Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

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Continue toward a stoked cauldron, or investigate the process of filtering netherrack?

Stoked Cauldron
Investigate Concentrated Hellfire
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Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by BinoAl »

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Chapter 1: Exile
So, my exile begins today. I regret what I have done, but it's too late to worry about that. I have to worry about my survival now. I was knocked out, and dropped off in the wild. The temperature and humidity seem to vary greatly and through little distance, as I came to near a river, separating a warm, temperate jungle, and a cold, barren tundra. The jungle may be more plentiful in supplies, but the tundra is much harder to get lost in, and snow itself can be a valuable resource. I need to set up a basic shelter soon, but I can't make a sound decision.
Chapter 2: Jungle
I decided to go to the jungle. The abundance of wood and wildlife could prove beneficial. I worked for a while, and found a home beneath the roots of a large tree. I had to patch up some parts with wood I had made from some extra logs, but I should have a safe shelter now. It's not the roomiest or most gorgeous house I could've made, but it works.
I explored the area around my shelter, and realized there are a lot of seeds hidden around in the grass here. One of which I recognized immediately: Wheat. This could be incredibly useful. The other seed, however, I didn't recognize. I certainly hope it's something useful...
Exploring further, I found a cave meters from my shelter. Down within, there was a lot of iron and coal. I had already charred some of the logs I found, but this coal is very abundant, and doesn't require me giving up another valuable resource. The iron is in an unpure form, but I may be able to smelt it in the rock furnace I built.
Suddenly, I saw movement. I froze, and tried to make out what it was...
It was a walking, living skeleton! My startled gasp alerted the thing, and it started firing arrows at me. I managed to bash it with my crudely made stone sword, and it crumbled into dust.
There seem to be more unusual creatures here, too...
However, none were more unsettling than this monstrosity...
I avoided it, and started working on building a suitable place to farm this wheat. Suddenly, I saw a giant spider. Not surprising, since I was in a place filled with wildlife. I managed to kill it, sustaining a few injuries. It did, however, drop some silk. I immediately fashioned it and a few sticks into a fishing pole, and caught 5 fish before my luck ran out.
Then, I saw an ocelot. It looked like it wanted my fish! It could keep me from going insane if I had someone to talk to, even a cat. After all, I have 5 fish, 4 can probably keep me going until my wheat is ready...
Chapter 3: Sylvester
I decided to keep the cat. I may be low on food, but I can go fishing anytime. I'll name him Sylvester... Memories of my childhood might allow me to keep my sanity just a bit longer.
I added a fence around the farm, since I have nearly unlimited wood supplies. With my wheat protected from wildlife, I decided to plant it all. I also planted those 3 mysterious seeds, though I still can't tell what they are...
The oddest thing happened... I climbed to the top of my home tree, to see potential for expanding my shelter. Sylvester tried to rub up against my leg, and I fell off. I experienced my death... Then I woke up on the same shore as before. I thought maybe my exile thus far has been a mere dream, but everything was just as it was... At the site of my death was everything in my knapsack, though.
I started a branch mine today. I had completely explored the cave near my shelter, but needed more resources. Several meters in, I found an odd ore, that seemed to spark to life when I touched it. I'll investigate it later, but for now, I need to focus on the necessities.
The top of this tree seems to have an amazing view. With nearly unlimited wood at my disposal, I could easily turn it into a luxurious cabin or an impenetrable fortress. However, I am running low on food, and could always use more raw ores and materials...
Chapter 4: Collection
Well, I decided to go on an expedition of sorts today. With my wheat starting to mature, I decided I could use the excess to breed some animals. Plus, there are certainly more renewable resources out there that I could farm, and every little bit helps! I gathered my supplies and set out.
Almost immediately, on a nearby shore, I found some reeds. If I recall correctly, the entire plant could be considered a root system, and so I could actually cut off the top and plant it, doubling the amount of reed I would get.
I also found some pretty big clay deposits. I decided to collect them as well. Who knows when I'll need it?
Then, I hit the jackpot. In a small area, there was a damn good number of animals. Pigs, sheep, and wolves. It was hell trying get these animals back home without the wolves attacking the sheep, but I eventually made it, with 2 of each.
I got home, and built small corrals for each animal. The pigs and the sheep have already had a baby! This should be a great source of supplies.
Still no idea what this is...
After checking on my other crops, I planted the reeds. They are a more hardy plant than wheat, so I figured they didn't need the protection of the fence.
Since it was getting late, but I didn't feel like being cooped up inside all night, I went down to the mine. Found some more of that odd electrical stone and a good amount of iron. On my way back up, I saw... Hell, I don't even know what they were. Zombies is the most accurate explanation, I suppose.
