New Release! (BTW V2.99)

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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by FlowerChild »

MoRmEnGiL wrote:I think before we come to any conclusions on the HCB we should give it some time ;]

Personally as I said I can only see it as a side thing, a theme for a world, not a main feature of BtW, but that's just me. (I mess with water a lot)
Wait, isn't that coming to conclusion? :)

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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by Shengji »

-Added optional "Hardcore Bucket" mode (off by default...can be turned on in the config file). This basically prevents the player from being able to transport water & lava source blocks and is a mode intended to make fluid flow (and by extension, the generation of mechanical power) far more interesting without causing additional performance overhead, by requiring the player to actually build canals and such to have access to liquids. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

So I've been playing with this for a good while now, here's my feedback.

It's amazing!

I want to give a full account of the adventures this change alone has given me, but it would be a huge wall of text. The shorthand version is that low tech (wooden tools) exploration is seat of the pants stuff, getting lost before maps is exhilarating, building leats and viaducts makes me happy!

Once again, Better Than Wolves has given me one of the most memorable and happy Minecraft games I have ever had. I am very excited that you are looking to explore more options which will get us out and about, this is my kind of change!

Oh, all the other changes are good too :)
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by MoRmEnGiL »

FlowerChild wrote:
MoRmEnGiL wrote:I think before we come to any conclusions on the HCB we should give it some time ;]

Personally as I said I can only see it as a side thing, a theme for a world, not a main feature of BtW, but that's just me. (I mess with water a lot)
Wait, isn't that coming to conclusion? :)

Play it man. Just play it :)

Not at all, it is an initial reaction without any first hand experience :]

I'm having a lot of trouble finding time to play my main world at the moment, let alone adapt to 1.8 and try the new changes in BtW :[

I *should* have some extra free time in a couple of weeks though. So I most certainly will give it a go.

To be fair, I've always wanted a reason to build water canals and weird flows, if ever get to it I'll showcase an old cane farm I built back in 1.5 or 6 that had this huge water system that originated from 1 water source (Had 2 initialy)
My point is that, especially after pistons, I could just ditch the entire structure and use many source blocks, but I liked the idea of it all coming from a single source. It would be very hard to build above ground though without the ability to place that single source *unless* we also get a way to transport water upwards,which I'm confident is something you are looking at for the future.

I rambled on a bit, but it all boils down to the 7 block spread of water being a big problem, and the reason why I never actually used water canals as opposed to placing sources that much.

So my reaction is not at all negative to this change, it simply is such a big change that it feels like a different game, and I would like to be able to play with both functions depending on the mood, so props for making it optional.

It sure feels more "right" though :]



Found these 2 pics:

All the water used in the system originates from that water tank like thing at the top of the back structure,whose sole purpose is splitting and rerouting water :P
And it is all legit! No mods or material spawning at all.
Too bad the farm never worked due to hideous framerate drops..(it is kinda overkill in size,it yields iirc 1450 sugar canes per harvest)
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by Flesh_Engine »

FlowerChild wrote:Very tired, so just going to address this one point for now:
Flesh_Engine wrote: -Mobtraps are effectively height limited for about 50 layers, barring mountain lakes or somesuch. Waterflows are a real bitch to make i think with the current aquaducting...
Not really. It just means the some designs have to change. Drop-traps are still just as effective, whether you kill mobs from the fall, or channel them into saws via an underground water-flow.


Righto forget i mentioned that :p
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by danielngtiger »

It seems that with every new release of BTW, Minecraft is beginning to resemble Dwarf Fortress more and more, just minus the sociopathic midgets. I love this.
This is so true:]

The new release is awesome as always FC, and I can't wait to experiment with HCB mode. All these new features are definitely leading up to something big, and I an very excited to see what it is.
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by Mr_Hosed »

FlowerChild wrote: <snip>
Like, how on earth do you preserve a creative vision and a belief that you are right about things when you are confronted with thousands of people each with their own (often contradictory or even hostile) views of what you should be doing?
General rule of success: "Fuck 'em! They're idiots! I know it's cool!" Amazing how often that becomes a self-fulling prophecy.

