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The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:59 pm
by Zhil
Let me describe you a Whuppee

He has a beard like he's in ZZ Top
He streams BTW for 15 hours at a time like a crazy man
He has a post AAAAAH world that has wheat and crucible tech

... and he was just streaming BTW earlier for 5000 people


Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 4:09 pm
by FlowerChild
I just discovered Whup's streams a couple of weeks back, and love them. The guy is super insightful when it comes to mod features. Unfortunately, he's often on during hours when I'm not available, but I try to attend whenever I can :)

Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 6:00 pm
by jackatthekilns
I woke up this morning around 5am edt and found him streaming. I had to stop to go to work. At lunch, he was still going strong. The man is a streaming machine! I'm a cricket fan so I love the longer forms!

Also, he is an extremely kind person, even to people who just come in to his stream to cause trouble. This is a characteristic that I have noticed in a lot of BTW streams lately. but this thread is about Whuppee.

Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 11:57 pm
by Caevin
Can attest, dude is super chill and nice. Definitely worth a look.
Also makes me feel self-conscious of the fact I've yet stop dying constantly, but he's worth checking out for an actual established base. Helps me know there's a light at the end of the early game tunnel :D

Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:53 am
by magikeh
24 hours just because he was riding that high for so long.. well just over 24.5 hours of near continuous streaming. Pure insanity :D

PS: be sure to check out the moo murder conga.

Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:42 am
by Zhil
24 hour stream, but not planned. No no sir, he just felt like it :D


Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:24 am
by Taleric
He kept the "Bob Ross" good feel energy right to the end too lol, very deserving.

Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:40 pm
by the_fodder
Taleric beat me to it, but yes. Whuppee has the Bob Ross vibe going. really entertaining when he let an F-bomb drop with that sweet calming voice. No mistakes, only happy accidents..

Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:00 pm
by FlowerChild
the_fodder wrote:Taleric beat me to it, but yes. Whuppee has the Bob Ross vibe going
I was having a conversation with a RL friend the other day where I was talking about one of Whuppee's streams, and was trying to find the name of "you know, that super relaxed painter guy that used to be on TV? Imagine him being chased by mobs and remaining perfectly chill about the whole thing". There you go. You guys nailed it :)

Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:26 pm
by Moldiworp2
Chill, BTW fan and a big red beard? I'm in love.

Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:33 am
by Whuppee
Hey everyone! I had meant to reply days ago, and I'm sorry to be so late in doing so.

The response to my stream has been so completely encouraging and positive, I am overwhelmed, incredibly happy and amazed.

I've thoroughly enjoyed hanging out and chatting with so many of you.

I'm quite amused by the Bob Ross comparisons, and I think it awesome and hilarious that Flower was telling an RL friend about me.

I am extremely grateful to everyone for everything. It's meant a lot to me. Thank you all <3

Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:28 pm
by jakerman999
Whuppee demonstrates how to bring villagers back to your base(about 10 minutes):

Re: The legend of Whuppee

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:30 pm
by the_fodder
WARNING: Juvenile

I felt this was the appropriate place to share the chuckle I got from Whupee’s villager breeding strategy … along with the satirical suggestion it gave me for knitting while in gloom.

We have all been there, stuck in a hole during a gloom night without enough sawdust to make it to dawn. Instead the of waiting for the inevitable death a dwindling fire indicates, whip out your needles. Let your favorite pastime distract you from the coming dread of the unknown. Well, that along with your sudden loss of sight your mother always warned you about... Since you are unaware you are in complete darkness gloom has no effect.