Those zombies were the last straw. I have to figure out whats happening here. I seem to be immortal, all sorts of weird monstrosities are running about, and there seem to be materials that never existed before now. Of course, I am starting to run out of room to expand... Maybe I need to focus on adding more facilities to my shelter, and move my farms underground...
Chapter 5: Renovation
I decided to forget the oddities of this place for now, and expand my shelter. I couldn't resist, I just had to get a... roomier abode. I had to make some shears to collect leaves and vines without destroying them, but in the end, it was well worth it. I used some wool and wood to make a bed, and finally slept through the night.
I had a dream last night. It was... unsettling, to say the least. I saw a structure, made of blood-soaked bricks. It had some sort of energy, in the center. Drawing me in... Inviting me... I touched this energy, and was immediately in a terrible place. Everything was covered in either blood or fire...
After I woke, as disturbed as I was, I still had work to do. I found some woodlands to the west, and managed to capture a couple cows.
I started expanding my shelter into the ground today. I covered the cave nearest to my home, and added a door. I also made the descent down to my mine more smooth. I also added more stone furnaces, and a table with basic tools. This area will likely become the more used section of my shelter.
As I went out to start harvesting all my crops and replanting them down below ground, I noticed one of the mysterious plants had matured. It was hemp! This could prove incredibly useful. Unfortunately, I can't move it underground, as it requires UV rays to grow, but moving this wheat underground should free up some space above ground for the hemp.
I finally planted all my wheat below ground, and couldn't be more satisfied with my day. However, that dream is seriously bothering me. I feel the urge to build the structure I saw in my dream... Then again, focusing on growing more hemp would be more responsible. With a steady food supply, I can afford to start working on improving my standard of living here.
Chapter 6: The Structure
I decided to build that structure. It just seems to call to me... It will be difficult, building it from memory, but... The image hasn't left my head since I had the dream. It appeared to be made from obsidian in the center. Obsidian is a very hard rock, and I'll need stronger materials than iron to collect some. The blood soaked brick around the core of the structure isn't something I can obtain, and as such, I'll just use wood. Now, down to my mine...
I managed to find some gold. Gold, however, is very malleable, and as such, isn't even as strong as iron, not near strong enough to collect obsidian.
And... What's this? It looks like diamonds... But they seem different. It seems more metallic. Maybe I can use this material? I found 2 veins of it, so I have enough to experiment with it...
That crystalline metal worked very well. I made a pickaxe and a sword, and have plenty left over. I grabbed a bucket of water, and headed down to the mine once more, to try and find some lava. After a while of searching, I found some lava. It was apparently filled in by gravel, though. There was only a small puddle remaining...
Then, just a few meters away, I found a connected cave. I saw light in the distance...
Lava! And quite a bit of it, too! I flooded the area, and the top layer hardened almost immediately.
I dug down a bit, and started digging away. It took a while but I ended up with 21 sizable chunks of obsidian.
At last, I got to work on the structure. I got the core of obsidian done, and the basic shape started to form. It's going to be a costly project...
After a long day of building, it was complete. I can already feel it's pull... I stepped toward it... Sylvester was nowhere to be seen.
Immediately upon being sent to this place, my lungs filled with a noxious smoke, and I was tortured by unbearable heat. I adjusted surprisingly quickly, but the place was still far from pleasant. I saw what appeared to a hybrid pig-man zombie, and what could only be described as a ghastly, floating monster.
I collected all of this blood soaked rock that I could, but then, the floating beast started shooting fireballs at me! It got within range of my new diamond sword, and it tasted it's first blood. This place proved far too dangerous, and I decided I had to leave.
I came back home to a nice surprise. Some of the hemp was ready for harvest! I cut off the top of the stalks so I could collect more from the plant in the future, and replanted some seeds that were on the stalk.
I was now in the possession of 2 valuable materials, each with their own secrets to unlock. I'm now stuck with the decision: Do I unravel the secrets of this bloody stone, or do I start refining this hemp, and industrializing my home?
Chapter 7: Science!
Well, I decided to start utilizing my hemp. It works very well as a fabric, and it's fibers have very high tensile strength. In order to extract the fibers, however, I need to grind it. That was as simple as slapping together 2 slabs of stone, and connecting it to a hand crank.
After harvesting my hemp, I ground it into fibers with my new machine. Voila, useful hemp fibers!
Now, I wove these fibers into a small sheet of fabric. It's surprisingly thick and sturdy, I couldn't even tear it when it was done.
Well, I was being limited by the hemp's growing speed, so I decided to start on a small library, as a place to store these journals. However, when I made the centerpiece, it sprung to life! Something about this place filled it with energy, and wrote on the pages! It was akin to a guide on enhancing my weapon's abilities through magic. Any other time in my life, and I would have laughed it off. But, with all the oddities of this place, I'll believe anything.
Finally, after waiting for what seemed like years (but was likely just a few weeks), I had enough hemp for what I had been hoping to build.
