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Found a small nod to BTW

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:05 pm
by sargunv
While playing one of the FTB modpacks, I encountered a small reference to BTW in the Essential Craft 3 mod. :)

Re: Found a small nod to BTW

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:26 pm
by DaveYanakov
That's less of a nod than a poor attempt at mockery

Re: Found a small nod to BTW

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:41 pm
by Sarudak
Without more to go on any interpretation of the intention behind it is pure speculation.

Re: Found a small nod to BTW

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:38 am
by Psion
i've been playing a lot of modpacks lately, and i feel like a lot of mods have practically ripped off parts of BTW wholesale. for instance, look at the foodbar in that picture. you even see the saturation value the same way as BTW fat, only yellow. it even goes down in small amounts the same way, and as your hunger goes down you see the same "peckish/hungry/starving" above it. terrafirmacraft has similar hardcore movement and bouyancy (although i'll admit they at least didn't just imitate it but made it more their own style. it's kinda fun throwing things in a river and watching them bob up and down, floating away.) infinity evolved even has wooden tools only having 2 uses, although thats to force you to use tinkers construct tools instead of vanilla.

Little things like that i keep encountering, and almost all of them look exactly like BTW things i've seen years ago. I dont know if it's just coding evolved in parallel or the highest form of flattery to FC. :p

Re: Found a small nod to BTW

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:43 am
by Katalliaan
@Psion: It's probably more that people will look at what's already been done before they try to come up with something on their own. Someone wanted more difficult hunger mechanics, so they made a mod to nerf the effectiveness of food and added Hardcore Hunger-style effects; someone wanted a better way to display how food was used, so they made saturation show up as a yellow outline around the food bars and food usage show up as black cross-hatching underneath the food bar; someone wanted to prevent the use of vanilla-style tools, so they nerfed those as much as they could (IIRC outside of BTW the least amount of durability a tool can have is 2 thanks to how they determine if it tool should break).

Which I suppose would be a compliment to FC - they're basically saying "this is the best way to do this that we've seen or can come up with".

Re: Found a small nod to BTW

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:12 am
by Zhil
For reference, here's the complete history behind that:

- Some guy named iguana started making little hardcore tweaks to vanilla, a lot of them were directly inspired by BTW, a lot of them weren't (and pretty good, so he's a decent designer in his own right)
- People mainly liked his hunger overhauls, the mod was used in a lot of packs
- Iguana stopped working on Hunger Overhaul, and it was pretty much a hack job anyway, so people took over and rewrote it from scratch, with a fun new API called Apple Core that allowed different hunger tweaks to work together.
- This mod became pretty popular, but it also strayed pretty far from its BTW roots. What you decide is similar from a screenshot is actually not that similar, and I'm willing to bet money that the one making those visuals doesn't even know BTW. He just needed a way to express vanilla saturation and made the outlines colored, that's not a grand idea. Mechanically, hunger overhaul does not use BTW's concept of fat at all.
- I use the mod in all my personal packs, as I think it's really fun :D

Old Iguana's mod
New Apple Core mod

As you can tell, there's now three mods running on Apple Core:

Hunger Overhaul - Extensive tweaks to hunger and related mechanics (the original iguana mod)
The Spice of Life - Encourages dietary variety through diminishing returns
Hunger In Peace - Normal hunger and health regen in peaceful