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Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:56 pm
by FlowerChild
You guys don't get to see the PM's I get over on MCF. In most cases, you should probably be thankful for that, but this one in particular that I received today was so choice, I just had to share:
Hi! I'm developing a Dead Space mod with some other dudes and we have a problem, because our coder left, because he started his own mod and now I'm in a trouble, because I was supposed to release a new update few weeks ago, but it got messed up, because he made an API for my mod, so that locker blocks would work, but something went wrong and he tried to fix the problem, but he got enough and quit. And I'm not a good coder and I have planned so much things what are really hard to code (I'm not actually quite sure about that) and we really need a good coder to do those things. My friend then told me that I should ask help from you and yeah. And seems like you're not busy with some mod, so if you have time, could you help us? Also we need to fix a really annoying bug with our 3D modeled weapons which is the rotation. My coder tried to fix it, but he could only littlebit fix the problem. So yeah! And if you're a fan of the Dead Space series and you have been waiting for a DS mod for minecraft, you're lucky! And here's the topic of the mod: http://www.minecraft...-weapons-tools/

I hope you can help us!

- MasQuitt0 full of win right there...

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:03 pm
by Wafflewaffle
Do it man, it sounds so awesome! A dead space mod for minecraft? What could go wrong??!?!

Also great grammar that one has...

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:03 pm
by M!C
Only good part about this particular format: You can stop reading at the 4th comma and know you have missed nothing ...

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:05 pm
by logorouge
And seems like you're not busy with some mod [...]
Obviously, it's not like you're finalizing some very complex overhaul mod or anything... LOL!
I hope you can help us!
I wouldn't hold my breath on that one! Thanks for sharing, Flowerchild.

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:22 pm
by Vexalor
logorouge wrote:
And seems like you're not busy with some mod [...]
Obviously, it's not like you're finalizing some very complex overhaul mod or anything... LOL!
Ahem... Total Conversion... :p and, no, it's not like he's busy with it at all.

The real question here is who told this guy to seek FC's help? I'm not sure whether the person who told him to ask assisstance from FC was as much an idiot as this one or if he was just hardcore trolling him. I have a feeling that it was the latter.

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:25 pm
by FlowerChild
Oh, I'm pretty sure no one told him to seek me out specifically (unless they were trolling him). I think it much more likely he just spammed a bunch of authors of the bigger mods with that same exact message, and just included that phrase to make it sound "personal".

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:40 pm
by icynewyear
So I should stop sending people to you for modding help?

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:41 pm
by The Phoenixian
You know, I actually like this one; He's self aware enough to know he sucks at something and even has a sense of obligation to others. I haven't seen those traits from the anonymous passers by in months!

The sad bit is I'm only half joking... But enough of Devil''s Advocate humor. Even if this guy isn't in the top 80% of what you're getting, you have my sympathies for having to put up with this stuff and it's ilk.

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:17 pm
by CrafterOfMines57
I've been helping people out in the Modification Development section of MCF lately, and I swear to god I saw this guy yesterday, scalping for a coder.

EDIT: I was right: ... space-mod/

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:39 pm
by kingcharlesiii
That could be the greatest run on sentence I've seen in my entire life. Excellent work.

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:53 am
by Dralnalak
Wow. Simply wow.

I've read police interviews with suspects who were drunk, high, or a combination of both who managed to use more periods per paragraph than that.

And I'm not even touching the, "I have a great idea, but it's a lot of work; can you do all the work for me?", aspect of it.

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:11 am
by FlowerChild
Dralnalak wrote:And I'm not even touching the, "I have a great idea, but it's a lot of work; can you do all the work for me?", aspect of it.
Despite you avoiding it: this. So much this. This to the infinity.

Like look, I spent countless hours as a kid pounding away on archaic computers trying to get them to make decent games despite themselves. I passed up on the major buckage I could have attained with my skill set to instead work on games because that's what I love. I spent the last two years working on this mod as a labor of love, forgoing monetary gain almost entirely.