Finally, machines like my millstone could operate without me having to work myself to death! I was absolutely overjoyed! To think I came here with nothing, and that now, I was generating my own energy... It was splendid. I used some of the leftover hemp fibers to make simple axles, and used a basic gear system to transfer energy between these axles. I hooked up my workshop to this new power supply, and had my millstone running!
Then, I had an idea. I had more than enough wheat to grind into flour...
Then, I had to build a basic stewing pot, to both mix this flour in with water, and to cook it.
It was an easy enough task, given my large amount of iron. Of course, I had no real source of fire. I could light logs on ablaze underneath it, but that would waste a lot of supplies. Then, I remembered how the ghastly, floating creature's fireballs seemed to light that odd stone on fire...
It worked! Somehow, this stone can hold a flame! It seems to last very long, too! At last, I had one of the biggest comforts I could possibly obtain here...
So, here I am. Eating donuts while watching my home practically work for me. Of course, I still have worries. There are plenty of creatures out to do me harm, and I have barely any of the spoils from them. Of course, I would absolutely love to further my technology...
Chapter 8: Mad Scientist
I had an idea. But I was going to need a LOT of dog shit.
Wow, I sound insane. No, no, this will work. First, I had to gather some leather...
And then I needed to grind the leather, allowing it to soak up the dog shit... Ok, maybe I'm insane. Well, too late now!
Now, to allow the dung to soak in to the leather... Where I cook my food...
Voila! I had nice, strong, industrial leather!
It's easy to cut into strips from here...
Now, with a few basic machine parts and some sharpened iron... I made a saw!
Yes, it works!
Or not.
I immediately worried. Did an axle break under the pressure? Did my saw have faulty parts?
My windmill appeared to be working still. In fact, it was spinning faster than usual!
Upon further inspection, the storm had worked my gearbox too hard, and it practically shattered.
I really need to find a fix to this... But, my new toy! It's begging to be used!
Chapter 9: Woodworking
I decided to finally get using my saw. After all, it's not every day you have a shiny new toy, right? I first cut some logs I had lying around. It was much easier than chopping them by hand.
Then, I realized, I could cut these planks into smaller shapes than ever before!
The smaller shapes could be very good for more precise building. I had an idea for a collection tool, to place in my "dog dungeon" It worked like a charm! I no longer had to collect the dung before it dissolved, this hopper would actually collect it, but keep it dry!
Then, I had an idea. Things that I made before were often using more wood than necessary, and wasting wood. What if I made them with these smaller pieces, which were just the right size? Excitedly, I added many bookshelves to my library.
Then, I had my best idea of all. Fire requires oxygen to work. I could make bellows, using wood and a large piece of tanned leather, to amp up my fire's heat!
Then, I realized the flaw in this idea. First off, this stone wasn't creating flame, merely holding it. A strong gust of wind doesn't make it hotter, merely blows it out. Then, the axle powering this bellow is only compressing the bellow: I need to find a way to make it alternate between compressing, and expanding.
Chapter 10: Sin
This flaming stone wasn't going to hold a hotter flame. I need to find a hotter burning material, so I can fully utilize this caldron.
I knew deep down where I needed to go, but... I was reluctant. Going to that place was absolutely hellish... But it has to be done.
I got to the other side of the portal, and was greeted by the familiar noxious smoke and excessive heat. I made way for the first thing that had caught my eye. It had a faint glow, and it's heavenly, golden color stuck out in this horrid place.
It was surprisingly fragile: I was only able to collect dust from each one, as it was pulverized the minute I touched it. I managed to scoop it up and put it in my backpack.
I figured, to avoid all need to come back here, I'd grab some of that odd muck. It seems to be the only thing here that I am missing.
I checked my bag one last time before I left. I made it out with a pretty good load of material...
I was immediately struck by inspiration upon returning. I ran down to my cauldron, and threw in hemp fibers, to soak in a solution of that conductive, electric dust and the heavenly, glowing dust. It made a very nice filament of sorts. It could, depending on it's application, create strong light, or create a lot of heat. Of course, this would only be enough to ignite a stronger burning material.
Maybe grinding this flammable stone would allow more oxygen into it while burning, creating a far stronger flame? I ground it up in my millstone, to test my theory.
I don't know why, but I got a very strong idea in my mind. It wasn't just inspiration, it was a driving force. I needed to filter it through that muck. I don't know why, or even what it might do. But I had to do it. I had to.
It let out horrible screams... or maybe that was just in my head... but it created one of those floating monsters. It startled me... but it seemed to die very quickly. It seemed to not be created here, but just phased in from that hellish place... It was trapped inside of stone, and died right in front of me.
Either way, I had a new material. It was just an unpure powder, but I figured I may be able to compress it into bricks by soaking it in water.
Sure enough, it turned into bricks very easily. Still, I have to wonder... What the hell just happened? Am I going insane, or were there really screams? Or maybe I should just continue working toward hotter flame...
Last edited by BinoAl on Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:49 pm, edited 31 times in total.
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Zhil »

