Path of Exile - Thoughts?

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Foxy Boxes
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Path of Exile - Thoughts?

Post by Foxy Boxes »

It's free to play, it's not pay-2-win, and it looks sweet. Other than that I know no more about this game than what's on the website. So, from all those who may have played it, what's it like?

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Re: Path of Exile - Thoughts?

Post by whitechaos35 »

I'm a fan of hack-and-slash ARPGs, and this might be one of my favourites to date, although I'm only ~10 hours into it. I love the skill gem system, the graphics (I loved Torchlight, but cannot stand the cartoony graphics), and most importantly, the price. This is pretty much the only genre of games that my GF will play, and we haven't purchased a second copy of D3 to be able to play together yet, but now I'm not sure if we ever will.

The only issue I have with the game is their network. I will frequently "snap" into place a few seconds late, oftentimes taking quite a bit of damage from monsters that I had run past, but I suppose the server thinks I just decided to smell flowers while they attacked me. This lag seems to occur more often when I'm using a skill such as Whirling Blades to move quickly through a pack, so I try to keep that to a minimum now, which stinks because my character is mostly built around that skill.
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Re: Path of Exile - Thoughts?

Post by Ultionis »

I started playing this with a couple of friends, nearly did a playthrough with 15 hours in. It's definitely something else. The learning curve is steep, if you don't do proper research you'll probably screw yourself over with the economy and massive passive skill tree (1350 nodes!)

Once you get into it though, it's great. It's hardly innovating the ARPG genre - it still comes down to "beat things with blunt objects and magicks for loots", but 'tis still fun.

The passive skill tree I think is one of those things people will either love or hate, you have to micromanage the path you're going to walk with limited points, often passing nodes like "+2% spell damage" or "+10 to max health". This makes for interesting and unique character builds, or just hours of angst if you're indecisive. The skill trees of all the different classes are connected, so anyone can pretty much do anything, though getting to the opposite end of the tree from where you started is unlikely, so it's still limited to varying degrees.

It may still need some balancing though, for example, if you want to play a full on caster mage, the community in general recommends NOT playing the Witch (intended sorcerer) due to her immediate tree sucking, suggesting that you rather start with a class adjacent to hers and work yourself to the magicy goodness. I haven't looked at that in depth myself, but my geeky friends ranted enough that I accept it as truth.

Anyhow, try it, it's literally only gonna cost you some time and bandwidth.
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Re: Path of Exile - Thoughts?

Post by FaceFoiled »

I quite enjoyed it for a while, but for me the game was too short and similar for good replay value.
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