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Potential design change: Netherrack goes out in the rain

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 3:36 pm
by FlowerChild
Just wanted to post this as a warning to players that may be using Netherrack as the go to light source with the increased cost of torches at present.

It'll still be an effective solution for below ground lighting, but you'll either want to build enclosures for it above ground, or use torches.

I'm still not 100% decided on it mind you, but I also don't want people investing a huge amount of time into netherrack lighting to just have it potentially go out on them with the next release :)

Re: Potential design change: Netherrack goes out in the rain

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:12 pm
by FlowerChild
Nevermind. After thinking about this further, I am convinced I can resolve the netherrack issue through other, less destructive to player builds, ways.

Use netherrack liberally and be free! :)