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Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:24 pm
by devak
MoRmEnGiL wrote: I also remember Battosay trying to say foul food and failing, constantly pronouncing it fool food :P
"i will now place the "pan""


i can never think of them as panes anymore. they'll always be pan

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:09 pm
by Caboose
My favorite memory is probably back when Hardcore Hunger was implimented, and due to the tight rules about spoilers I didn't find out about Hardcore Health until after a Creeper blew up on me and discovered I was blind, feeble, and couldn't climb full blocks. I managed to use slabs to get out, all while worrying I'd be jumped by another mob. It was intense. It was awesome.

And I suppose this wasn't in game, but I remember getting so caught up in the speculation surrounding The Device that I had a vivid dream about it.

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:31 pm
by AdmiralJonB
FlowerChild wrote: While we're reminiscing, I'll share the post that got me started down this crazy road almost exactly 4 years ago, and which wound up turning into the first version of the mod a couple of weeks later: ... a-bad-idea
I was a bit bored today, so thought I would have a look through this post. One of my favourite posts was: "I might be being harsh but wolfs are the best update this game has has until mod api comes out." (excluding profanity). Not much to say about it, but I had a good laugh.

I know I haven't played BTW that much, so I don't have that many memories of the game itself (doing a PhD is a lot of busywork). However, I really enjoyed a lot of the discussions that have come out of these forums and FlowerChild about game balance. It's never really something I thought about before, I either just enjoyed playing a game or not. But now I like to break things down a lot more about what I enjoy when playing games with what little time I have and it's come to me discovering myself enjoying games I never thought of before.

Incidently, my favourite in-game memory was actually in multiplayer post hardcore death. I was just introducing a friend to the mod, and we logged into a plains world. We started looking around, and my companion didn't see a ravine and fell straight into it. I think you can guess what happened :P

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:59 pm
by Dorugami
Reading through that thread made me appreciate how sensible and post-cautious people are here in this forum. While amusing, I think I have a tic in my cheek now from all the cringing

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 5:12 pm
by Yhetti
My favorite moment in Better than Wolves was probably when I started out in a new game right after the new gloom effect was added. I thought I was just really high or something. I think that is probably the highest I have jumped out of my chair whilst playing a game.

The best part about the Better than Wolves community is that I get to see FC get in arguments with people every now and then, and he always makes the other person look totally foolish.

Better than Wolves actually started when I was still in high school, so I kind of grew up with it. Four years ago I was a totally different human being, but Better than Wolves is still pretty much my favorite game.

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:42 pm
by FlowerChild
Yhetti wrote: The best part about the Better than Wolves community is that I get to see FC get in arguments with people every now and then, and he always makes the other person look totally foolish.
Not always. I've made a number of mistakes over the years and was largely learning as I went in how to deal with a situation that I really wasn't expecting, and which I was totally unaccommodated to in terms of the level of public exposure and scrutiny that was involved.

I've frankly fucked up on a number of occasions as a result, and feel that I've grown a great deal personally as a result of it all.
Better than Wolves actually started when I was still in high school, so I kind of grew up with it. Four years ago I was a totally different human being, but Better than Wolves is still pretty much my favorite game.
That's really cool to hear man. Brought a smile to my face to realize it's been a part of your life like that :)

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:45 pm
by Yhetti
FlowerChild wrote:...I've frankly fucked up on a number of occasions as a result, and feel that I've grown a great deal personally as a result of it all.
I guess what I mean is that you remain professional, whilst your nemeses act like children, however this might simply be a result of most vanilla Minecraft players actually being children. A good example is that link that someone posted earlier in this thread. You deserve a lot of respect for that man. :)

All this talk of children reminds me of when my nephew asked me if he could play Minecraft on my computer one time. (You will like this, even if it is a bit off topic). He started playing, and at some point he said the words "Wow this is way too easy" 4 year old nephew, who can't hold the mouse at the same time that he has his hand on the keyboard, thinks that Minecraft is too easy.

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:18 pm
by FlowerChild
Yhetti wrote: I guess what I mean is that you remain professional, whilst your nemeses act like children
Once again man, I don't know if that's true, and I think the amount of simmering hatred for me that's still lingering out there in various dark corners of the internet tends to indicate that it's not ;)

I've lost it on a number of occasions in ways I'm not particularly proud of. Sometimes it was calculated for a desired effect (I'm a firm believer that some forms of behavior can only be effectively countered by sinking to the same, or an even lower, level), sometimes it was just me being pushed to the edge by circumstances I was totally unfamiliar with and trying to figure out on the fly how to react to them while essentially freaking out and losing my cool. The calculated bits I tend to regret for feeling they were necessary in the first place, and the times I've just freaked out I just plain regret.

