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The ongoing 1.3 update epic

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:24 am
by FlowerChild
I'm creating this thread so I can post things I discover while updating to 1.3 (I always turn up a few things in the code relevant to players), but others should feel free to contribute any new information they discover as well.

I mentioned this in news, but I just ran into a village constructed out of sandstone in a desert, so I assume that villages are now made out of biome-specific materials. I haven't seen that mentioned elsewhere, but it may already be known.

In the code, I just verified that unfortunately, the code to place torches and such on upside-down stairs and slabs is special-casing each individual block. So, unfortunately this is unlikely to mean we'll be getting stuff like torches on tables and such.

Although, having said that...the tests are in the world class, which I'm already maybe I might still be able to reasonably pull it off. I'll look into it further.

EDIT: Yeah, scratch that...I should be able to do it just fine. Although they're special casing the individual blocks, they centralized all that testing code into, and it's now shared by all the different blocks that test if they can be placed on a surface. Very good news there.

So yeah, you can expect torches and such on Tables, and maybe a few other fun little things. Guess that also means that Forge can finally ditch those infamous 13 base-class mods to do this ;)

EDIT 2: Ah, nevermind...Forge is still stuck with it. The code only applies to placing stuff *on* those blocks. If it's to stick it to the side or dice.

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:51 am
by Sarudak
FlowerChild wrote: In the code, I just verified that unfortunately, the code to place torches and such on upside-down stairs and slabs is special-casing each individual block. So, unfortunately this is unlikely to mean we'll be getting stuff like torches on tables and such.

So yeah, you can expect torches and such on Tables, and maybe a few other fun little things. Guess that also means that Forge can finally ditch those infamous 13 base-class mods to do this ;)
Good sir I am appalled! How can you talk so much about placing torches on tables and completely leave out the true purpose of tables ... cakes!

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:37 am
by FlowerChild
Sarudak wrote:Good sir I am appalled! How can you talk so much about placing torches on tables and completely leave out the true purpose of tables ... cakes!
Wait...can't you already place cake on tables? :)

I'll admit, I am a little lax in my cake testing.

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:56 am
by morvelaira



And yes, you can already place cake on a table :P

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:00 am
by TheAnarchitect
Bah. If anything is needed, it's the ability to place tables on cake.

Or better yet, being able to flip the table over. like tipping a cauldron, only angrier. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:15 am
by FlowerChild
TheAnarchitect wrote:Bah. If anything is needed, it's the ability to place tables on cake.
I'd favor hitting cake with tables...

Actually, make that sheep in gimp suits hitting cake with tables...then wrestling.

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:31 am
by morvelaira
I had a sudden flash of watching this sort of tournament... with an eldritch lord sitting on a throne and doing his best approximation of laughter through the tentacles as he observe the goings on.

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:52 am
by Urian
Mmm, gimp sheep mudcake wrestling. We need this, nao!

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:06 am
by RaustBlackDragon
Wait, FC, you've actually started working on it? What about modloader? It's my understanding that it hasn't been released yet...

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:15 am
by Elevatator
RaustBlackDragon wrote:Wait, FC, you've actually started working on it? What about modloader? It's my understanding that it hasn't been released yet...
There are so many base classes, he can work on to update to 1.3.1. I think about three of them are also edited by ModLoader (I use McPatcher Installation, so I see wich of them "conflict")

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:42 pm
by FlowerChild
RaustBlackDragon wrote:Wait, FC, you've actually started working on it? What about modloader? It's my understanding that it hasn't been released yet...
Yeah, mainly I'm just reviewing the code-base at present. I've also been intending to put an abstraction layer between the BTW code and Modloader for awhile now, so I think I might do that, and create a compile option for myself where I won't need Modloader. I don't actually use it for all that much.

This will just be for my internal use mind you, but I could always put out an early release of BTW that doesn't depend on it if I happen to finish way before a new Modloader comes out. Then I could just release again with Modloader enabled once it does.

In the old days, ML always used to come out before MCP, so this is rather a different situation this time around :)

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:16 pm
by CycloneSP
Okay, I know this may be fairly old news compared to current topics, but I don't remember this question being asked/answered.

What effect is the vMC dispenser's ability to pick up and spit out water source blocks going to have with HCB? On one hand you it will offer an easy 'spout' like device. But on the other hand, it could be so imbalanced as to completely ruin the point of HCB.

