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How do maps work in the nether?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:15 pm
by AddyBaha

I found a Stronghold and wanted to conect it with my base via the nether.
When I crafted the map in the nether it first didn't render.
I dug up to the top layer of bedrock (as I imagend if beacons need to see the bedrock maps might also do this) and got the map to render.
While walking around in my netherbase and watching at the map I saw my marker flicker on and of. It seems it depends on the block (it's coordinates) your standing on (or under?) independen of the blocktype - my marker apears and disapears on nethertypical blocks (netherrack, soulsand, netherbrick) as well as on overworld blocks (stone, coblestone, wood).
So how do maps work in the nether?

Re: How do maps work in the nether?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:22 pm
by Taleric
Been a long time since I did a nether map in BTW however I don't think changes were made from vanilla. You just need to make to at either the portal or fortress then go to the other place node open it.

As long as the distance is not huge your location and destination should both be on map.

Your arrow is going to be useless so you have to dig in a direction to gauge relative to the map.

Re: How do maps work in the nether?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:54 pm
by EtherealWrath
Maps work a lot better in the overworld- they are fairly good at measuring long distances.