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Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 2:40 am
by MisterFister
Took a work-induced hiatus, dove back in. Found at least a mating pair of all villager castes across four different villages, clustered around a portal that I estimate with back-of-the-envelope math to be about 5.5km north of OS. I've developed a list of pressing questions, so rather making a series of threads each with its own one-liner question, I've consolidated them here. For ease of replies, I've numbered them in the order in which I prioritize finding the answers. Context -- I'm at diamond-tech, weighing my options for relocating villagers to a single location.

1. My current project is constructing a manual mushroom farm at OS. I've adapted a design that worked for me back when brown shrooms didn't require total darkness. I intend to use largely the same design for red mushrooms, since stump remover is becoming increasingly desirable. The modifications I've made to the design is to make it into a dirt surface with cobble spawn locations instead of the other way around -- that way, with a single block of mycelium from the villager trade, I can convert it to a full function farm for both strains. (Afterward, I intend to expand the tree farm and then build a mob grinder.) Problem: these damn slimes, man. I've mapped out the perimeter of what I intend to be an 82x82x5 block enclosure, and I have a 2-height expanse so riddled with slimes that Peter Venkman himself would be proud. I've decided to place it so that the harvesting surface is at lava level. With buckets, I hope to harvest the obsidian for a future build project I have in mind that would use a decent amount of it, and that depth has also afforded a bounty of diamonds and gold already, so say nothing of the other ores that are all useful. (Almost 3 stacks each of combined-redstone blocks and of yet-unsmelted gold ore for the mob farm in particular.) It's also an excuse to keep my main food farms loaded so as to build a buffer on my food and rope stockpiles before heading back north to my villagers.

1 tdlr: how do I mitigate slime spawns? It's delaying construction, the area is already well torched, and I fear that the completed structure will be a chore to harvest and cultivate. Obviously, the expanse extends well past a swamp biome boundary at OS, but it's placed in anticipating of future ladder shaft and elevator shaft and water column placements. Is this just unavoidable without keeping my mushroom farm out of the swamp biome?

2.) Dear god these wolf howls. I intentionally slaughtered my captured pair of wolves a while ago at my OS base because it became impossible to be able to concentrate with their incessant howling. I note in other threads that their cries can carry for some distance, possibly several biomes distant. There is no volume setting on my speakers that makes it less disturbing for my roommate or neighbors, and the incessant duration and volume of the howls just makes me angry and uptight. Nails on a chalkboard to me. What in-game mechanic exists to stop this behavior or muffle their sounds?

3.) I have indeed obtained wheat and potatoes, but no carrots. Is this just luck of the draw, and I should seek more villages, or is there a different location to seek carrots? (I've located an abandoned mineshaft near one of the villages which I've dirted off for the time being, could carrots be in there?)

4.) For cosmetic reasons, I ask about portal orientations. At one key portal junction, my facing direction seems to be random when I transit the portal inn either direction. I've tried re-digging the walls and re-positioning the portal itself, rotating both the portal archway and the chamber around it in ninety degree increments. Still, each time I use it, I can't seem to identify the pattern that dictates which way I face upon emerging. It's annoying now, but once I have the iron, I want to experiment with automated minecart systems that could benefit from better understanding what's going on here.

5.) Can lilypads or bats be farmed? Best I can tell, they just seem to either be around or not, with no known spawn mechanic.

6.) What uses are there for LARGE stockpiles of sawdust, ink sacs, or slimeballs? I have a full monochest of slimeballs, almost three chests of sawdust (I'm a hoarder) and I've gotten enough ink sacs from manual panic-swinging to know that once my squidfarm is up and running I'll have the things coming out my ears well past the needs to create journals or to dye wool.

7.) I note that all slab-block recipes I've encountered so far are reversible, such that stacking two slabs in the crafting grid yields the full reconstituted block as a result. However, smoothstone slabs do not recombine. Is this a bug or a feature?|

8.) I've experienced a bug where using an item to exhaustion causes the nearly-spent item to respawn in my inventory? This was way more common back with stone tech, but I sometimes see it when planting seeds or laying blocks / terraforming, where the final iteration of the stack seems to glitch-duplicate. Is this anything to be concerned about? I only ask because about last October or so I had a savefile badly corrupted, and I could never identify the cause before resigning myself to simply recreating the world from the beginning with the same seed (mostly out of stubbornness in attempting to tame a damn swamp.)