In fact, I do have an idea, but I'll hold off on making it for now. As the validity of such an idea rests on your stance regarding this feature.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:25 pm
by Urian
CycloneSP wrote:Okay, I know this may be fairly old news compared to current topics, but I don't remember this question being asked/answered.

What effect is the vMC dispenser's ability to pick up and spit out water source blocks going to have with HCB? On one hand you it will offer an easy 'spout' like device. But on the other hand, it could be so imbalanced as to completely ruin the point of HCB.

In fact, I do have an idea, but I'll hold off on making it for now. As the validity of such an idea rests on your stance regarding this feature.
At a guess, I'd say they will behave just like using a bucket of water does in HCB.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:36 pm
by CycloneSP
But what about when the dispenser try's so suck in a source block? It would seem a tad weird with you providing redstone power to it, have nothing visual happen, yet the bucket inside is now full.

Re: Morvelaira's News Compilation

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:41 pm
by Foxy Boxes
CycloneSP wrote:But what about when the dispenser try's so suck in a source block? It would seem a tad weird with you providing redstone power to it, have nothing visual happen, yet the bucket inside is now full.
Fun fact: It doesn't. It only dispenses source blocks, not collect them.

EDIT: Empty bucket will collect, but only when there's a source block there.

EDIT 2: Sleepy so confused, what're you saying's an issue?

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 6:47 pm
by FlowerChild
Pro-tip for other modders that may be reading this:

If your diff tool is lighting up like a Christmass tree, make sure to note that the newest version of MCP (at least the newest version with updates applied) uses Fernflower by default instead of JAD as a decompiler.

I went through a couple of files trying to integrate my base-class changes before saying "fuck this" and digging around for how to switch it back. Turns out if you just delete or rename fernflower.jar in mcp/runtime/bin it'll default back to using JAD instead.

So happy that worked. Otherwise this would have turned into the variable renaming nightmare of a couple of versions ago in addition to everything else that needs to be done right now.

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:06 pm
by FlowerChild
Well, I managed to get a good day of work in on the port, and I've got all my base-class mods integrated into the new code base, save for 4 files. Those are Forge related, and I always leave them for the end as they're a real pain in the ass, and if I do them at the start I just wind up discouraging myself.

Anyways, at this point I have a much better understanding of the changes to the code-base, and I have both good news and bad news:

The good news first:

It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.

The bad news:

It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.

I say the latter because the code structure has not actually changed all that much with least not half as much as I was expecting, or would have hoped.

This makes me a little more suspicious about this whole restructuring.

Anyways, just a little update post. Things are moving along nicely.

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:17 am
by logorouge
FlowerChild wrote: I say the latter because the code structure has not actually changed all that much with least not half as much as I was expecting, or would have hoped.
Hm, that's a little disappointing all things considered, but I'm glad to hear things went well with the port so far. That's good news for sure. And thanks for the tip above. :)

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:39 am
by FlowerChild
Yay! Only 400 errors to resolve before I can begin testing ;)

That's actually not as bad as it sounds. A lot of it is just renamed function calls or variables that I can resolve 20 or so at a time.

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:13 am
by FlowerChild
And from 400 down to 3.

3 somewhat nasty ones mind you, but 3 none the less :)

I do believe that's it for me for today. Time to make a tasty sandwich and watch some tube.

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:17 am
by simanick
FlowerChild wrote:And from 400 down to 3.

3 somewhat nasty ones mind you, but 3 none the less :)

I do believe that's it for me for today. Time to make a tasty sandwich and watch some tube.
Woot :)
glad to hear it was not as hard as expected but say to here the restructuring was not as much as wanted.
3 is a good number to stop at 397 down is quite a bit :)

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:29 am
by FlowerChild
Actually, in a fair bit of irony, the remaining 3 errors all have to do with the latest property I added to Soulforged Steel in the last release.

Turns out the method I was using to figure out which Stronghold was which got heavily broken by the client/server separation (don't ask...that data is really hard to get to).

BUT, unable to resist the temptation, I just commented out that code (can fix it tomorrow), so I could try to run the mod, and low and behold, I was just briefly playing BTW in 1.3!

I already noticed a problem mind you (can't open mod block inventories yet) , but I was able set myself up with a handcrank and millstone in my 1.3 test world.

That's a much more positive note for me to end the evening on :)


Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:31 am
by Extreme Boyheat
Time for a treat.

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:17 am
by Urian
Your pace remains awesome :D

Re: 1.3 Discoveries

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:21 am
by Alphafox99
FlowerChild wrote: <dances>
<Tinfoil Hat Equipped>