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Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:06 am
by FlowerChild
Rosethorns wrote:I just want to make you aware also in case you weren't in the know (but you probably are) the 1.9 pre5 makes it so all 'full' blocks count as source now, that includes each block in a waterfall.
You sure about that? That would make using pistons or BDs as flood-gates fairly useless. Soon as your controlled water-flow went over an edge, it would turn into a source, and you wouldn't be able to turn it off again.
PuppetRebel wrote:Simply put, the ability to create source blocks does not negate the want/need for pumps.
I really can't see a *need* for them with source blocks. A desire perhaps, but unless I'm missing something, there's no need for them whatsoever.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:10 am
by Shengji
Oh, I completely missed the point! I really wasn't suggesting you farm a section of the mod to someone else, I know how you feel about that - the point I missed is that you want that functionality - I read your original post on the subject that you weren't too fussed by it but you wanted to make it for other people. If it's something you want and will use, I completely understand that you will want to create and control it yourself!

And of course that belies most of the difficulty of running a segmented mod, as you will treat the whole thing as the mod, just packaged up slightly differently, rather than trying to maintain an aspect you have no interest in!

While we're on the subject of the change, just like to add that I'm a big fan of it and I can't see myself wanting to make a world without it!

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:12 am
by PuppetRebel
I guess "need" may not be the right word, but I'm basing that mostly off of the number of these types of suggestions you get. It just seems like plenty of people want this functionality even if they don't really need it.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:19 am
by Shengji
FlowerChild wrote:
Rosethorns wrote:I just want to make you aware also in case you weren't in the know (but you probably are) the 1.9 pre5 makes it so all 'full' blocks count as source now, that includes each block in a waterfall.
You sure about that? That would make using pistons or BDs as flood-gates fairly useless. Soon as your controlled water-flow went over an edge, it would turn into a source, and you wouldn't be able to turn it off again.
Water is back the way it was before pre4, plus:
Whenever a water source is surrounded on all sides by blocks or water (not necessarily source blocks) and it has an air block or (non source) water block below, then that air/water block turns into a water source.

I believe this means the core of a 3x3 waterfall can indeed be sourceblocks, or waterfalls in confined grooves but most should be unaffected. I can see that you could create a sourceblock anywhere you can siphon water too, but I can't see the point of that particularly as you have already got water there!

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:11 am
by Elensaar
Just want to chime in with my own support for the HCB. I've now started a new world where I play with it on, and the exploration I've been "forced" to to find a place where I want to build a base (pleasant surroundings and such) and where I can build a base that's mostly above ground has been really fun. I ended up running around my new world with a stone sword gathering some of the supplies I knew I was going to need while trying to find a high up watersource that I could build an aqueduct from. Tons of fun long before I even started to build anything! :)

If you decide to split HCB and related functionality off into a separate, dependent mod, I will definitely download it. I couldn't imagine playing without it now. The only thing I'm waiting for now is a pump (and not necessarily one that moves source blocks, I would be perfectly happy with one that just creates a "full" water block that disappears as soon as the pump is off) so I can continue on my floating city.

The Atlantis project on the other hand will do just fine, I suspect... ;)

As for the people that can't be bothered to read your release notes and as such don't realize why their "buckets aren't working"... I say screw them. Though I do understand that the constant bitching on the MCF is tiring for you. The community over there (If you can call most of those people a "community" at all.) is the main reason I've yet to get into modding. That and waiting for you API, of course. ;)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:40 am
by M!C
Rosethorns wrote:I just want to make you aware also in case you weren't in the know (but you probably are) the 1.9 pre5 makes it so all 'full' blocks count as source now, that includes each block in a waterfall.

So Source manipulation just got much much easier :S
Jeb already announced that he will change water back to the way it was in pre4.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:21 am
by FlowerChild
Elensaar wrote: As for the people that can't be bothered to read your release notes and as such don't realize why their "buckets aren't working"... I say screw them. Though I do understand that the constant bitching on the MCF is tiring for you. The community over there (If you can call most of those people a "community" at all.) is the main reason I've yet to get into modding. That and waiting for you API, of course. ;)
Well, I agree with you to some extent as I think my feelings on stupidity are pretty well known :)

But I find it really drags down the community overall to have that kind of non-stop bombardment of trivial support questions. It may have just been the MCF to start with, but I knew it was only a matter of time before it leaked over here as well.

It just sucks for everyone man...not just me. I don't think this mod needs another "why does my mill stone not work!??! I have it setup exactly like in the video!" epidemic ;)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:38 am
by cataline
FlowerChild wrote:And to go with the New Age, we have a new video!