We all make mistakes, and I'm certainly no exception to that. Given the volume of traffic I've dealt with the past 4 years, it was pretty much inevitable that mistakes would be made in there. What I do think most important though is the ability to recognize them for what they are as the first step in learning to avoid them in the future.

Anyways, I appreciate the sentiment, so please don't feel I'm arguing with you here or what have you, it's just very important to me personally to acknowledge my own failings ;)

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:55 pm
by Zhil
My favorite memory is when I built my first handcrank when it came out. The clicky-clacky sound it makes is still my favorite part of BTW. Maybe because it's the first thing I made with BTW when I started playing it in survival (I tried the mod out in peaceful when it was still the original six blocks, but I didn't feel it warranted a permanent place in my game at that point).

And man, 4 years flies by. BTW has been a big part of my life the last few years. Hat off to you Flower :)

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:01 pm
by dawnraider
I started playing BTW in version 2.81 (how I remember that still I have no idea) right when bellows were first added. There was no tech tree, steel was not even a thing, and obviously nothing hardcore about it. But it wasn't just another tech mod. Even though it isn't the full fledged experience it is now, it always had an aspect of problem solving, which i loved (and still do). Nothing is handed to the player, even then you had to figure out how to piece blocks together to make something work.

That was only a few months after the release of BTW. Fast forward three and a half years and I'm still here coming back for more. No other game has held my interest for that long. Thank you FC for putting in all the hard work you have into the mod to make minecraft fur again. (Still love that that got in as a splash screen, it cracks me up every time I see it), and for putting up with everyone's shit and keeping pushing for no one but yourself. That is very respectable.

I have a few memories that stand out to me. The first one would be getting my first fully functional mob trap going. I had never had motivation to build one in vanilla, but BTW pushed me to do so (part of the reason I love BTW so much: MC is a game about building and "survival" but BTW gives you a reason to build, and a struggle for survival). The next would be my first automatic steel factory. That thing was an absolute behemoth, built on the fly without any sort of planning going into it. But nothing was more satisfying than starting up the monstrosity and hearing the souls of the damned cry out as they were shoved into my first piece of steel from it.

Then the hardcore modes hit. At first I liked them, just the small little ones that added immersion and a little difficulty to the game. But when hardcore hunger and the associated modes were introduced, I hit a wall. I tried to enjoy the game, but I just couldn't. So I took about a six month hiatus from BTW and MC in general (there's no way I could've gone back to vanilla), though I still browsed the forums and posted, and kept up with updates. When I came back I started up a new world and absolutely loved the changes. MC is about survival, and BTW does all it can to make that a nightmare. But there's a certain satisfaction in beating the odds and progressing in the face of all sorts of terrors. I remember the very first time I got a diamond after hardcore hunger and strata. Then getting basic fire tech working, even without automation.

Unfortunately, there have been a couple times that I went away from BTW for multiple reasons, and when I came back I could never get back into the worlds I had started. Because of this, I have never gotten to the end in BTW. In my current world that I started about a week ago (I just got diamonds in that world) I hope to finally reach steel for the first time in almost two years.

BTW has been an amazing experience over the three and a half years that I have played it, and it has really changed how I view video games and my enjoyment of them. Now, instead of "this is too hard, something's wrong" now it's "my ass hasn't been kicked enough times, something's wrong." And seeing FC talk about game theory and design has really given me a respect for game design and the struggles (and skill) that goes into it. That has pushed me to take classes in programming and consider computer science as a major for college.

Thank you FC for all the work you have done. And thank you to everyone here on the forums for creating such an awesome community, the one sanctum from screaming children and wolfaboos and general idiocy. All bow down to the mighty tentacled overlord.

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:35 pm
by FlowerChild
dawnraider wrote:Thank you FC for all the work you have done. And thank you to everyone here on the forums for creating such an awesome community, the one sanctum from screaming children and wolfaboos and general idiocy. All bow down to the mighty tentacled overlord.
Thanks for that man! Very kind of you :)

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:33 pm
by razar51
Let's see here. According to my archive of BTW versions that I kept I started with BTW in version 2.91, so sometime in August 2011 while I was in College. This was well before any HC modes came out and the mod seemed to be based mostly around automation and construction. Better Than Wolves was the first mod I have ever installed and used, and nothing else that I have tried since has provided the same level of satisfaction that BTW gave me.

While I don't like to admit it, I found out about BTW through the Yogscast episode on the mod. I had become bored with what I could do in vanilla MC and was quite intrigued by all of the automation potential BTW presented. To this day I play BTW mainly for the building and automation while the survival aspect is entirely secondary to me (and only serves as a motivator to automate things that I normally wouldn't automate in vanilla, such as food production).