If any of these deserve their own threads please lemme know and I'll branch it off. Thanks!

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:41 am
by magikeh
MisterFister wrote:1.)how do I mitigate slime spawns?
Light everything up the best you can in swamps (I like to grid light things) or you can slab the land. As for slime chunks, you can light it up, but also be weary that slimes will only spawn on 'natural' blocks like stone, dirt, and gravel. So making the floor aesthetically pleasing is functionally appropriate.
MisterFister wrote:2.)What in-game mechanic exists to stop this behavior or muffle their sounds?
In game? Murder them all. Out of game, you can edit the wolf sound to reduce its overall volume. I thought that wolves that had been tamed and are well fed don't howl, this will require research.
MisterFister wrote:3.) I have indeed obtained wheat and potatoes, but no carrots. Is this just luck of the draw, and I should seek more villages, or is there a different location to seek carrots? (I've located an abandoned mineshaft near one of the villages which I've dirted off for the time being, could carrots be in there?)
Carrots are not in the loot tables for structures. You'd have best luck trading with a villager or going out and finding another village.
MisterFister wrote:4.) For cosmetic reasons, I ask about portal orientations. At one key portal junction, my facing direction seems to be random when I transit the portal inn either direction.
More sciencing required to fully answer this one.
MisterFister wrote:5.) Can lilypads or bats be farmed?
Lillypads are spawned in on world creation in swamp biomes, they do not respawn or populate in any other way. Bats spawn in darkened spaces, you can farm them will a wall of saws usually. They have a tendency to perch on blocks that are up in corners, keep this in mind when building traps.
MisterFister wrote:6.) What uses are there for LARGE stockpiles of sawdust, ink sacs, or slimeballs?
Sawdust is good for explosives and potash. Ink sacs, idk colouring all the things black? Slimeballs I haven't quite found a use for yet. I usually limit myself to a few double chests then start throwing them out.
MisterFister wrote:7.)However, smoothstone slabs do not recombine. Is this a bug or a feature?
Any slab from BTW is able to be recombined, so gravel, sand, and dirt. Vanilla slabs do not have this property, so Nether brick, sandstone, any type of wood, cobblestone, smooth stone, stone brick, brick and dark quartz. (remember that there is a difference between slabs and siding, the latter of which can be recombined into it's full block form.)
MisterFister wrote:8.) I've experienced a bug where using an item to exhaustion causes the nearly-spent item to respawn in my inventory?
This happens occasionally to me as well. I believe it's an issue that stems from the fact that the client and server are separate instances and have a little trouble communicating with each other, for my experience with the bug though when the item is 'respawned' into my inventory it is at the lowest possible hit points. So if I use it one more time it breaks forever.

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 12:55 pm
by abculatter_2
To add to what Magikeh said about 6;

Once you reach the End and can start making brimstone, you'll be glad you hoarded all that sawdust. It takes three stacks of sawdust to make one stack of mining charges, and in my experience it's extremely easy to blow through stacks and stacks of charges once you start building stuff in the late game. Plus they're necessary for renewable sand production.

Mining charges also use slimeballs as well, but nowhere near the quantities you'll be getting from a decently productive farm. I recommend using a cactus in a planter to just automatically get rid of anything more then a chest or two.

Ink sacs are pretty much junk. If it's inconvenient I wouldn't even bother powering a hopper to put them in a chest, they really aren't used for much. I guess you could use them as a fairly reliable way to automatically restock item despawn timers? Bat wings would work well for this, too, since they have pretty easy and reliable spawn mechanics...

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 3:48 pm
by MisterFister
magikeh wrote:
MisterFister wrote:1.)how do I mitigate slime spawns?
Light everything up the best you can in swamps (I like to grid light things) or you can slab the land. As for slime chunks, you can light it up, but also be weary that slimes will only spawn on 'natural' blocks like stone, dirt, and gravel. So making the floor aesthetically pleasing is functionally appropriate.
Well, this structure (once completed, I'm mid-construction right now) will be a 2-high enclosure with only one double doorway for access. At lava level. Dirt floor, with evenly spaced stone brick blocks to indicate mushroom spawn positions. With torched embedded into the ceiling above each spawn brick. Basically, a mushroom farm that used to work for both mushroom varieties but now only works for reds, because browns require darkness. The modification from the old design is that I used to have a smoothstone floor with dirt spawn blocks underneath the ceiling lights. The change to invert those materials is that, having recently found villagers, I anticipate obtaining mycelium. With the dirt floor already laid, I know it'll propagate and spread just like grass.