This will probably be my last vid for the mod, as I'm turning over the role of official filmographer to Battosay. Wanted to make sure I went out with a bang :)
Utterly brilliant video!! :0)

Thanks for all your hard work on this mod - it really makes MC a pleasure to play again :)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:18 am
by Elensaar
FlowerChild wrote:Well, I agree with you to some extent as I think my feelings on stupidity are pretty well known :)

But I find it really drags down the community overall to have that kind of non-stop bombardment of trivial support questions. It may have just been the MCF to start with, but I knew it was only a matter of time before it leaked over here as well.

It just sucks for everyone man...not just me. I don't think this mod needs another "why does my mill stone not work!??! I have it setup exactly like in the video!" epidemic ;)
True, true. It's depressing how little people are willing to read these days... :P I won't mind if you find that extracting the HCB to a separate mod is the best solution, as long as I can still get it. ;) Still, if you keep it optional, there is some truth in that a lot of people seem to want pumps/archimedes' screws/other ways of moving water around. So maybe having them in the mod, while keeping the HCB to off by default wouldn't be that bad?

I do understand your reluctance to design around something that is purely optional. Still, as long as most of those features are still something the community at large enjoys, even though they don't need them, it might not be that "pointless"? And it could win you some (probably unwanted ;)) "goodwill" from the pump-suggesting crowds. Might cut down on the negativity, the "unwashed masses" tend to be easily pleased. ;)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:17 am
by Phantum
FlowerChild wrote:And to go with the New Age, we have a new video!

This will probably be my last vid for the mod, as I'm turning over the role of official filmographer to Battosay. Wanted to make sure I went out with a bang :)
I love your sense of humor -SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- much!!! xD

can't stop laughing.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:22 pm
by FarseerWraith07
So here is a small question on the whole hardcore bucket, as I have yet to be able to install the newest set of updates of BTW.

Can the piston push these non-source water blocks?

Reason I ask is I was thinking about making a piston powered water pump to supply my base with running water.

EDIT- Also, that video is fucking awesome. Period.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:29 pm
by Zhil
FarseerWraith07 wrote:So here is a small question on the whole hardcore bucket, as I have yet to be able to install the newest set of updates of BTW.

Can the piston push these non-source water blocks?
There is no new block added by the hardcore bucket. Water is still exactly the same.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:05 am
by TyberAlyx
FlowerChild wrote: But I find it really drags down the community overall to have that kind of non-stop bombardment of trivial support questions. It may have just been the MCF to start with, but I knew it was only a matter of time before it leaked over here as well.

It just sucks for everyone man...not just me. I don't think this mod needs another "why does my mill stone not work!??! I have it setup exactly like in the video!" epidemic ;)
I am starting to feel the same way as well with tale of kingdoms. I guess I know now why you limit your exposure in MCF. But here you are! Still going on. Thank you so much flowerchild, your mod really made my minecraft experience unique. :)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:36 am
by DaveYanakov
I only have one question about hardcore buckets that I haven't seen yet.

Was it intended that you could smelt infinite amounts of items in an effectively unlimited number of furnaces for free as soon as th player comes across three iron? I have a lava source near my base in a new world and I'm able to keep thirty furnaces running with no fuel expenses.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:45 am
by Necropolis
No, it wasn't. It's been mentioned to him before, he's going to fix it.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:15 pm
by pi4t
Well if the 1.9pre5 fluid mechanics are kept, that'll be true normally, as you can get infinite lava. FC might want to wait a bit to decide what his response will be.

Besides, although I haven't played with HCB yet, I think it would be quite fun to have that, and make sense in the tech tree. We already have the ability to do everything you do in the furnace without using fuel at all, through the use of cauldrons, kilns and crucibles, so unless you feel that it reduces the value of those blocks I wouldn't say it's actually too bad. Admittedly you only have to find one lava to use it, but it's certainly not an 'unlimited number of furnaces'. If you think about how far down lava normally is, you'll see that if you want furnaces in your main above ground base, you'll either have to be lucky enough to find a pool of surface lava nearby, and bring it into your base (preferably without dying in the process), or dig a very deep shaft which you have to go down and up whenever you want to power a furnace. Plus the BTW blocks also allow you to do more things, and can be made to do things faster relatively easily. They can also be fully automated.

So yes, I don't really feel that this is OP particularly, though as I say I haven't played HCB so can't tell for sure.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:44 pm
by M!C
pi4t wrote:Well if the 1.9pre5 fluid mechanics are kept, that'll be true normally, as you can get infinite lava. FC might want to wait a bit to decide what his response will be.
As I pointed out 10 posts above yours already, water will be changed back to pre4 (no more infinite lava as well).

