An Engineering Student's Take

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An Engineering Student's Take

Post by Pruffs »

I had always enjoyed minecraft as a great creative output for an artistic style engineers were more at home with. The thought of cubic structures and contraptions built with simple technology, such as water flumes, was incredibly interesting to me. While redstone can be confusing, it also provides a great output for a mind suited for engineering. In essence, minecraft is mathematical art; it naturally appears to the technical design field because it grants the player unlimited control over his environment.

This mod just adds a completely relevant and much needed level to that creative system. Mechanical power and more complex tech trees really brought me right back to the game that I thought had become too boring to play. The fact that I can now generate physical power allows systems to be designed and new efficiencies to be created. You see, not only did the mod allow for the building of more complex systems, it also catapulted the efficiencies of current systems forward. Think of how much more efficient mob traps have become with an added hopper filtration and storage system. Not good enough? Think of how easy it is to cook food now using a cauldron. This mod has essentially removed menial tasks that couldn't be avoided in vanilla minecraft; additionally it provides a layer of automation, which in itself is a challenge.

As a student of both the manufacturing and mechanical engineering fields, I can easily see how minecraft could quickly become a positive creative output for a lot of other individuals in the technical fields. This mod really only seeks to carry that idea forward.
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Re: An Engineering Student's Take

Post by SterlingRed »

Exactly. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and this mod really speaks to me. Minecraft itself is simply amazing. It's pure creation. BTW adds the missing technical ability that pulls the game into a whole new realm where 'real' engineering is possible. I love everything about it!
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