hurt" and as I tired to retreat to the safety and drink my soothing milk at the same time I became crippled. Now at three hearts but disease free I was unable to sprint and the distant blazes taking pot shots at me were now able to land a hit. Unable to extinguish myself or move I died an agonizing death by fire.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Crazylemon64 »

So today, I decided to try out 4.61, since Hardcore hunger was just introduced and it seemed like an exciting early-game obstacle.

Food for me wasn't an issue, even though I spawned in the middle of a tundra. The numerous pigs and cows gave plenty of excess food and I was able to stash some extras in my various night shelters. I recall stumbling into a forest, looking for better food sources, when I found red mushrooms. Now, I know the red mushrooms look just like toadstools, a well-known poisonous fungus, but out of curiosity, I nibbled one anyway. Let's just say I now know why you no longer put the red mushrooms in the soup.

Anyways, with all the people remarking how scary skeletons are in HCH, I established numerous nomadic night shelters. It was the first time I did so, and I'm glad I did. Even with scarce resources, I was able to decorate the little shacks with what made them seem a little more substantial and structured. It was a nice way to pass the time, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it later when I stumble upon these forgotten caches. In fact, with mushrooms being so easy to access and farm, I set up a small mushroom farm in one of my shelters to while away the night.

One of my favorite experiences so far was stumbling upon a dungeon in the desert. In the dungeon chest, I found a loaf of bread. For the pre-village early game, that was luxury food, and I made a couple sandwiches and gave myself cheers.

Of course, as I was walking through a forest, I didn't look where I was going and I fell into a ravine and died. Still, it was fun nonetheless and I appreciate how FC now makes us really appreciate the things in minecraft we normally take for granted.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by tom_savage »

I apologize, but I have no exciting stories of death due to HCH. I enjoyed how it elongated the game startup time. It felt like the old minecraft, no longer did I have the luxury of taking time to build a nice wooden cabin the first day. I scrambled to slaughter some animals, cut some trees, and plant some hemp. Intro nostalgia, I had to build a dirt hut. Night time was spent mining whilst my food cooked with charcoal from trees, and praying for coal. I will note that due to hunger issues, starting the game by mining a stairwell to bedrock is nigh impossible at the beginning. Rinse, repeat, profit. Hunt, Gather, Farm, Cook, Mine. Also, if you find pumpkins, you're set.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Six »

tom_savage wrote:I apologize, but I have no exciting stories of death due to HCH. I enjoyed how it elongated the game startup time. It felt like the old minecraft, no longer did I have the luxury of taking time to build a nice wooden cabin the first day. I scrambled to slaughter some animals, cut some trees, and plant some hemp. Intro nostalgia, I had to build a dirt hut. Night time was spent mining whilst my food cooked with charcoal from trees, and praying for coal. I will note that due to hunger issues, starting the game by mining a stairwell to bedrock is nigh impossible at the beginning. Rinse, repeat, profit. Hunt, Gather, Farm, Cook, Mine. Also, if you find pumpkins, you're set.
Either dig a 4 high angled tunnel to bedrock, then craft stairs to place as you go back up, or gather enough wood first to make ladders for a shaft straight down. You'll likely still need some food to get by with those, but removing the jumping to get back up GREATLY reduces hunger loss.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Six »

So I just got my first real taste of HCH (excuse the pun). Picture story time.

This all started while I was out mapping, having completed 4 full 2km by 2km maps so far without any deaths. I came upon this little place and was jumping around it to try and see who's it was:
By the size of that frame, I guess Battosay?
I started riding the aqueduct down to that roof to look for any signs. But actually no, that waterflow branches off to the left and pushed me over an edge where I fell to my death.

