BD Timed Toggle

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BD Timed Toggle

Post by tom_savage »

I frequently come against a problem where I need a timed toggle. On/Off constantly, until I need to toggle it for a set amount of time, then toggle back. The BD timers send pulses everytime, where I needed it constant. Here's the solution I came up with, anyone have something better?
When a signal is sent it retracts the piston, breaking the solid connection and restarting the system. It cycles through half-slabs for however many needed (repeaters can be changed to make longer breaks), constantly rotating the signal through the BD itself in a loop, until a solid block is placed and the power received from the RS Torch creates a solid signal, stopping the rotation. On the output from that block, you receive a solid signal which is toggled when the cycle starts, and then restored once it finishes.

I condensed this from a 2 BD system using opposite blocks for timing, which was a pain. And so far this is the best I can come up with.

Edit: I've noticed several views, and worried my explanation might be too confusing, so I'll provide an example of what I'm looking for. Say I'm building an automated wheat farm, the wheat grows up til it triggers the DB, which then toggles the mechanism to release the water to wash away the seeds and wheat. The toggle for the water needs to have a long delay to let the items drain, that's where this timing mechanism comes in.
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Re: BD Timed Toggle

Post by BlackCat »

Alright, I've made something that I would say is at least presentable. I made a pretty sizable mess trying to figure out a way to compact this while still having it work half decently, and I'm still not entirely happy with the outcome.
Does that help at all? Sadly this relies on the redstone output side of a buddy block being updated to work, though it should be fairly easy to work around that.

Edit: Sign on the top should say "faces left" not "faces right" (this refers to the orientation of the buddy block)
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Re: BD Timed Toggle

Post by Utterbob »

What you are after, if the terminology helps with your search, is a monostable RS-NOR latch.

The one I build for prototype designs is almost always the one labeled A in the diagram here ... ts/Latches. I have the input hit one side of the latch and also start a repeater race track, which hits the other side to reset it after however long the repeaters delayed it. Once I have the timing and design of the whole build figured out I rebuild my circuits, depending on the actual needs.

That's where answering you question is a little more tricky, are you in need of reliability (repeater race track is fine if you don't mind breaking/replacing one every now and again to unjam them); stability (BTW blocks are best here) or high accuracy (hardest)? How much space do you have to work with too? Also with the wheat option that you used for your example... I use a timer in my wheat farm rather than detecting growth (it's harvested every 10 mins regardless), are you in a situation where the same timer can control the input and reset functions?
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Re: BD Timed Toggle

Post by Mr_Hosed »

The simplist way I've found is 2 BDs in-line. One BD acts as a timer which triggers the second BD which acts as a toggle (1 solid, 1 half slab). To control the signal I control the signal connecting to the solid block dispensed by the second BD. Hope that makes sense. The gist of it is on my thread describing my full-auto Kiln design from a while back. You'd have to search this forum for screens of that circuit.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I usually drive the first BD timer off a Turn Table.
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