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Planetside 2

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:17 pm
by ada221
recently on youtube a video poped up from my subscriptions:
planetside 2 (totalbiscut)

this game looks promising, i did not play the first one but i have been hooked to any video of the new one i can find. then i found out that there was a place to sign up for a upcoming beta...i signed up instantly.

if you dont know what it is, its basicaly a HUGE MMO-FPS (im serious, maps of 64 sq km and 2000 players)
in a futuristic setting with air vehicles, land vehicles, mechs, and infantry combat.

i really hope i get into the beta haha

Re: Planetside 2

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:39 pm
by FlowerChild
I was a big fan of the original. Absolutely the best game I've ever played...for 4 weeks.

Main problem is that they didn't have enough variety in the level design for bases, so it always felt like you were fighting over the same hand-full of levels. Basically, this lack of variety made it get boring relatively quick unfortunately.

HOWEVER, before reaching that point, like I said: best game I ever played (well, I guess with the exception of MC now).

Re: Planetside 2

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:38 pm
by Derzuel
Eh, too be honest I'm not all that excited about Planetside2. From what I've read on the development thus far is that very little of what made planetside such a great game has actually remained in the game. Basically Planetside2 is a new game with better graphics that tries to lay claim to being a sequel to the original, but while convincing is still very much a fake.

I won't say that it won't be a good game, but Planetside2 is not the a sequel to Planetside.

Planetside's problem was that it was old and needed an update to its engine and graphics. As well it needed developers who actually would work on the game rather than just simply ignore the player base and game in general.

But if you find that you like it then good for you and I'll pray that the developers care for the game, but Planetside2 is not and never will be the sequel to planetside for me.

Seeing as you never played the original ada221 here are some old videos for ya
Fun with Thunder : )

Old Outfit, had many epic battles against them

While I wasn't very fond of aircrafts in the game, this one was the exception.

I miss that game, I really do, but thanks to careless developers who wouldn't support the game it has pretty much been killed off.

Re: Planetside 2

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:12 am
by Katalliaan
I'm in a similar situation to ada221 in that I learned about it from TB and never played the first.

While I can see where you're coming from, FC, that uniformity does help the players. World of Warcraft only has a couple layouts for its caves. Battlefield 2142 only had one layout for the titans. Once you learn one, you can apply that knowledge to all others of that variant.

Derzuel, what was it about the first one that you feel made it a great game?

Re: Planetside 2

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:51 am
by Derzuel
I think what made Planetside such a great game for me was that you could do things in it that you couldn't do in any other game. Armor columns were not only practical, but very effect if people knew what they were doing.

Another great aspect was that in the original you weren't limited to any class at all, instead you could pick your abilities to match your playstyle. At first this also lead to better team play as people all had their different areas of specialization. For example I specialized in sabotage and armor, which meant that while the battle was on the outside I'd commonly find myself in one of those armor columns, but once inside I'd be the infiltrator who sneaks in and drops the gen from underneath the enemy.

For vehicle lovers another aspect was that most vehicles the driver/pilot didn't have access to a gun meaning they could focus their entire attention on steering while the gunners focused on aiming. The main battle tanks benefited most from this by allowing the crews to make the most of the terrain.

Then there was the inventory system; low on ammo or need more glue for the tank, just have your buddy drop some on the ground or loot it off the TR that you dropped a few seconds ago. Being able to loot empire specific weapons and store them for later use was an awesome feature in the original. But it got even better, if you purchased the abilities for it you could steal the other empires vehicles for your own use, a magrider with a TR color scheme actually looks pretty cool.