The internal dimensions are measured to be 80x80 to allow for 16 rows of 16 seed-blocks each. Plus wall width, external dimensions for hollowing the construction area is 82x82. The design will call for stone-brick walls, a stone-brick ceiling* and a stone-brick liner below the dirt floor. (I have some OCD with respect to hallway symmetry, laddershaft placements, I anticipate a likely-but-not-definite possibility of needing at least a temporary spiraling staircase if I hope to stockpile emergency breeding pairs of animals into hardened bunkers at bedrock, paranoia which might make sense if you recall my post last year that spoke of catastrophic creeper damage to my greenhouse and initial pre-wheat holding pens, etc...)

* = I've decided to wait until I can properly assess farm productivity, after both completion and achievement of seed-parity, to determine if it's too big to leave entirely dedicated to red mushrooms, once splitting off some brown spawns becomes possible with mycelium. To this point I've been rather emphatic on never travelling without a pair of shears, which allows me to boast of a reasonably healthy stash of oysters even pre-mobfarm. It remains possible to me that, post-mobfarm, my terraforming creativity may grow to depend on large supplies of stump remover. If this ends up being the case, I can simply double the height of the existing design and build an identical brown-farm above the red-farm. The stone-brick "caps" above the ceiling torches will then be used as seed-points for the upper deck. The lower farm's ceiling will be the underliner for the upper farm's dirt floor. A simple and temporary dirt staircase would allow the mycelium to transfer. Hell, I could even let a few cows into it to allow for mooshrooms, as well.

Anyway, so, slabbing off the expanse will not only make the entire place inaccessible to me at 1.5 blocks high, but would reduce productivity because either mushrooms nor mycelium will propagate across dirt slabs, or any non-dirt full-block. Increasing the chamber height to 2.5 would also muck with what I understand to be the still-unchanged-for-reds lighting requirements, and that delicate lighting balance is intended to be the primary mobproofing mechanism.

Given the mid-construction state it's currently in as I type this, I am willing to believe that I've temporarily made the problem worse than what it'll end up as, but I fear that this might be overly optimistic. I say this because, first of all, I've already heavily torched the construction area by just spam-clicking approx 10-15 torches in straight lines with four-block widths between the spaces. I'm building it from the top down, and the ceiling is about 40% installed right now, and I'm embedding the spaced ceiling lighting as I go. This is intended to allow me to just lawnmower the remaining strata-stone to be removed, taking torches with it, and then relying on the embedded lighting for the remainder of construction (knowing full well that for the bottom-most layer, there will be a temporary and minor uptick in mob spawns in the shady zones between skylights until I re-lay my intended material, which I anticipate being able to deal with at the time.)

