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Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 4:48 am
by kregoth ... ival-mods/
I’ve steered clear of total conversions like Better Than Wolves. They do things with style, and if you’re after an authentic Middle Ages farmhand simulator then you’re set, but overhauls don’t play well with other mods. What I want is flexibility – modular components which can be tweaked to reinforce my place as nature’s downtrodden underdog.
Farmhand Simulator? Not sure what to say about this.

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:01 am
by DemonButter
Yea, I think the farmhand simulator was uncalled for. Seems to me he just looked at the windmills and the fact you couldn't play other mods alongside BTW and became disappointed(?), doesn't really appear to have tried it.

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:49 am
by FlowerChild
Yeah, that article gets a big "whatever" here :)

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:37 pm
by Mesh
Ironically enough it seems from the gist of the article, its titles and some of the mods it recommends, Better than Wolves is actually pretty close to what he's looking for

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:01 am
by ion
BTW inspired most of those mods, that writer is just dumbass

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:00 pm
by FlowerChild
ion wrote:BTW inspired most of those mods, that writer is just dumbass
Yeah, I noted that myself while reading through the article. It's like the guy was looking for combined effects that add up to BTW, without realizing that's what BTW was.

Anyways, as I said...big "whatever" :)

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:14 pm
by Zhil
Yeah, at the very least in the case of Hunger Overhaul, there's a direct correlation to BTW, so uh... *shrug*

Something tells me he asked the community for a good hardcore mod and people told him "go play BTW", only to have the usual crowd go "BTW is evil, use these 4 other completely separate mods that try to do the same thing, but have no synergy".

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:34 pm
by agentwiggles
I've largely gotten over trying to explain BTW to people. The difference from vMC at this point is so vast that it requires at least 20 minutes to make sure I do it justice. I don't think BTW is for everyone, and unless someone's showing interest in it, I'm not going to try to convince people that they should try playing Minecraft a totally different way than what they're used to. In my mind, Minecraft and Better Than Wolves are totally separate games, but to the uninitiated, it's just "harder Minecraft," and, unless they're the specific, special type of person that would love BTW, there's no convincing them that would somehow make the game better.

One of the things I admire most about FC is that he's kept his own design vision so strong and never given into community whims for the sake of pleasing his players. This strength in the design of BTW is evident to anyone who plays it, and even more so to those like me and many community members, who are interested in game design and think about it when playing games.

I'm far past the point where I need mainstream critics to validate my gaming choices, so, much like FC, this article earns only a "meh" from me.

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:08 pm
by FlowerChild
Gilberreke wrote: Something tells me he asked the community for a good hardcore mod and people told him "go play BTW", only to have the usual crowd go "BTW is evil, use these 4 other completely separate mods that try to do the same thing, but have no synergy".
Ok, you just made me snarf my coffee due to having recently added a BTSM strategy called "synergy" which is basically a mocking of the whole modern use of the word :)

Pro-tip: I know it's not the case with you, but using that word is one of the quickest ways to label yourself as a marketing shill ;)

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:02 pm
by Luza
"Farmhand simulator"???
Even "buckets don't work" or "why no flint tools?" would sound less stupid.
Maybe DemonButter is right, they only saw the windmills and assumed it was about farmland...

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:44 am
by Sandrew
I always feel more like a process-engineer than a farmhand when playing BTW.

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:00 am
by ScubaPlays
I like farming and building underground canals with the pumps :(

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:14 am
by Mud
What I want is flexibility – modular components which can be tweaked to reinforce my place as nature’s downtrodden underdog.
Translation: "I don't want the game to be more challenging/complex, I just want overpowered equipment that makes combat meaningless as quickly as possible."

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:24 pm
by Zhil
FlowerChild wrote:Ok, you just made me snarf my coffee due to having recently added a BTSM strategy called "synergy" which is basically a mocking of the whole modern use of the word :)

Pro-tip: I know it's not the case with you, but using that word is one of the quickest ways to label yourself as a marketing shill ;)
Haha, I do use that word quite often, because harmony doesn't quite cover the load I intend and has always sounded music-related to me.

The marketing use of the word (I hate that kind of speak with a vengeance) never occurred to me, as I'm not a native speaker and we have a whole host of other words that trigger the gag reflex for me :D

Pro-tip: install one of those blanket search/replace tools to replace all occurrences of "synergy" with "carrots and peas" ;)

PS: (now I want to find a silly marketing document and rewrite it in that style).
PPS: (replace "synergize" with "like hookers and blow").

Re: Rock Paper Shotgun barely mentions BTW!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:32 pm
by DaveYanakov
I would like to put forward a motion to teach marketing seminar lecturers the word syzygy in order to make marketing more easily identifiable