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First time user, possible install error -resolved-

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:31 pm
by Gwyndion
Hello everybody, I've played a fair bit of minecraft but I took a break from it. I'm used to playing with a few mods for extra toys to play with so obviously the first thing I did was check the mod forums and BTW raised my interest. Some nice new toys like electricity to play with while not being an auto-win. Can't say I'm 100% a fan of the forced bed disable but when I first started playing there weren't any beds either so back to the usual route of creating a tunnel after finding a spot I wanted :).

I followed the install instructions, clean minecraft, delete meta-inf, drag modloader into minecraft.jar and same for BTW. Seeing as my hemps growing fine (slow start but it's taking off) and I'm about halfway to making a windmill I'd say the mod is working. Something odd seems to be going on though, I've yet to run into cows and wolves. Cows're a surprise with the amount of areas I've been through, sheep, chickens and pigs aplenty but not a single cow yet. No wolves either while I've checked a numebr of tundra biomes but seeing as I can find them on new worlds I guess that's a big dose of bad luck.

Kind regards and thanks for the help,


Re: First time user, possible install error

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:44 pm
by Talrea
its random where the creatures are, youve just been unlucky. it took me 2 weeks of hunting on my favourite map to find a wolf.... well i did start in a desert...

it sounds like everything installed fine. just start doing some trecks out to the north/ south/ east/ west, etc exploriong the area. you should eventually find them, for wolves focus on searching snowy forests etc. as for cows well they should be easier to find.

Re: First time user, possible install error

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:00 pm
by Gwyndion
Thanks for the response. I know wolves're rare so I get that (though odd how they spawn in every snow biome on new worlds besides the three I've found on my main save) but no cows for a few ingame weeks is quite odd, I'm used to seeing multiple a day while exploring. Hmm, did another full reinstall of minecraft and now I find cows on every new world, fixed or bad luck streak broken I guess but either way resolved :).

Re: First time user, possible install error

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:10 pm
by Talrea
some world seeds seem to favour diferent animals, i did have fun though getting chickens to my base, i had to travel 2 days and nights though forests and deserts to find them... then bringing them back was just as fun, i had to wall myself and them in a few times until it was safe to travel again...

for the wolves i had to swim a ocean and cross a desert...

i guess that serves me right for choosing large biomes lol...

but just keep exploring youl find them... usually just beyond a ridge near your base lol...

explorings fun though, and its suprising how many fun caves or ruins you can find when travelling. just don't give up hope.

Re: First time user, possible install error -resolved-

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:36 pm
by Gwyndion
Haha too true, my spawn was a ruin actually. Have to say it was quite a surprise to get in there, dismantle the trap (and take the devices along ofcourse) and get 2 diamond, some gold and red dust etc to start off with. Obviously it also serves as a nice base when I died before I made the tunnel. Can't wait until I can get cows, expand my farm and start breeding though :).

Re: First time user, possible install error -resolved-

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:16 pm
by Ferrus.Manus
Yeah, in my recent Thaumcraft3 world I also had hell of a time ocating cows, took me forever to find them (and getting the back to the base trough 1500+ bloks or rough terrain was even bigger issue), so it's definitelly not a BtW problem, it just happens. It was really annoying since you need leather to actualy start actually research anything in TC3 (you need a bookcase to make a Thaumonomicon).