I'm thinking out loud(?) as I type this, and I frankly would've offered the same answer you did to someone else's inquiry of the same thing. My worry is that I might simply have to reposition my farm location to be either largely or entirely outside the swamp biome boundary, which would be unfortunate on both the aspect of construction effort already wasted, as well as the OCD-mechanics and measurements that would be thrown out of whack elsewhere in my subterranean design. (In my sample video clips that I made which allowed you to help me identify the map-zooming bug you alerted me to, you might have seen early stages of topside terraforming, if you'd been paying attention to details outside the mechanics of my crafting grid at the time.)
magikeh wrote:
MisterFister wrote:2.)What in-game mechanic exists to stop this behavior or muffle their sounds?
In game? Murder them all. Out of game, you can edit the wolf sound to reduce its overall volume. I thought that wolves that had been tamed and are well fed don't howl, this will require research.
Ok. At my last iteration, I had two dogs in a 3x3x3 hole with a floor of hoppers. I had a vertical-down aimed dispenser triggered by a single manual lever that I always had to double-toggle in order to dispense two raw chickens, and I'd laid a vertical chute of I think 4 or 5 spiderwebs to slow their fall. I had not yet experimented to come up with some sort of despawn timer, and as you can imagine, they eventually went feral. I decided to let them cry themselves to sleep and continue collecting the turdnuggets, and managed to get halfway into a second stack of them. But then my terraforming progress got to the point where that location was going to be inaccessible and underwater anyway, and I'd had enough of the noise, so I made a point of killing one just to feed the wolfchop to the second one, because I was that pissed off. I've used almost none of my dung stockpile so far, but I recognize that once my mobfarm and villager trading spins up, that'll change.
magikeh wrote:
MisterFister wrote:3.) I have indeed obtained wheat and potatoes, but no carrots. Is this just luck of the draw, and I should seek more villages, or is there a different location to seek carrots? (I've located an abandoned mineshaft near one of the villages which I've dirted off for the time being, could carrots be in there?)
Carrots are not in the loot tables for structures. You'd have best luck trading with a villager or going out and finding another village.
I'm gonna note your answer here, file it in my head under "possible spoilers" and just sally forth. Thanks!
magikeh wrote:
MisterFister wrote:5.) Can lilypads or bats be farmed?
Lillypads are spawned in on world creation in swamp biomes, they do not respawn or populate in any other way. Bats spawn in darkened spaces, you can farm them will a wall of saws usually. They have a tendency to perch on blocks that are up in corners, keep this in mind when building traps.
Meh. My northward portal overworlds to a junction between jungle, taiga and swamp, and I am absolutely convinced that lilypads are spawning into my boat routes that I'd previously cleared of obstructions (panic escape routes when rushing home over squid-infested waters at dusk or at the beginning of rainfall.) I shall science onward and provide some of my own feedback, if you like.
magikeh wrote:
MisterFister wrote:6.) What uses are there for LARGE stockpiles of sawdust, ink sacs, or slimeballs?
Sawdust is good for explosives and potash. Ink sacs, idk colouring all the things black? Slimeballs I haven't quite found a use for yet. I usually limit myself to a few double chests then start throwing them out.
Good to know, thanks! Pre-hibachi, I'd favored sawdust for furnace fuel mainly because I wasn't stable enough on my wood supply to justify expanding my storage to accommodate continuing stockpilage. With full crucible and diamond tech, expanding my modular storage is now largely beneficial for the crop-growing time it allows me.
magikeh wrote:
MisterFister wrote:7.)However, smoothstone slabs do not recombine. Is this a bug or a feature?
Any slab from BTW is able to be recombined, so gravel, sand, and dirt. Vanilla slabs do not have this property, so Nether brick, sandstone, any type of wood, cobblestone, smooth stone, stone brick, brick and dark quartz. (remember that there is a difference between slabs and siding, the latter of which can be recombined into it's full block form.)
So the fact that, in this mod specifically, I know for a confirmed fact that you can indeed recombine slabs of wood / cobble / brick / stone brick / netherbrick / blackstone that you can indeed recombine slabs back to full blocks. I recall something in either this version (Timing rodent b) or the previous that FC added netherbrick and cobble slabs to that mix and noted so in his release thread. My first exposure to the mod was later in the Marsupial-line of versions, where cobble slabs did not yet allow for recombining. Maybe I'll ask about this specifically in the feedback section.
magikeh wrote:
MisterFister wrote:8.) I've experienced a bug where using an item to exhaustion causes the nearly-spent item to respawn in my inventory?
This happens occasionally to me as well. I believe it's an issue that stems from the fact that the client and server are separate instances and have a little trouble communicating with each other, for my experience with the bug though when the item is 'respawned' into my inventory it is at the lowest possible hit points. So if I use it one more time it breaks forever.
This is exactly what happens to me. So, the primary pertinence of my asking is that I wanna know if this could in any way lead to savefile corruption, but I'm vaguely gathering from your reply here that, if it would be anything to worry about, it's prolly not a harbinger of THAT problem. Am I correct?
abculatter_2 wrote:To add to what Magikeh said about 6;

-snip-... Plus they're necessary for renewable sand production.
Hmm. I'll stroke my chin at this and mindfile it under "future spoilers," thanks! :D
abculatter_2 wrote:Mining charges also use slimeballs as well, but nowhere near the quantities you'll be getting from a decently productive farm. I recommend using a cactus in a planter to just automatically get rid of anything more then a chest or two.
Heh. I've established my main as OS right at a plains / swamp boundary, and just meandering about on my own I've netted just a few stacks shy of a full monochest of the things. So I anticipate that a productive farm will far outpace that, I agree. I do know that they're used to make pistons into sticky-pistons, but... like you said, I won't need anywhere near that much.