I would say lock-down that MCF thread, but then everyone would come here and dear god that would suck! ;)

I love the new updates. I can't tell you how many times I built a small factory of some sort, was happy with it, and woke up the next day with some new inspiration I just had to create.

I used to have that with vMC, but after your first couple of automated farms, how much cactus or reeds does one need? vMC has never made a way to automate the processing or collection of anything useful to gameplay :(

I haven't tried the HBM yet, so no comment there beyond I'm indifferent to the idea at the moment, but it would make a whole slew of water transport designs possible that would be VERY fun to play around with.

Also I can't wait for breeding and saw blades. MMMMM red glory! Get my frustation out from having to hunt down animals in 1.8 ;)

Anyways, rock on! This is what Minecraft SHOULD have been.

Oh, one last thing. Concidering how Potash is made in the real world (hydrated sawdust, evaporated) I kept trying combinations like water buckets and saw dust in my couldron. I read earlier in the thread what the actual method is. I'm curious what saw dust is used for.
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by FlowerChild »

Mr_Hosed wrote:Oh, one last thing. Concidering how Potash is made in the real world (hydrated sawdust, evaporated)
That may be one method that I'm not aware of, but from my research the historical method most commonly used involved ashes + water (hence the name). I haven't read a single thing that mentioned saw dust (unless the method you're talking about involves burning it first).
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by Mr_Hosed »

DOH! I stand corrected. Victim of skimming ;) You are correct, it was the ash rather than the dust. Yeah, that being the case, seems silly to add an ash byproduct item into the mod just to have it turned into another building component for another item.

I suppose my thinking was that you start with saw dust, turn it into ash, hydrate/leach, and evaporate so bucket of water, saw dust, bellowed couldron. Though that's not really any more intuitive then straight logs so nevermind :)
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by Fracture »

FlowerChild wrote: -Added Wool Slabs, both as an aesthetic block and as a method of providing color-coded off-bits when using the Block Dispenser as a ROM. They are fully functional with regards to the various dying methods in vanilla Minecraft and the mod, and may be created using the same standard "3-blocks in a line" recipe used for other slabs in the game. They can also be created by placing a wool block in front of the Saw.
Have I told you lately how much I love you? I've only read the first snippet of this post and already I'm overjoyed.

-Changed the Block Dispenser to have 16 inventory slots instead of 9 to facilitate its usage as a ROM. This also makes some sense considering the BD doesn't really have any kind of internal mechanism taking up space, unlike the regular dispenser.
And by the end of the post I'm even happier. You never cease to amaze, FC :)
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by Thalmane »

Great job as usual FC. Thank you for all the love and handwork you put into this mod.

I currently have mixed feelings about the HCB mode. I'll make a new map and try it out and give my opinion then.
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by TyberAlyx »

Awesome release! Thank you so much for all your hard work flowerchild!

So far here are my actions to the Hardcore Buckets:
I opened a new world and find the best lake possible I could get. I dug down the lake and made a dig around to make multiple 1x1 waterfalls underground. Drowned like 3 times just digging and flooding around haha.
I still haven't reached the waterwheel stage yet but seems like I got a setup now working hahaha! This indeed adds depth and challenge to building designs.

So awesome! :D
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by M!C »

You guys are aware that the next release (v3.00) is already out, right?
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Re: New Release! (BTW V2.99)

Post by Phantum »

FlowerChild wrote:BTW: Just noticed a slight fuck-up I made with this release. If you don't have the config file installed, the mod will default to hardcore buckets. Just dropping the config in your minecraft directory will correct this however.

I don't consider this serious enough to warrant a emergency patch-release, but I am bracing myself for the noob-bitching on MCF ;)
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