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Witchfarm Design

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:30 pm
by AddyBaha
I´ve got a swamp with wich hut not to far from home base and want to build a wichfarm.

1) Is it necessary or benefitial for spawnrates to include the wichhut in the layout?
2) It should double as a slime farm - how do I prevent big slimes from spawning?
3) What rates of wiches can I expect - how large should I build the farm?

Thanks for your replies

Re: Witchfarm Design

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:44 pm
by gaga654
I can't help you with any of the specifics (never built a with farm myself), but regarding spawns:
Version 4.8912 wrote:Added the ability for witches to spawn in swamps. They will spawn in darkness around and above sea level in swamp biomes and this replaces their witch hut spawns, making swamps slightly more dangerous overall. On generation of witch huts, witches will spawn in their general vicinity once and once only, and these hut witches will not despawn, which means that when you first find a hut, it will almost always have witches nearby, and thus be dangerous. This was done as the spawn conditions on witches were extremely gamey and resulted in rather cheezy traps. Also, many players were never even seeing witches, so this is intended to make them a more integrated and interesting part of the game overall.
So the witch hut itself has no bearing on witch spawns except for the one-time witches that spawn when it's first generated.

Re: Witchfarm Design

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:46 pm
by dawnraider
Really, all you need to do is build a standard mob farm, but in a swamp. The biggest thing is that it needs to be above sea level for witches to spawn.

Re: Witchfarm Design

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:58 am
by Mesh
Big slimes aren't generally your problem, tiny slimes are. They can squeeze through the gaps in your saw wall and cause havoc (You could have a saw wall, 4x4 to take care of the big slimes, thats what we did). To take care of the tiny slimes you want a second, single saw in a 1x1 tunnel gap, to kill the tiny ones that inevitibily spawn "behind" your main saw wall when they're getting ground up.

As for spawn rates of witches, I just wouldn't worry about it, they are more rare than other mob spawns but if you want to increase chance of witches you could make your trap spider-free? If you find that you aren't getting enough drops from witches in your trap, just add more floors

Re: Witchfarm Design

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:13 pm
by EpicAaron
Hiracho has been playing with a design that excludes both spiders and big slimes. Judging by the double chest full of witch warts on the recent Deco Server, it seems to be working. I can take screenshots of the design if you would like.

edit: oops, I didn't look at the dates of these posts. In general, however, I dislike large slimes and like the idea of eliminating them altogether rather than trying to deal with their habit of making collection rooms deadly. I am not sure how adversely their removal affects slime ball drops.

Re: Witchfarm Design

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:42 pm
by LannyRipple
To handle the small slimes that get under the saws in swamp farms, tunnels and doors are your friend.

Re: Witchfarm Design

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:22 am
by Mason11987

This shows a saw design that avoid tiny slimes ending up in walls or behind saws.

I made the side walls two thick, but nothing makes it through this.