I didn't like the HC modes at first as they started making the building process more tedious than I was used to. They made me spend more time at a lower tech level where my options for automation were limited by my inability to access all of the blocks in large quantities. When HC hunger came out I suddenly had to have a large and reliable source of food on hand before I could really build anything large, and HC buckets meant I either had to find a way to not use water in my machines or build only where water was available (this is one of the reasons I started living on islands, since I could build underground and have access to water from the ocean).

Eventually I came to accept the HC modes when I realized that they were forcing me to make smarter designs. Since my resources were being severely restricted, I had to think about the most efficient way to use those resources, and that mindset started to become apparent in the machines I was building. I had to learn more about how redstone and the mod behaved in order to create machines that gave me the functionality I wanted while using the least amount of resources possible (I even used some of what I learned in my College Computer Engineering courses to help me design some of the circuits I used).

Some of my favorite memories of BTW are from when I built my first automatic tree farm and when I converted my ~1:1 scale aircraft carrier to have working aircraft lifts with pulleys (this was back when BTW was compatible with Flan's Plane mod). The tree farm was an overly complicated design that used pistons with sand/gravel to push the logs of a grown tree up into a 'tube' that then pushed them horizontally into a saw further down the room. A block detector would sense when the tree would grow, and multiple block dispensers would remove the dirt under the tree as well as replant the tree after it had been 'harvested'. Water streams would catch falling saplings and bring them to a pulley system which would place the saplings back into a block dispenser via a powered hopper. The redstone circuitry took up a lot of room and was fairly ugly, but I learned a lot in the process of building it.

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:52 pm
by FlowerChild
Well, the date is officially here (the 10th), so a happy BTW anniversary to everyone :)

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:24 pm
by Sockthing
I first heard about BTW when the Yogscast did their mod spotlight video on it. What had me super interested that there was this massive windmill, that was actually turning! As well as the hibachi and ofc the cauldron, or stewing pot back then. I didnt start playing right away, but I started to lurk here in the forums and then some time around 1,5-2 years ago actually started playing.

What I love most about the mod, is the community it has created. I started making lets plays on it, people started watching. Then I started playing on PK's server and then there is the irc.
I chat to people daily on there. I feel amazed to be able to exchange ideas, not only about minecraft or BTW, but also other topics with likeminded people.

But to top it off, that a random stranger didnt like minecraft dogs, made a mod, which brought people together and then last weekend a few people actually meet outside of the internet is just amazing. And that is what I thank you for, Flowerchild. Thanks for this mod that made this possible!

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:18 pm
by djdori11
FlowerChild wrote:Well, the date is officially here (the 10th), so a happy BTW anniversary to everyone :)
Have to say, on the behalf of most 'fans', pretty disappointed you didn't release a version or posted a status update.
Probably because you even promised the final version for the previous anniversary.. :/

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:21 pm
by FlowerChild
djdori11 wrote: Have to say, on the behalf of most 'fans', pretty disappointed you didn't release a version or posted a status update.
Probably because you even promised the final version for the previous anniversary.. :/
Congratulations getting carried away by your own sense of entitlement?

"Promised" is a very strong word here man. I ran into several issues over the past year, some of which have been detailed on these forums. So sorry that amidst that I couldn't finalize the free software you enjoy. My nipples bleed at how unfairly you've been treated.

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:46 pm
by destineternel
I think this is required.

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:58 pm
by FlowerChild
destineternel wrote:I think this is required.
Lol! Thanks :)

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:19 pm
by Larmantine
djdori11 wrote:
FlowerChild wrote:Well, the date is officially here (the 10th), so a happy BTW anniversary to everyone :)
Have to say, on the behalf of most 'fans', pretty disappointed you didn't release a version or posted a status update.
Probably because you even promised the final version for the previous anniversary.. :/

Okay, that's just downright rude man. What did you expect from this? That FC will read this and release an update on all his mods? This is like still nagging your girlfriend after she's made it clear that there won't be any sex tonight. Nagging won't make it happen trust me. FC knows what he's doing, if it were possible to him, BTW was finished by now.

This is an anniversary. I for one am happy that this community is still is alive and well. It may be not bustling with activity as it was earlier, but still. It's not about just the mod, it's about the creator and the community of decent people. BTW is more than that. Those who were and still are around all these years understand it. Cheers to those people and to FC.

Happy anniversary!

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:49 pm
by FlowerChild
Let's not dwell on it. Buddy got a time out, and while I initially had a "seriously?" response to his message, I'd rather just let it sink beneath the waves ;)

I will say this though: you are absolutely right in the implication that a sense of expectation on how I spend my time is probably one of the things that is *least* likely to encourage me to do something. It runs totally counter to the spirit of fun in which I usually do my best work.

