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Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:45 pm
by FlowerChild
This is the first time this has ever happened to me accidentally. I didn't see it happen, but I suspect I accidentally dumped gunpowder into it.

Thought you guys might like to know that I've been hoisted on my own petard :)

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:53 pm
by BinoAl
Hah. Awesome. :)
Also, shouldn't this be in btw discussion? :p

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:55 pm
by FlowerChild
Yeah, perhaps you're right :)

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:57 pm
by BinoAl
So was the cauldron just set up with a mob farm, or did you literally put gunpowder into it? :p

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:58 pm
by Sarudak
Oh. I didn't even know gunpowder did it too. The only time I ever did it was when i misread the recipe for redstone in the cauldron thinking it included hellfire dust... :-/

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:59 pm
by FlowerChild
After reconstructing the area (was just a small blast) and doing a forensic analysis, I think this is what happened:

I often climb through the area that the sluices coming off my mob-trap occupy. They filter and redirect the various outputs to different areas for processing.

When I do so, I often accidentally grab items going through the sluices, and I just chuck them back in to clear my inventory. I think what I did was accidentally throw gunpowder back in, but AFTER the wicker filter that normally extracts it. It then got sent off to my rendering area where the rotten flesh and such normally goes.

Wow. Nailed by my own emergent behavior. I'm impressed :)

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:01 pm
by FlowerChild
Sarudak wrote:Oh. I didn't even know gunpowder did it too. The only time I ever did it was when i misread the recipe for redstone in the cauldron thinking it included hellfire dust... :-/
Yeah, I added a variety of explosive ingredients into the mix awhile ago, as well as making it apply to both the Stewing Pot and Crucible.

I also scale the blast relative to the amount of explosive material the vessel contains, so luckily in this case it wasn't like a full-out Hellfire-dust meltdown, and only took out the immediately surrounding blocks (flooding the circuitry underneath due to the water-flow over the cauldron mind you).

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:08 pm
by FlowerChild
Fuck! It just blew again (I heard the blast this time)! Ok, I've obviously got a problem in my filtration system :)

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:15 pm
by DIG_down
Have you been hanging around too many mirrors? Perhaps your projected malevolence is reflecting back at you ;)
Also, I somehow can't help but feel like this is a hint about future features...

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:15 pm
by Ulfengaard
It sounds awful, but you've gotta be lovin' it, FC. Not often that one's own creation surprises them.

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:23 pm
by FlowerChild
No, it's not a hint. Was just hanging out in my base working on a wheat-farm when this all came down.

I do just play the game too you know ;)
Ulfengaard wrote:It sounds awful, but you've gotta be lovin' it, FC. Not often that one's own creation surprises them.
Hehe...indeed, although looking at it now, I'm beginning to get a hunch this has to do with something else entirely, as I also just found gundpowder in a chest where I direct slime-balls and ink sacks.

My mob-trap got a huge boost in efficiency as of late with the changes I've made, and I have stacks of item entities piling up in certain locations as a result. I've seen it before where if there are too many items in the world, some of them stop getting properly updated by MC (probably a form of load balancing). So what I think is happening is that occasionally my world is getting overloaded, and the gunpowder is passing right over the Wicker filter as a result.

I'm going to try modifying my mob trap to dump excess items into fire to see if it clears it up.

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:36 pm
by HavokSCOUT
Sarudak wrote:Oh. I didn't even know gunpowder did it too. The only time I ever did it was when i misread the recipe for redstone in the cauldron thinking it included hellfire dust... :-/
There's a recipe for redstone in the Cauldron!?

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:41 pm
by Elevatator

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:51 pm
by Urian
Or the recipe to synthesize redstone.

I can't help but imagine there will be several incidents involving stoked cauldrons/crucibles and exploding ingredients on the anarchy server. After all, why destroy someone else when you can get them to destroy themselves :D

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:52 pm
by HavokSCOUT
What's the recipe, Urian?

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:03 pm
by Urian
Sorry, it's in the crucible (I've never actually used it myself).

1 Gold Ingot + 9 Concentrated Hellfire -> 63 Redstone Dust
1 Gold Nugget + 1 Concentrated Hellfire -> 7 Redstone Dust

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:48 pm
by HavokSCOUT
Not stoked, I assume ;)

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:54 pm
by Ribky
Oh no, definitely not stoked :)

I made the mistake once, when I put the concentrated hellfire dust in the wrong cauldron... which was close enough to the unstoked cauldron to blow that one up too. I think I threw about 3 stacks of hellfire dust in... hehe, yeah, that village never looked quite the same after that.