I respawned just at the start of night, quickly made a wood sword and boat, then killed a nearby cow. Jumping into my boat in a nearby pond / river, two spiders came charging at me from nowhere and a fierce high-seas battle took place.
Aha! I had two string, now I could fish and my food worries would be gone! I set about to spend the rest of the night stocking up on fish.
This is going to be great, right chicken buddy?
But then I remembered why I hate fishing so much. Client lag + server lag + sound lag = 1 fish. Anyway, at dawn I set off to try and see if anything was nearby.
Note the one extra chicken
Finding a zombie in the trees still, and literally fumbling for my sword (the 1 key), I managed to turn off my gui and aparently also took this screenshot.
I did not even know this was in here
My hunger by this time had dropped to hungry, so I went about getting some stone to cook up what little food I'd gathered. I also made some halfslabs from extra stone to cut down on jumping.
Hungry hungry hunger
Also grabbed some of the iron down here for later
Still not having seen any landmarks around the place, I decided I'd need a compass. Looking around I found a ravine which would get me half way to redstone, so I broke a channel of water and headed down.
Seems legit
Who needs ladders anyway?
Down the bottom there were a surprising number of chickens, so I cooked up the iron I had from earlier and slaughtered the lot. By this point I'd eaten most of the things I'd cooked earlier.
Here chicky chicky chicky
The state of my inventory at this point
Night was falling, I had an iron sword, iron pick and a few torches (though less wood that I would have liked), so I decided it was time to head downward for my redstone.
Darkness approaches
However just into the darkness at the end of the ravine...
The creeper, zombie and skeleton were being held back by the waterflow I'd let down, so I was mildly safe. Then I noticed the skeleton shoot the creeper, so I couldn't pass this chance up. Ducking in and out I managed to get the skeleton to kill the creeper while trying to shoot me.
Despite the appearances, that arrow hit me
I ducked back to some more food I had cooking, waited to heal up some, and leaped in at the remaining zombie and skeleton. The zombie fell quickly, but of course the skeleton was doing the vanilla bug where it was half sunk into the floor. His shots and knock back wounded me, and as I went for the killing blow an arrow left me crippled. I ineffectively made grunting noises while poking it with my sword, till the last arrow hit.
I could in no way pass up the chance for record, right?
Knowing that was entirely my own fault, and I should have just turned the other way and dug a safe path down to redstone, I clicked respawn to see what my second attempt had in store for me...
Oh, well that is no fun
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by FlowerChild »

Six wrote:Oh, well that is no fun would appear that people are now cursing me for my respawn shacks instead of thanking me ;)

I must say though, it was rather pleasant for me to see the snow on the slabs indicating the direction to spawn there. That wasn't possible when I built that :)
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Six »

FlowerChild wrote:
Six wrote:Oh, well that is no fun would appear that people are now cursing me for my respawn shacks instead of thanking me ;)

I must say though, it was rather pleasant for me to see the snow on the slabs indicating the direction to spawn there. That wasn't possible when I built that :)
That's the first time I've actually used that shack for a respawn, but about the fifth time I've spent the night in it. That shack is like my second home.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Equitis1024 »

So I've been home for spring break and yesterday my little brother finally agreed to try out Better than Wolves. I hadn't played around with the latest updates, so neither of us were entirely sure what to expect.

The removal of wheat drops completely changed how we approached the early game. At first things went fairly smoothly. We slaughtered most of the nearby cows and and began preparing for an eventual expedition to find a village or other renewable source of food. Things started to derail when a quick mining operation for iron turned into a half-hour ordeal of being stalked by a pair of angry endermen. With hardcore spawn making death a much more threatening possibility, my brother was tempted to switch to peaceful mode. However, he admitted that he was actually having quite a bit of fun, and despite a few terrifying close calls we eventually managed to escape the howling creatures. But the extra time and energy that we spent underground meant that we had exhausted most of our food supply, and we were quickly forced to begin the nomadic life. We spent daytime traveling overland and nighttime sailing around the coast, but after an hour we had still failed to find a village or even accumulate a decent stockpile of meat.

And then my brother spotted a massive herd of cattle on a riverbank beneath a hill. It was nighttime, but the allure of beef overcame the fear of mobs and we moved in anyway. After a tense fight against all manner of monsters, in which crippling shots from skeletons nearly caused me to drown in the river, we finally prevailed. As my brother claimed our prize in steak and leather, he happily declared that Better than Wolves was indeed much, much more fun than vanilla Minecraft after all.

So yeah, Hardcore Hunger is brilliant.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by FlowerChild »

Woot! Another convert :)
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by JakeZKAM »

My first sight of this blocky, beautiful world was one of the sun rising from the void. It was a wonderful sight to behold and was soon replaced with a jarring shudder as my world started to create itself. Before my eyes the ground was laid, life grew forth, andmy own atoms screamed at me with rage as a body was formed around what I assumed was myself. If in had voice I would have screamed in agony but the only thing I could manage to do was look down as I shifted and jittered out of the ground.

Suddenly it was over, and I looked around at my surroundings. Large mountains towered overhead, their overhangs and crevices defying gravity itself. Fat pink creatures snorted and shuffled along the ground. A nagging voice inside my head called them something... Pigs I believe. I had lost track of time observing my surroundings, and I felt a slight pang from within me. I felt an ache and the voice came back again repeating one word, food.

