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Is there a simple Display/Shelf mod that works with BTW?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:46 am
by Mason11987
I'm looking for something that can basically make any particular BTW item persist indefinitely in a way that you could walk by it and see. I've seen shelf/display case mods that don't work with BTW though.

Hope this question is okay here, thanks :).

Re: Is there a simple Display/Shelf mod that works with BTW?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:04 pm
by TheAnarchitect
The short answer is No.

The long answer is that the textures for BTW items are on their own independant texture sheets. Shelf mods don't have the code to reference those files, so they display the same spot on the vanilla texture sheet instead.

Have you ever used Zeppelin with BTW or Forge, and when you turned your zeppelin on had several blocks turn all weird? Same deal.

A shelf mod written for Forge might have the code to access additional textures, as my understanding is that additional textures is a big part of what Forge does. Or at least a big part of what the remaining bits of Forge FC uses does. Of course if something uses Forge it's not compatible with BTW.

So to display BTW items, you're going to need a shelf mod specific to BTW. That's not a bad idea for an Add-on.

Re: Is there a simple Display/Shelf mod that works with BTW?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:17 pm
by Urian
No idea if it works anymore (or even if it's still being updated) but at least once upon a time you could use Risugami's Shelf Mod with BTW. This was way back when, predating Forge and such though so no guarantees it'll work.

Re: Is there a simple Display/Shelf mod that works with BTW?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:29 pm
by Battosay
Yup, doesn't work anymore, for the reasons TheAnarchitect stated ;)

Re: Is there a simple Display/Shelf mod that works with BTW?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:50 pm
by FlowerChild
Yeah, this is the kind of thing I'd really like to see done as an add-on, but at the same time, now is probably not the best time to start on one given the 1.3 update madness :)

It's not the kind of thing I normally like to work on, but if by the time the extended block-ids roll round, nobody has produced such an add-on, I might take a look myself, as I really don't think it's very hard to do, and I know a lot of people like those kinds of shelves.

Re: Is there a simple Display/Shelf mod that works with BTW?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:13 pm
by Mason11987
FlowerChild wrote:Yeah, this is the kind of thing I'd really like to see done as an add-on, but at the same time, now is probably not the best time to start on one given the 1.3 update madness :)

It's not the kind of thing I normally like to work on, but if by the time the extended block-ids roll round, nobody has produced such an add-on, I might take a look myself, as I really don't think it's very hard to do, and I know a lot of people like those kinds of shelves.
Thanks for the response. Maybe someone else will pick it up in the meantime :).