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A question about melons

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 11:28 am
by Pot_Tx
Today when I was playing BTW CE2.0.3, searching for iron in a mineshaft, I luckily found some melon seeds in a minecart chest, which was a light of hope of not eventually starving to death, like in previous saves. After a few days my porks ran out so I rushed to my tiny farm to find that a melon had finally sprouted. But the melon dropped itself instead of slices, the craft guide showed the only way to eat it was cutting it with a saw mill. How ironic if I'm literally starving yet won't just conveniently crack open it with an axe? So I began to wonder whether it's an intentional feature or a development mistake, as BTW Wiki says a melon can be crafted into slices with bare hand.

Re: A question about melons

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:12 pm
by dawnraider
You need a saw to cut it into slices, but you can get mashed melon by dropping the melon from high enough. You can eat mashed melon, you just don't get as much food per melon as you do if you slice it (this change was done since melons were super powerful early game being able to get slices out of it).

It does make me think that you should probably be able to smash the melon by hand though, or at the very least with an axe.

Re: A question about melons

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 2:43 am
by Pot_Tx
dawnraider wrote: Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:12 pm You need a saw to cut it into slices, but you can get mashed melon by dropping the melon from high enough. You can eat mashed melon, you just don't get as much food per melon as you do if you slice it (this change was done since melons were super powerful early game being able to get slices out of it).

It does make me think that you should probably be able to smash the melon by hand though, or at the very least with an axe.
Ok thank you! Can't wait to see new features.