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:56 pm
by DIG_down
FlowerChild wrote:I do just play the game too you know ;)
I don't see that being possible. When I think of FlowerChild "playing" minecraft i have this vision of a villain rubbing his hands together, grinning maniacally, and scheming "How shall I get them this time?"
Like so
Except where he has a wicked mustache would be your glorious goatee. Plus it was a good opportunity to use the words future feature...just say it aloud, sexy right?

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:07 pm
by HavokSCOUT
It turns out that, when one is tired, they can read "Concentrated Hellfire" and add the "Dust" at the end voluntarily. I then proceeded to aid said dust into the stoke crucible, all 63 of of them :[ Good thing it was only in my test world
EDIT: Since when Was RenEvo a Turtle/ Placenta/ Space Monkey? Congrats, dude!

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:40 pm
by FlowerChild
Yeah, I think it was the item build-up that was causing this. I changed around my storage systems to have an overflow that directs into lava, and have been letting it run for an extended period without any gunpowder making its way through. I also directed surplus XP orbs into lava-pits as well just to be on the safe-side. I'll eventually get around to expanding my storage system to be able to accommodate the increased output from my trap, but for now this seems to work just fine.

Anyways, something for other players to keep in mind: if you get an insane entity build-up, it may result in Hoppers not properly filtering items. Hopefully Jeb's upcoming changes to cause individual item entities to bunch together into stacks will greatly reduce the likelihood of this kind of thing happening, and if he doesn't do it himself, I'll be sure to take a look into doing the same with XP orbs.

Honestly, I'm kinda disappointed that this was the result of a technical issue rather than my own in-game fuck up. I was quite enjoying the thought that my own error had caused this :)

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:58 pm
by danielngtiger
That is funny. I think that shows the quality of the mod, that even its own creator can be surprised.

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:08 pm
by FlowerChild
The epic of the exploding Cauldron continues!

So, after setting up the item-dumps I talked about, everything seemed fine.

I was just taking a nice peaceful elevator ride to the surface from my underground lair, when once again, "Boom!", quickly followed by a loud "WTF?!!!!"

So, I put my thinking cap on. I mentioned I was working on a wheat farm yes? Well, that's for an automated cow farm which I'm hooking up to my old passive mob-trap that was featured in my old "Factory Farm" video.

I tunneled into the side of my factory farm a short while ago, and directed the cows in there via water-flow so that they could go straight into the grinder and filters I already had setup for passive mobs.

The thing is, when I tunneled into the side of that passive trap, I had forgotten that I had a small water accident which went down into the floor below. Remembering this and following a hunch, I went to investigate that floor, and it turns out that a few torches were displaced, turning one small corner of one single floor into a very tiny aggro-mob spawn area.

So, my current theory is: every once in a very long while, a Creeper would spawn there, go into my passive mob-trap filtration system (which isn't setup to handle powders since passive mobs don't spawn them), and the resulting gunpowder would head off to my cauldron for some explosive "fun".

Jesus H Christ. Guess it was my fault after-all. Yay! :)

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:40 pm
by orangeweaver
Lmao. Well congratulations for being out-smarted by your own mod for just a tiny bit today haha. XD

I accidently broke my zombie grinder that I set up to collect drops and collect dragon orbs today when I was working on expanding my hemp and sugar cane farms ... it had less explosive consequences but had me wondering why I heard zombies dying and nothing was coming down the chutes.

Re: Oh wow...I just blew up a Cauldron

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:42 pm
by skrat6009
See, that's why I keep each of my farms and their outputs going to different cauldrons/crucibles. The extra effort it takes to add more mechanical power and whatnot is outweighed by the fact that I know I don't have to filter as much. Earlier today actually, I wasn't sure what would happen if you put gunpowder into a stoked crucible so I went to a test world a stuck a stack in and had quite a large explosion. I had a hunch it would not go well but I had no idea that the effect would scale. I foresee some nuke sized explosions with LOTS of stacks of gunpowder in a single crucible. That would be one way to give someone a REALLY bad day.