I did all this, and continue to do all this, to make my ideas a reality. I so desire to make them manifest, that I am willing to go through all that for it to happen.

So yeah...that gives you an idea of how much I respect "will you make my idea (that I took directly from another game no less) for me because I'm too lazy to figure out how to do it myself?"

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:47 am
by Sage
Really, this give me such a sense of sadness..."you are not busy with the mod"? Seriusly? I wish I had a larger face, so I could fit more palms on it :/
Really, I don't even know what's the worst part of that PM. Just, wow...

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:34 am
by CreeperCannibal
I would be hesitant to call you grumpy as you seem to be just intolerant of a lot of bullshit that people pour out. Of course, I could say that your intolerance is what makes you grumpy. Tossing all philosophy aside, it's sad to see the MC community treat you (or any other mod authors) like this.

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:47 am
by sacrife
After watching from the sidelines it seems to me that FC is the kind of person who just expects you do actually try to do the work or the research yourself before posting anything to him or us.
So many idiotic suggestions based on "this idea just popped into my head". People don't understand that just because you have an idea, it doesn't mean its a good one.
Everyone tool is available for you to do it yourself. Nothing is stopping you.

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:30 pm
by DukeCunning
FlowerChild wrote: -snip- I just had to share:
Hi! I'm developing a Dead Space mod...
Holy F'cking Crap!

(I am going to endeavor to not do run on sentences in the future) ;-)

Thank you so much for posting this. It is very enlightening.

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:06 pm
by Bevanz
So not only does he not know how to come up with good ideas, or incorporate them into the game, he doesn't even know how to find instructions to do it...
Hey guys! Could someone send me a video, where will be showed how to code custom mob into the game? So i can finally finish this mod! Thanks
He posted that before he had any single feature in his mod, he had just finished the model of the first enemy.

I'm guessing that harassing actual mod developers what his last ditch effort.

I mean why do modding communities always have these types? The types who decide "OMG, I wish Game X's enemies were in the game! I should go ask all the coders on our forums to do that and not do any research into doing it myself because I'm lazy!".

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:39 pm
by Dralnalak
Bevanz wrote:I mean why do modding communities always have these types? The types who decide "OMG, I wish Game X's enemies were in the game! I should go ask all the coders on our forums to do that and not do any research into doing it myself because I'm lazy!".
It's not just modding communities. Over on the Unity engine forum, there are a constant stream of similar types of self-entitled posts. People who want someone to hand them all the answers (and preferably just give them the "Easy" button).

There's also so many of the, "I have a wonderful idea, now I just need someone to do the real work," types wanting to post that the forum requires moderator approval before posting a search for collaborators for a project.

Both of these attitudes seem to be now prevalent anyplace there is game programming going on. They're often combined in the same person as well.

Maybe this is simply the nature of lazy humans and I just didn't witness this aspect of it when I was originally in college for programming, but it seems like there's so much of it everywhere now. I blame the crap going on in modern schools today where everyone who shows up gets a trophy, whether they really did anything or not. It teaches people they don't have to work to get things; things will just fall into their lap for them. I know it's created problems for companies trying to hire recent graduates.

But I shall stop there, lest I start to rant on that topic. (One of my own personal reasons for being a grumpy old bastard.) I knew when I started reading about how modern Human Resources departments need published procedures on what to do when a college-age or older applicant shows up to the interview with their parent (who expects to stay to help in the interview) that the world had found a new way to make my blood pressure soar and my head explode. :)

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:25 pm
by BinoAl
Heh... That's pretty good. :)

Re: Why I'm a grumpy old bastard

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:19 am
by Talarga08
I agree with this thread of course, but I think it's title is out of place.
You don't need to excuse yourself... personally I can't wait to be all grey-haired to shout "Get the fuck out of my lawn!!!!" to the kids in the neighbourhood while shaking my cane :')