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Question if/when the lens block is released

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:41 pm
by Xecaquan
Will, if the lens is pointed up toward sky block will it be able to detect day/night? I have several system sI would love to automate that depend on the time of day.

Re: Question if/when the lens block is released

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:14 pm
by Zhil
It doesn't detect anything, it's a lens. It just refracts light in a beam towards a destination. Also, it's pretty far off, so you probably won't see it within the next month or two

Re: Question if/when the lens block is released

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:22 pm
by sargunv
That does bring up something interesting. I think that it will require a light source to send the signal, so will the sun qualify?

Besides, I think you can already detect day/night using a mushroom.

Re: Question if/when the lens block is released

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:33 pm
by Battosay
Yes, it's intended to work as a Night/day Detector in combination with the Detector Block

Re: Question if/when the lens block is released

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:34 pm
by Xecaquan
Gilberreke wrote:It doesn't detect anything, it's a lens. It just refracts light in a beam towards a destination. Also, it's pretty far off, so you probably won't see it within the next month or two
ah not true... as the lens will detect the "signal" or light from another lens in order for us to use as a redstone transmitter.

True Sargunster, but using a detector block on a mushroom isn't very automated. I would still have to replace said mushroom everyday for each system.
Battosay wrote:Yes, it's intended to work as a Night/day Detector in combination with the Detector Block
Thanks Battosay, I thought so but was just trying to clarify for my plans on these systems.

Re: Question if/when the lens block is released

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:31 pm
by Zhil
Xecaquan wrote:ah not true... as the lens will detect the "signal" or light from another lens in order for us to use as a redstone transmitter.
It just redirects it, you'll still need something to detect it

Re: Question if/when the lens block is released

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:44 pm
by Stormweaver
Hmm...a mushroom Day/Night timer seems fun. Got enough of the damned things >.>

You know steve's teching up when he replaces his mushroom patch with a state-of-the-art laser.

Re: Question if/when the lens block is released

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:28 pm
by magikeh
wait... how do we use mushrooms as a day/night thing??!


That was off topic therefore:

The lens is much like the gearbox (but with several execptions)

lets say the lens can 'forward' a redstone signal 30 blocks, the lens then can be placed at the 30th place and it will transmit the signal annother 30 blocks(in the direction that it is facing!) and so:

Lens --> Gearbox
Axle --> Signal

except the signal will not be able to be 'touches' by the player, but the player(and all other NPC's) will be able to break/block that signal!

hope that this clarifies a few things about the lens

PS: the signal can only be generated from a redstone torch, not by a piece of dust! (i think reg. torches work aswell!)

Re: Question if/when the lens block is released

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:45 pm
by Stormweaver
jamestully22 wrote:-snip-
Popular belief is that the lens will work like a gearbox, just with 5 inputs faces and out output face. Inputs are provided by light blocks (not torches) and, potentially, beams from other lenses.

Mushrooms will displace themselves when they're in a light level of 12(?) or higher, and a block next to them updates. So I'm thinking that a complex system of block dispensers, detector blocks, pistons and gravel with a bit of logic circuitry could be used to make a rough day/night timer. Infact that's the project I'm about to start (I'm getting sick of building and rebuilding the tree generator, but it's almost finished) so I'm going to see if it can be done now.

Re: Question if/when the lens block is released

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:53 pm
by magikeh
unfortunaly this is only adding to the suspense that we must endure!!