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Going to hell without the sin of greed

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:06 pm
by CheGiuAn
Here's a guide of how to get to the nether without useing diamond pickaxe:

-of course space (the portal itself is 5 high, 1 wide and 4 blocks long, but you'll also need som space for the mould)
-1 bucket of water (might need more, if you accidentally but it in the lava)
-10-14 buckets of lava (you don't need 14 buckets of course, but the more bucket you have, the faster you can build it)
-1 flint & steel
-some inflamable blocks (dirt / cobblestone, etc.) to make the pattern

Step 1:
Find some lava (wether on surface or underground), if you're careful enough, 10-14 buckets of lava will be enough (at this guide, I used 14 buckets of lava)
Step 2:
Build a pattern like it's shown in the picture (also build a wall one level above, to prevent the water (that will turn our lava into obsidian) to flow out, and turn our lava source into obsidia, ruining our attempt to build the portal), fill in the bottom line (1x4) with lava (full lava source, not flowing lava) as it's shown in the picture:
Step 3:
Put the water above the lava (not into, because it will cause the water to vanish), then pick it back again when all the 4 lava blocks turned into obsidian:
Step 4:
Build the next patter (replaceing the wall that was preventing the water of escapeing)
Fill the two holes with lava, build the wall again one level above for the mentioned reason, put the water above them, and take back again.
do Step 4 three times, untill you reach this stage:
Step 5:
Build the patter of the upper level, wich will be 1x4 again.
Also place two blocks between the two highest obsidian blocks.
Fill the pattern with lava, build the wall one level higher, put the water abowe it, the when it's ready, get it back.
(sorry for not makeing picture here, but I think you can figure it out by now, that how it works :))

Step 6:
Clear off all the materials used to make the mould, and light your portal on fire!
Step 7:
Enjoy the almost priceless Netherrack, Glowstone & Soulsand, and make lots of nice BTW stuff :D

P.S.: Sorry for the rather rough and boreing composition, this is the very first time I'm doing such thing, but hopefully, I'll learn to make a video soon.

Re: Going to hell without the sin of greed

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:07 pm
by magikeh
NIIICE i love the title, almost crapped my pants when i clicked it, great explanation and all!! Now it makes complete sense AND your design works a lot better (and safer) than mine!! ^_^/

Re: Going to hell without the sin of greed

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:36 pm
by David367th
This is EXACTLY what I did for my first ligit portal! Scince I had no Dpick.

Re: Going to hell without the sin of greed

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:40 pm
by CheGiuAn
well, yeah, I knew I'm not the only one who could guess such thing :)
Anyways, who didn't knew it yet, now does :)
Cuz you don't have to be too high on the tech tree to get to hell :D

Re: Going to hell without the sin of greed

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:00 pm
by gftweek
You can do it with only 10 buckets of lava if you don't mind having an oval portal rather than a rectangular one.

You can also bypass building most of the framing as if you place the bucket of water first, beside or above where you want the obsidian block to be, you can pour the lava directly to it's intended location and it will set instantly. This method while quicker is more dangerous though, easy to misplace lava and burn yourself or destroy the water, plus you have to make sure you aren't being pushed around by the water.

Re: Going to hell without the sin of greed

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:03 pm
by CheGiuAn
gftweek wrote:You can do it with only 10 buckets of lava if you don't mind having an oval portal rather than a rectangular one.
Yepp, I know that it could be done that way (I wrote 12 by mistake, but I'll correct it), but I think with 14, it looks better, if it's in the open.

Re: Going to hell without the sin of greed

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:41 pm
by Riveter
It's funny to think that I've been playing Minecraft for over a year and never thought of making a portal that way. Of course I've never really had a reason to go to the nether until BTW. I wonder what other useful tricks people use that may not be known by everyone?

Re: Going to hell without the sin of greed

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:08 pm
by Stormweaver
Riveter wrote:It's funny to think that I've been playing Minecraft for over a year and never thought of making a portal that way. Of course I've never really had a reason to go to the nether until BTW. I wonder what other useful tricks people use that may not be known by everyone?
Well there is always the slighty more complicated version of this idea (for BTW only); Simply place a block dispencer at the end of a ditch, put water at the other end and a lever hooked up to the BD. Now place a lava bucket next to the BD, flip the lever and you've got instant obsidian! Very nice if you want to build a portal in the nether and still don't have diamond.

... it's much more efficent when automated though. Semi-automatic obsidian generators have pretty much replaced diamond picks in my worlds now :3

Re: Going to hell without the sin of greed

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:45 pm
by Camerinthus
Hmm, neat idea. I like it!

Re: Going to hell without the sin of greed

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:59 am
by Conscript Gary
I've always found casting to be an obvious solution, but hey. Very well written and thorough, and people learning from it. kudos.