I needed sustenance, I needed food. Slowly walking towards the pig it shifted it's head towards me and wrinkled its nose. With a pang in my heart I uttered a sorry and wrung its neck until it was dead. I harvested its useful flesh and balked at how little was useful. The other pigs continued trotting around, not even noticing their fallen companion. I gagged a little at what I planned but nevertheless charged at the remaining pigs, beating them bloody and harvesting each one.

I fled from the bloody scene, knowing I had to keep moving if I wanted to live. I found a tree and fully realized my strength by bringing it down with my bare hands. I crafted a couple clubs and tools to use for obtaining other materials, and set off on a journey west, slaughtering and eating as I went.

Many days were spent like this, killing and consuming countless animals while avoid the most retched monsters imaginable. After several days I found what I believe to be hope, a collection of buildings in the desert! I thought I had found safety, and more importantly someone who could explain yo me what was going on. Instead I found mindless drones, only intent on trading and keeping all knowledge to themselves. As I had nothing to trade, I pillaged their crops and set off again in search of something more.

During my travels I grew weary of the constant running and settled in a slightly snowy cleared area in the middle of a forest. I build a small home, mine, and started growing some food from the plants I had discovered before. I was content in this life... Until the food ran out.

I should have built a mine that was less exhausting. I should have, picked a better location for a house. My fault that I didn't make a larger farm, why didn't I know it wouldn't grow fast enough. I shouldn't have stopped moving, because of that I slowly withered away in my snowy house as the monsters outside tried their hardest to get at me.

But this wasn't the end of it. After letting go of my last breath my atoms screamed once more, like many months before as I was reborn again into this world. As I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar environment, I let out a pitiful moan as a small pig stared back at me, taunting me in my own personal hell.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by MrPlatypus »

Very well written JakeZKAM! I was just about to write my own story, but after seeing yours I think I should write a rough draft first... Haha, anyways thanks for the story and good luck on finding a village!
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by Moldiworp2 »

Travelling to new lands on my trusty pig (which is now my only effective means of transport because I'm a proud fat man), well stocked with food and looking for a picturesque place to call my own. See a hill in the distance, decide to travel closer to get a clear view. Nice forest bordering desert on other side, looks ideal. As I admire the scenery, it starts thundering a skellie starts me. I get half way down the hill to see a creeper coming from the side. I get off my pig to use my bow on the creeper, but he gets too close and explodes, sending me 3 steps down the hill. The skellie had just now come in to range, and forced me further down the hill into a copse of trees. I now am sitting inside one of said trees, waiting for the blackness and terrors to leave me alone. This ordeal should leave me skinny enough to climb that hill too, and get back my steed.
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Re: Share your hardcore hunger stories

Post by dawnraider »

On a world I was playing with my friend, we were making a small 5x5 quarry to bedrock, but about 20 blocks down we descended directly on top of a gigantic 10-15 wide and easily 40 blocks deep ravine, probably more than 150 blocks long, I haven't explored very far down, and we came through the middle. No walls next to the mine, nothing. So we built a glass observation platform and proceeded to make cobble pathways crossing and running along the sides of the ravine, with stairways and ladders connecting them (it looks pretty badass, I would post pics but I do not have computer access right now). I have started to explore the caves. Three times I have gotten down to crippled and once down to dying, and a lot to the less major injury levels. I fell down from a lower path to the floor, putting me only at hurt. I figured, no sprinting is't that big a deal, so I proceeded along the floor of the ravine. I then got dive-bombed by a creeper right into my face which exploded instantly, crippling me. I passed by another cave which had a zombie in it, which followed me out. At this point I knew I would die as the zombie was moving 4x as fast as me. Thankfully no other mobs came for me while running, and I managed to weakly smack it with my sword until I finally reached my ladder and escaped. Once I had regen'd my health, I went back down into the caves. I extended a path to reach a large deposit of iron near a few other ores. Little did I know that there was a cave branch right above me. Another fucking creeper dropped on me. I managed to get backup to my ladder, and then up to my house, which I had the foresight to make a path that did not require jumping. There I restocked with food and healed, then set off again. A creeper had gotten into the observation deck, and while I sustained minimal damage, it blew a hole in the glass floor, sending me plummeting to the bottom. I was able to move slightly and land on a mid level platform (fortunately it was directly connected to the ladder up, but as I was dying, I could hardly find it). I have no idea why I am not dead.

I must say this is some of the most fun I have ever had playing MC. Thank you, FC, for making such a great game.
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