Imgur to delete old, unregistered content.. bad for the BTW Forum?

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Imgur to delete old, unregistered content.. bad for the BTW Forum?

Post by EpicAaron »

I saw this while looking at a porn subreddit:

According to the new imgur TOS, unregistered images hosted on the site will be deleted. I personally have used imgur without registering to post all of my images to this forum. I assume this is the same for everyone else?

It will be a shame to see a bunch of dead links instead of years worth of content. Does anyone know if there is a way to systematically back up all the imgur hosted images from forum posts for history's sake?
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Re: Imgur to delete old, unregistered content.. bad for the BTW Forum?

Post by Sockthing »

We actually managed to back up all imgur linked images. So if anyone is interested in them, we can upload them somewhere :)
Rob wrote:Sock-ilocks then tried the momma bear's pixel size and thought that it was just right.
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