(Another Generic Minecraft Story:) The Lost One

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(Another Generic Minecraft Story:) The Lost One

Post by Caevin »

Hello all! This paragraph is just for the introduction, you can skip down if you just want the story. I've been at Minecraft and BTW for quite awhile now, but life took me away from such noble pursuits, so I've been out of it. I've wanted to tell a story in Minecraft (always do when I'm playing anyway), but just never got around to wanting to share. I've no clue what sort of story I want to do, but I'll figure that out along the way. And without further ado...

Chapter One: Quincy's Story
It was a fairly normal morning in the Overrealm; the animals were wandering about aimlessly, the villagers were stomping on wheat, and the mysterious beasts were vanishing in a fiery haze under the sun's rays. Everything was in balance and the world was unchanged as always...

Well, that wouldn't make for an interesting story, but as you've by now guessed something was amiss. This something was a someone who had come into being during the sunrise, much like the beasts did during the night. There was no great attention payed to his arrival for the beasts were occupied with being on fire and the villagers were not around to notice, though one pig happened to be there at the scene, and played a great part in the beginning of this creature's saga. This is that pig's story.

Quincy was just coming back to the island after another night of taunting zombies. Though his thoughts were occupied (Percy had gotten a bit overzealous and drew a creeper in, and got caught a bit in the blast. Everyone would be talking about that for awhile) Quincy immediately noticed somebody standing on the island.
Everybody else was still swimming around so it was just him and this...creature. It was just staring at him, with a brief flash of anxiety Quincy wondered what the thing was thinking.
For the curious sort, it happened to be thinking "My stomach, it's so ravenous!"
"Ooh, that looks like food!
Without knowing why, Quincy was suddenly struck with a feeling of dread. This feeling didn't last long though, for he was just as suddenly struck upon the head by the hungry creature. As the world began to grow dark for him, he felt his body empty, like his spirit was leaving, but it was a horrid feeling, for the creature was greedily lapping it up. Quincy closed his eyes and waited for it to end...
Chapter Two: Shunned
The creature stood over Quincy's Corpse and almost seemed remorseful. This feeling didn't seem to last long however, for Quincy quickly popped away amidst a cloud of dust, leaving behind some porkshops and a bit of it's spirit. The creature quickly gobbled it all up, for it was ravenous.

After that, the creature looked around. It noticed some other pigs running away from the scene, but decided instead to swim out to the body of land it saw ahead. Not too much later, it reached the mainland, and just a short walk brought it to the bottom of something that was quite a sight.
And I bet it made him feel pretty insignificant too
Upon seeing the great sand dune, the creature was suddenly overcome with an intense desire to climb it. Nothing would stand in the way, not exhaustion, not gravity, not even it's massive unending hunger. It was an intense journey, with much grunting and other loud noises, even some climbing. But the view paid off, for the sight at the top was incredible.
Then the creature noticed the village, and immediately remembered how hungry it was. Thinking of nothing else, it rushed down the dune towards the fields of wheat, snatching all that mature enough to be edible, and most the others as well. At this point most of the villagers were either away or hiding in fear of the creature, except for one enterprising fellow. His name isn't too important, but for those that require such things let's call him Stefan Ramin. Stefan rushed out to confront the creature, urging him to leave. At first the creature looked like it would attack him, but then looked wounded, and slunk out of the village. What seemed like the end of the village was prevented thanks to Stefan, but the episode planted a seed in him, and he would not be the same after. But, as I said, he isn't too important.

While Stefan was having an epiphany, the creature had wandered past the other side of the sand dune, into the forest. There he passed out of sight, at least until we catch up with him again.
To Be Continued...in Chapter 3!
Last edited by Caevin on Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (Another Generic Minecraft Story:) The Lost One

Post by Poppycocks »

Lol :D, sounds like the story should actually just end now :D.
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Re: (Another Generic Minecraft Story:) The Lost One

Post by DaveYanakov »

Sounds like Quincy, the sentient unbreaking pickaxe to me.
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Re: (Another Generic Minecraft Story:) The Lost One

Post by Caevin »

Chapter Two, has been delivered.


Well it is the end of Quincy's story, but he plays but a small part. Besides, like I said, I've got no bloody idea how to play the story, so if every chapter (it's in chapters now!) can be the end, I guess that works?


I tried very hard to figure out what that is a reference to. Yet, my search was in vain. Strangely enough though, a google search of "quincy sentient unbreaking pickaxe" has the first result as:
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/M ... manitarian

Huh, sometimes keywords just don't work the way you want them to.
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