This is going to be epic :)
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by BinoAl »

Gilberreke wrote:This is going to be epic :)
Haha. I certainly hope so :) I've wanted to do a gameplay journal type thing for a while now, but didn't want to do something unoriginal ;) And hell, the interactivity is a plus
EDIT: Damn, 3 votes for jungle already ^.^ I'm not too sure how I'm going to be spacing out votes. I might announce a time when I'll be advancing the story when a new vote starts, but I don't feel like waiting hours upon hours for everyone to vote :p I'll probably update this first vote before I go in to work tomorrow (in ~16 hours)
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Husbag3 »

I voted jungle, since it will test your architectural ability. I find it so hard to build a house in jungles that I am pleased with, my build style never seems to fit in...
If the minecraft world is infinite, why does the sun still rotate around it?
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Poppycocks »

Ok, I'm totally building in the jungle now.
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by FlowerChild »

I don't usually vote on anything like this, but I couldn't resist voting "jungle" just to be a prick ;)
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Calcifire3691 »

jungle, just grab 8 snowballs and you get an unlimited snow machine when you find a pumpkin anyway :P

also, jungle = ocelots = KITTEHZ!

oh, but tundra has wolves, and wolves = dung... hmmm, maybe I decided too rashly...
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Poppycocks »

FlowerChild wrote:I don't usually vote on anything like this, but I couldn't resist voting "jungle" just to be a prick ;)
Yeah, me too.
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by rmdashrrootsplat »

Taiga is so version 1.1... Voted Jungle. :D
morvelaira wrote:Do it! Burst into flames. Thank you! ...You! Flames!
Burst into Flames. Morvy demands it.
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by embirrim »

Although it won't make a difference, I voted tundra... Jungles are a pain in the ass, tbh. I created 10 worlds in a row to get a nice spawn, 8 of them I spawned in a jungle and immediately deleted them.
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by BinoAl »

FlowerChild wrote:I don't usually vote on anything like this, but I couldn't resist voting "jungle" just to be a prick ;)
I voted for jungle as soon as I started the vote ;)
I love building in jungles, although this time, I'm doing it a bit differently
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by morvelaira »

Something tells me we're going to the jungle.
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Battlecat »

This is a really cool idea! I think the jungle will be more fun!
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by BinoAl »

Updated :)
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Calcifire3691 »


I mean... I voted for the ocelot, you won't have to worry about creepers if it's around, and youcan always get more fish, or eat zombie flesh if you need food
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by BinoAl »

Haha yeah, I voted to tame the ocelot. Creepers make me rage hardcore.
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Poppycocks »

D'awwww, so he'll be like Wilson, yes?

At first I was like:


But then I decided to vote yes.
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Zhil »

Soft kitty, warm kitty
Little ball of fur
Lazy kitty, pretty kitty
Purr, purr, purr
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by BinoAl »

Andddddd updated :)
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Caboose »

I'm enjoying this so far, keep up the good work!
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by BinoAl »

Caboose wrote:I'm enjoying this so far, keep up the good work!
Thanks :)
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Poppycocks »

BinoAl wrote:The oddest thing happened... I climbed to the top of my home tree, to see potential for expanding my shelter. Sylvester tried to rub up against my leg, and I fell off. I experienced my death... Then I woke up on the same shore as before. I thought maybe my exile thus far has been a mere dream, but everything was just as it was... At the site of my death was everything in my knapsack, though.
Aaaaand, that's why I voted yes :D.
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by mr.creeper »

If I had to criticize this, it struck me as odd for you to introduce respawning and then not focus on it as a plot point.
But besides that, this is awesome!
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by Calcifire3691 »

mr.creeper wrote:If I had to criticize this, it struck me as odd for you to introduce respawning and then not focus on it as a plot point.
But besides that, this is awesome!
I understood it as a condition of his exile, he's not allowed to die until his exile ends (or he just dies for good). to be fair, very few LPs focus on the respawning as a plot point, Stormweaver's just said it was the safehold keeping him alive, and I've seen tons that either just use magic, curses, dreams, misremembering things (like prince of persia or assassins creed). it's just a bit of an odd thing to do, to make an unintended death an important part of the plot, especially since if you don't purposely cause it, it's unreliable.

anyway, I voted to explore, more exploring means more building materials and options for building :P
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Re: Better Than Wolves: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Post by BinoAl »

mr.creeper wrote:If I had to criticize this, it struck me as odd for you to introduce respawning and then not focus on it as a plot point.
But besides that, this is awesome!
Who says it won't be? ;)
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