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:35 pm
by magikeh
Well, I've been thinking on whether or not to post here and really have to just say thanks. Really and truly thanks, to FC and everyone here on the forums and in IRC. I have been playing minecraft since the alpha (back when I was in grade 11) I remember the first time my group of friends and I saw the game, we just thought it was the neatest thing ever. So we went searching for this game and found it. Countless lunch hours were spent in minecraft classic, building the most strange things. We were unaware that there was another version, that is until someone pointed it out. I went home that night and got the ol credit card from mum and bought it. My first night was absolute terror. All I remember was the pitch dark, complete confusion as to where I was, and a creeper trying to give me a hug. Death ensued shortly afterwards and to say the least that moment right there was the real hook for me. I actually sat back panting in terror with a racing heart because of what had just happened. It was the first time a video game had come anywhere near to affecting my physically. But being as I am, I jumped back in with a vengeance to beat the 'game'.

Time passed and I found out about the modding community, I do remember creating a pack of 12 mods for my friends to play before I stumbled on BTW. The name was strange, I didn't understand why there was such a dislike to the wolves. To be frank though, I didn't care. The content was neat and I liked what it was able to do (automated minecart systems with minecart boosters ftw!) More time passed, 'invasions' came and went, members in and out and eventually all my real life friends lost interest in the game. But for some reason I stuck to it, there was something there that kept pushing me to do better, go bigger, faster and smarter. Then the hardcore modes started rolling around. At first I was skeptical with the buckets and such, but I pushed that aside and tried anyways. Not gonna lie but some of the later HC modes really threw me out, I didn't like em, but I had faith and tried and tried again. It grew on me, I started having fun and playing again. More carefully none the less and then it happened. The terror, it happened again. At that moment I was brought in a full circle, the beginning and everything in between sorta connected. The game was teaching me how to succeed.

It wasn't until a while after that again that I really figured out what this game, mod and community have done for me. The game itself taught me to be creative and always push the bounds, to this day I don't really have a comfort zone. Sure I get stung on occasion, but there is no feeling like that of going outside of what you're comfortable with and succeeding.
The mod itself has taught me how to keep on going, get up again and troop on because no matter how bad the going gets, there will always be a bigger light ahead. The only real burden in this world is that, that you put on yourself, work smart not hard.
And the community, holy hell this community has shaped me as a person. I used to suck at English (Yeah sure It's my first language, but I was bad at spelling and had terrible grammar) The strict rules around posting here forced me to double and triple check my posts before the went live because I didn't want to loose out on the opportunity to be a part of this community. Now a days people regard me as a 'grammer nazi' and someone with an extensive vocabulary. There have been a few times where I have been unsure of things in life and I have been able to draw wisdom or support from this community.
Finally, FlowerChild. You are a huge inspiration to me. Sure I don't actually know you. But what I do know, is that you pushed hard. When people said you can't, you did. That showed me a strong will, I wanted to be a strong willed person. So I tried to be a bit more like you. I learned how to program, different problem solving techniques and how to push boundaries. I love it, I feel that my life today is much more fulfilling than it would have been if I actually continued on my old life plans. Sure I may still be a poor student, but I am a happy student. I feel pride when I tell people of the problems that I have encountered and overcome. These past 5 years have been very fundamental in my growing up as a person.

So, from the deepest darkest depths from within, Thank You. Thank each and every one of you who have taken part in this community to make it a strong and safe community.

Best wishes and cookies,


Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:43 am
by FaceFoiled
Holy crap Magikeh, how is anybody supposed to read that? :P Hit the edit button and add some structure to that wall of text! :D

I tried to read it twice, but failed each time. ^_^

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:01 am
by magikeh
FaceFoiled wrote:Holy crap Magikeh, how is anybody supposed to read that? :P Hit the edit button and add some structure to that wall of text! :D

I tried to read it twice, but failed each time. ^_^
Note to self, tired posts are bad posts :P

Edit: Pressed enter a bunch, gotta get to work. I'll be back in 8 hours to poke fun at you yet!

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:59 pm
by agentwiggles
magikeh wrote: Best wishes and cookies,

I feel this, man. I am 23, and the last 5 years of my life have made me into a much different person. And BTW was almost always in there, developing slowly and evolving, just like I have been doing since I graduated high school (almost exactly 5 years ago.) I have posted elsewhere about some of the effects BTW has had on me as a person, so I won't get into that ramble fest here, but just wanted to echo the sentiment that this game has had a real impact on my life during what have turned out to be pretty important years in forming my personality.

Also, I am pretty certain that I have logged more hours into BTW than any other game I've ever played, and it was all FREE. That's insane.

Re: BTW Mempries as 4 Year anniversary aproaches

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:12 am
by MoRmEnGiL
Woot! Happy anniversary everyone! I say we all offer a sacrifice of seven companion cube pre-evolutions to honour the occasion :] Fire up the saws and chopping blocks!