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Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:35 am
by Panda
I was wondering if anybody else has got the opportunity to really look into this game. I discovered it about 2 months ago through a trailer and thought it looked awesome and was fortunate enough to receive an Alpha key a couple of weeks ago. From my first impression it's a lot like factorio with less complicated systems, no liquid and really pretty.

Also I'm not a hundred percent sure but I'm pretty sure this is made by the same people who did Goat Simulator.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:14 pm
by magikeh
Panda wrote: was fortunate enough to receive an Alpha key a couple of weeks ago.
You lucky dog! I have been following it for a few months now and am still hoping for an alpha key :p
It is pretty much as you explain though, a more visually appealing (to most) factorio with an incomplete system as of yet.. but multi-layered belts!
Panda wrote: Also I'm not a hundred percent sure but I'm pretty sure this is made by the same people who did Goat Simulator.
Yupp! Coffee Stain Studios is the creators of both Goat Sim and Satisfactory.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:35 pm
by ryoloth
Panda wrote:was fortunate enough to receive an Alpha key a couple of weeks ago.
Nice! I have been following for a while now, I am really excited to see how things go with this game.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 1:09 am
by Taleric
I am very excited but cautious about this one. Factorio is a feat in gameplay as much as optimization. However it was written was beautiful for how smooth it runs.

On a small scale I really enjoy Stationeers that has dynamic atmosphere and energy system but there is not the crazy amount of items moving around. In 3D I have not seen any game handle a significant number of objects.

It would be incredible if it runs well. You should post some of your play if you can.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:31 am
by Moldiworp2
Yeah fingers crossed for this one. Who wouldn't love a 3D Factorio? From the trailer it seems pretty epic in scope though, that might hobble development.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:06 pm
by Panda
Sadly I can't post any Alpha gameplay footage for the same reason you don't see any other Alpha testers posting it on YouTube. It's a no no.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:06 pm
by Moldiworp2
Oh so you've played it Panda? How does it rate compared to factorio?

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:17 pm
by Panda
It's s bit more condensed than factorio, i had a hard time when stuff got bigger than grey science vials. If you like making visually pretty bases this is much better than factorio. Due to its smaller scope (it's still fucking huge) i find it's easier to kick back and enjoy making bases that feel like home if that makes sense. Haven't really done any combat though i suspect there's not much in the alpha.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:23 pm
by Panda
I can't really say to much more except after you sign up for the closed alpha do the follow up survey in the email to be registered and sign the NDA. Slot of people don't realize this step.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:13 am
by FaceFoiled
Panda wrote:I was wondering if anybody else has got the opportunity to really look into this game. I discovered it about 2 months ago through a trailer and thought it looked awesome and was fortunate enough to receive an Alpha key a couple of weeks ago.
You! YOU!!! A very jealous panda here. :D

Been tracking this since it was first announced at E3, really excited for what this might become in the future.

PS. Late response, sorry :P - I don't check the forums very often anymore

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:10 pm
by magikeh
Early alpha release date of March 19th on the.. Epic Game Store?

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:36 pm
by Taleric
NOooOoo not the epic store! Really though that is smart, better devs cut and the impulse buyers are more likely tied to fortnite due to youth.

There are probably 15 games due this year I want.

Tale of Ronin
Industries of Titan


I'll be sad if they all go epic store.

A bunch of others I was waiting on look too slow pace:

Factory Town
Dawn of Man
X4: Foundation

Oh well.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 1:34 pm
by Whisp
So now that the free alpha weekend is over. Any thoughts on satisfactory?
And to Panda: Since the NDAs are removed, what can we expect from tier 4-6?

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:11 am
by Daisjun
Bought it this week, it's damn good, and a really fun co-op game. Some glitchyness but that's to be expected. If you're into Factorio or games that are similar you'll love it.

Edit: Played around a bit more and the things I really like about it are:

It's desperately pretty. The landscapes and machines are really well crafted. I love the element of alien fauna too.

You can't terraform which means you really have to think about how you're going to lay everything out. There are some flat areas to build but you aren't always going to be next to the resources you need. This means you can actually get some pretty cool looking builds going.

Looooooots of construction blocks so you can make some really kick ass looking factories with a bit of time investment.

Some negs:

Zero survival aspect. Death is a mild inconvenience, you can just go to where you died and pick everything up.

Random crashes. Has happened a few times now, but it autosaves so you'll only lose a couple minutes progress and it is in early access.

Overall I'd definitely recommend it.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 7:15 pm
by Whuppee
I realize uncut video is a bit shit, but this might be useful to anyone considering the game. 12 hours of Eth and I playing during the alpha weekend:

The short version is maybe wait and experience it in full, at launch, instead of piecemeal; but I do recommend it. The fun we had setting up the vehicle pathing alone is easily worth the price.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:56 am
by Zhil
Whuppee wrote:I realize uncut video is a bit shit, but this might be useful to anyone considering the game. 12 hours of Eth and I playing during the alpha weekend:

The short version is maybe wait and experience it in full, at launch, instead of piecemeal; but I do recommend it. The fun we had setting up the vehicle pathing alone is easily worth the price.
I started watching that video until I realized it's literally more than a season of Game of Thrones. Not sure if I can handle that.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:23 pm
by gaga654
Looks like this game just came out on Steam (still in early access). Anyone here tried it out (in its most recent update)? Would you recommend it?

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:49 pm
by kregoth
I friend and I purchased this game (using Epic discount) and have really enjoyed it so far, we haven't gotten far but planning and effecentizing is key. sadly the friends computer just died on him, so waiting for him to get back before playing again.

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:11 pm
by Whuppee
Eth and I will be streaming it again soon, will update with thoughts :)

Re: Satisfactory

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:55 am
by ryoloth
The devs for this game are amazing, the game play is really nice and has neat fine touches that you can tell the devs worked hard on. I have only played up to the pipes update(not sure if there has been any more since then) as I am waiting to for the game to be fully released so I can do a proper play through, but as it stands right now it I would happily go back and pay the $60 price tag of a AAA game for the amount of time I've dumped into it.