I agree that cacti are a good defense, but see above, right now my primary issue is slimes subterraneanly spawning in what I intend to be a manual mushroom farm. Right now mid-construction, I just had to contend with a wave of them upon returning with fresh tools and a load of materials / supplies from my workshop. Fresh diamond sword, down to ~45% remaining. Eleven stacks of slimeballs for my efforts (plus bumped from XP level 96 up to 99, should be the first time I've ever attained triple-digit status pre-mobfarm.) Almost two entire stacks of poached eggs, though to my credit, I wore no armor and was still healthy enough to continue sprinting, so I guess if nothing else they're decently productive target practice. :-\
abculatter_2 wrote:Ink sacs are pretty much junk. If it's inconvenient I wouldn't even bother powering a hopper to put them in a chest, they really aren't used for much. I guess you could use them as a fairly reliable way to automatically restock item despawn timers? Bat wings would work well for this, too, since they have pretty easy and reliable spawn mechanics...
Despawn-timer-loot, I like this. Should be a decent secondary to dirt piles. Thanks for this!

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:41 am
by MisterFister
Update on #1: As I (perhaps poorly) attempted to explain above, I was building my farm enclosure from the top down. Of the several trains of thought that all independently led to that conclusion, there are two that are rather easy to explain.

First was the desire for the two-block-thick floor to be actually at lava level, which required excavating two levels into lava (with buckets and a desire to harvest the obsidian.) The idea there was that in contending with guaranteed lava-pool and obsidian excavation with a pockmarked floor plan, I didn't want the third-dimensional issue of death from above, be it in the form of falling creepers, perched skellies, or anything else.

Second is the fact that, at an external dimension of 82x82, I now surmise that it's highly unlikely to avoid underground caverns or ravines. My OSB is in a lagoon (a lagoon that I've terraformed and aquaformed) at a swamp-jungle boundary. Very soon into the first pickaxe's efforts of simply measuring out the excavation area, prior to conclusively deciding on my ceiling-down approach, I had already encountered a rather sizeable underground waterfall (I counted five block-columns of water) and at another location I encountered a single-block-column lavafall as well. Even though my eventual plan to build ceiling-first accommodated these finds rather handily, I'm now of the opinion that I was rather silly to not have anticipated those underground falls to begin with.

When I posted this thread, I was ~45% (ish) done installing the ceiling layer. Once I completed the roof, the slime count fell drastically. For comparison, whereas when I posted I was chewing through a diamond sword with almost every third or fourth pickaxe, I think I've gotten through 10-15 pickaxes and only just now prior to this update needed to recycle my sword once more. With this and some other details outside the scope of this thread, I conclude that the tunnels and cave systems that I'd vertically exposed were not as well dirt-safed as I'd thought or intended.

What was perplexing me until this update, however, was why I had such a high propensity of slimes, specifically, with almost nonexistent creepers / zombies / skellies. I presume that since my surface is so well torched for such a long radius around my central laddershaft, and even within the swamp biome the unlit caves tend to be rather close quarters for full-size slimes, I think that the overall slime spawnrate was simple hyper-concentrated within the chamber I had newly excavated, leading to such a high density of slimes in comparison to all spawned mobs.

At this point, the only spawns that I encounter are entirely expected as the floor lowers further away from the ceiling lights, which I'm mitigating by floor-torching as I go before I build it back up.