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:01 pm
by DaveYanakov
It 's not the ability to do it that made me wonder, it's that you can do it before even starting the tech tree with three iron and a jumble of cobble. If you needed a steel (or insulated. Hellstone dust to absorb excess heat) bucket to pick up lava without setting yourself ablaze, there would be no problem as it would require advancing through the tech tree to collect lava. The fact that you can't pour lava into an obsidian mould with HCB enabled keeps it from breaking the progression that already exists.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:06 pm
by FlowerChild
Necropolis wrote:No, it wasn't. It's been mentioned to him before, he's going to fix it.
Not necessarily going to "fix" it, but I am aware of it :)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:34 am
by LordAsteroth
Maybe... Make it so that you need to collect lava from a source block, but when placing it it will place a non-source block? Lets you keep the ability to get buckets of lava for the furnace without being able to get infinite lava or being able to set up easy infinite cobblestone generators.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:50 am
by FlowerChild
LordAsteroth wrote:Maybe... Make it so that you need to collect lava from a source block, but when placing it it will place a non-source block? Lets you keep the ability to get buckets of lava for the furnace without being able to get infinite lava or being able to set up easy infinite cobblestone generators.
I will now refer you to the suggestion sub-forum...which I try to avoid reading.

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:34 am
by foreman
The hardcore bucket setting really makes the generated villages with a forge a pretty convenient starting base, with the lava and two furnaces right there next to each-other; and the center well makes for some good underground workrooms with an at-hand pillar of water (not to mention the existing farms).

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:01 pm
by Stormweaver
I knew there was something I forgot to do this release. Well, you know the drill. Or I do. Or something. SPOILERTAG NO JUTSU
Show, naruto parody reference. I feel terrible now -.- As for the op, just a couple this time - ctrl-c/ctrl-f/ctrl-v if I forget to mention where they are.
[**** Official Forum ****]

Note: This thread is not actively follow
Should be followed
Hemp: At long last you have a reason to farm! Hemp is a crop that may be planted like wheat, but it has a number of growing requirements. First, bone meal does not act as fertilizer on it. Secondly,
I think it should be firstly, but this is a matter of opinion - I always find firstly flows better when there's more than 2 points.
Cauldron: Sick and tired of having to burn coal to cook food when a simple fire would do fine? Me too. This is a block that functions like a chest unless it is directly above a fire block. If it is, it slowly cooks any food items in its inventory, one at a time (the affect of the fire is hot
Should be effect, unless I'm being a complete idiot here. I don't normally manage to mix them up though, so here's hoping >.<
The Wind Mill comes with several trade-offs. First, the Wind Mill can only be used above-ground for obvious reasons. This means that the Wind-Mill must have a clear-line of sight to the sky directly above it (overhangs or what have you will cause it not to function). Secondly, a rain or snow
Same as with the hemp bit. If you still prefer first over firstly then...fair enough.
capable of damaging players, animals, and monsters that come into contact with it when powered, making it an effective tool for use in traps and grinders. Capable of cutting through must forms of vegetation, it may also have various uses in automated farming.
Should be most.
Companion Slab: While nigh-indestructible, even the Companion Cube has its limits, and the Companion Slab represents one of them. However, a Companion Slab may be a pleasant alternative for small homes that can not accommodate a full-sized pet, as well as being handy for helping to reach items on high shelves.
Shouldn't this be listed with the companion cube? now that the cube itself is part of the tech tree and all.
Concentrated Hellfire: Slowly distilling Hellfire Dust within a heated Cauldron (be careful not to overheat it during this process) will purify, stabilize, and concentrate it into this more usable form. Concentrated Hellfire is stable under most conditions, but has the useful property of reacting to a redstone current by producing an extremely high degree of heat when sufficient air is present.
Now that we're using filaments to light our hibachis, having hellfire 'lit by redstone power' doesn't sound right anymore. or apply really.
Bellows: The bellow act as a bladder that expels air
Just missing an 's'.
Oh well. Figure this might make up for me not being here these past few days...I got caught up reading harry potter fanfiction.


Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:09 pm
by FlowerChild
Stormweaver wrote: Oh well. Figure this might make up for me not being here these past few days...I got caught up reading harry potter fanfiction.

First, your edits are very much appreciated. Secondly, I'll stick with first :)

Re: New Release! (BTW V3.0)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:10 pm
by walker_boh_65
FlowerChild wrote:First, your edits are very much appreciated. Secondly, I'll stick with first :)
Well he showed you;-)