Thanks for the help on this, folks! :D

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:14 pm
by magikeh
MisterFister wrote:
magikeh wrote:
MisterFister wrote:7.)However, smoothstone slabs do not recombine. Is this a bug or a feature?
Any slab from BTW is able to be recombined, so gravel, sand, and dirt. Vanilla slabs do not have this property, so Nether brick, sandstone, any type of wood, cobblestone, smooth stone, stone brick, brick and dark quartz. (remember that there is a difference between slabs and siding, the latter of which can be recombined into it's full block form.)
So the fact that, in this mod specifically, I know for a confirmed fact that you can indeed recombine slabs of wood / cobble / brick / stone brick / netherbrick / blackstone that you can indeed recombine slabs back to full blocks. I recall something in either this version (Timing rodent b) or the previous that FC added netherbrick and cobble slabs to that mix and noted so in his release thread. My first exposure to the mod was later in the Marsupial-line of versions, where cobble slabs did not yet allow for recombining. Maybe I'll ask about this specifically in the feedback section.
Well hot damn, I just checked and this is correct. I apologize for spreading misinformation. Also, I Believe that the reason smooth stone slabs don't combine back to smooth stone is because they take on a different appearance when turned from smooth stone to smooth stone slab form, it's also worth mentioning that if one were able to combine the two slabs in a crafting grid it would make more sense for the block id 43 or 43:8 to be created.

MisterFister wrote:This is exactly what happens to me. So, the primary pertinence of my asking is that I wanna know if this could in any way lead to savefile corruption, but I'm vaguely gathering from your reply here that, if it would be anything to worry about, it's prolly not a harbinger of THAT problem. Am I correct?
I'd be willing to bet yes.

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:59 pm
by Zhil
Slight spoiler:

One of your questions has an answer that requires you to investigate if there's anything useful about possessed animals. You will need to find a way to make animals behave oddly and then do something with them. I won't provide further hints unless you want me to.

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:48 am
by MisterFister
Gilberreke wrote:Slight spoiler:

One of your questions has an answer that requires you to investigate if there's anything useful about possessed animals. You will need to find a way to make animals behave oddly and then do something with them. I won't provide further hints unless you want me to.
Hmm. I enjoy riddles.

I'm aware of Hardcore Nothing To Worry About, and my mainbase portal is almost the view distance away, so there's no issue there.

You're saying that there's a potential use for a certain possessed creature? Or something I have in surplus (I only explicitly mentioned two or three items) would then be useful for exorcising it afterward?

And I won't want to use cows to spawn squid, I have a space cordoned off for an honest-to-FC squidbox grinder.

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:09 am
by Zhil
MisterFister wrote:And I won't want to use cows to spawn squid, I have a space cordoned off for an honest-to-FC squidbox grinder.
I think you need to retest cows if you think that's the only thing they do ;)

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:04 pm
by MisterFister
Gilberreke wrote:
MisterFister wrote:And I won't want to use cows to spawn squid, I have a space cordoned off for an honest-to-FC squidbox grinder.
I think you need to retest cows if you think that's the only thing they do ;)
Cave spiders and silverfish?

At any rate, reading that just now did cause me to stroke my chin and wonder... has anyone ever attempted an overworld zombie pigmen farm? Would it be a viable, if potentially low yield (occasional nuggets with no chance that I can predict for gold tools) overworld goldfarm? I'm imagining an automated pig breeding station (possibly chocolate-based) where the unharnessed offspring are allowed to wander over a vine trap and then water-channeled to a holding pen right next to a portal and a wolfpen. Then some kind of killing floor and lootsorter.

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:40 pm
by FlowerChild
MisterFister wrote:hat just now did cause me to stroke my chin and wonder... has anyone ever attempted an overworld zombie pigmen farm?
Check the change log to confirm, but if I remember correctly I disabled overworld zombie pigman spawning specifically to prevent such traps.

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:33 pm
by MisterFister
FlowerChild wrote:
MisterFister wrote:has anyone ever attempted an overworld zombie pigmen farm?
Check the change log to confirm, but if I remember correctly I disabled overworld zombie pigman spawning specifically to prevent such traps.
I interpret your answer as a "yes." Someone had indeed attempted such a thing. :D

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:10 pm
by kazerima
A year or two back I believe someone did a test-concept pigman farm using a ton of nether portals and the occasional spawning mechanic they used. It was determined to be highly inefficient and a massive drain on server resources. IIRC, FC killed it to remove the unpredictability and to discourage people from tanking their servers to do it, as well as keeping nether materials in the nether.

Re: Slime-proofing tips pls?

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 11:50 am
by Lenburg1
MisterFister wrote: how do I mitigate slime spawns?
I tend to use iron golems to keep the slime population down. They are extremely cheap after you have a basic mobtrap going and access to soul urns. I typically clean up the area I place them in so that they can't wonder off or get stuck. In more critical areas that the golems could clog up a machine, I will just pave the floor but I personally like the idea of having guards stationed throughout my base.