Yany's Stuff & Things Addon v1.3.0 for BTW CE 1.3.X - Now with Hardcore Darkness in Hardcore Hell!

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Re: Yany's Stuff & Things Addon v1.2.0 for BTW CE 1.3.X - Now with Hardcore Healing!

Post by yany »

If by early game you mean the first few days, then kinda yeah. Getting injured then does put you in a situation that is extremely difficult to recover from, though it is possible. Once you get a healing totem (or more) things start to improve drastically. Around day 3 or 4 is when I can usually start carving my first totem, and it is entirely possible to get that far without taking any damage at all if you're sufficiently careful.

To answer some other things you brought up on Discord:

I play with Better Terrain (with ocean size at 2, I think) and Quieter Millstone. Others said Deco is compatible too, though I haven't looked at that yet. Unfortunately, Dynamic Lighting is incompatible, but I really want to be able to play with it too, and I'm going to try to add support for it in the next update, though I don't know when that's going to be. I'm also considering turning the addon into more of a modpack, so that I could more directly integrate and balance other addons, but I'm not quite there yet. Maybe one day.

And yeah, yarn spinning is indeed powerful, but string was actually even more abundant in previous versions of the addon because of the increased aggro range of spiders, which I now removed in favor of spinning. And being able to have an axe and a shovel on day 2 was very much what I wanted to achieve. When playing BTW, I always had the most fun when a spider noticed me in my hiding hole on night one and gave me 2 strings. So I just decided that I should always have that :D
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Re: Yany's Stuff & Things Addon v1.2.0 for BTW CE 1.3.X - Now with Hardcore Healing!

Post by yany »

A new release is very close! Here's a short video showing some of the things you might see in 1.3:
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Re: Yany's Stuff & Things Addon v1.2.0 for BTW CE 1.3.X - Now with Hardcore Healing!

Post by EpicAaron »

True darkness nether is hype as fuck! And terrifying. Travel in the nether just got a lot more expensive.

Those fire arrows look like so much fun to play with. Glad to see more people are playing with Dynamic Lighting.
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Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2021 12:01 pm

Re: Yany's Stuff & Things Addon v1.3.0 for BTW CE 1.3.X - Now with Hardcore Darkness in Hardcore Hell!

Post by yany »

New release!

Stuff & Things 1.3.0 is now out for BTW CE 1.3.X
Get it here: Download
Watch the update trailer on YouTube!

Edit: Initially there wrere some issues with this release, so if you downloaded it in the first few hours and it crashes when you try to load a world, download it again, I uploaded a fixed version. Related to this, if you're playing with Dawnraider's Better Terrain and Deco addons, enabled Deco in the Better Terrain settings on world creation, and you want the Deco features to be generated in the nether, you'll have to use the compatibility patches I added to the download page of this release. You can install them the same way as any other addon.

Here's my favorite release so far! Dynamic lighting meets nether gloom to enable a split of the long standing crucible power spike! Big thanks to Hiracho for his Dynamic Lighting addon!
  • Added the Dynamic Lighting addon by Hircacho. From now on it is included in Stuff & Things.
  • Added Hardcore Darkness to Hardcore Hell.
  • Added dynamic lighting effects to entities on fire.
  • Changed Zombie Pigmen to eventually forget their grievances and move on with their lives.
  • Changed Zombie Pigmen to not get angry at players for attacking already angry Zombie Pigmen. Attacking calm and passive ones will still provoke a group response.
  • Changed Zombie Pigmen to eventually get angry at players walking on Netherrack if there's fires nearby.
  • Changed Zombie Pigmen to drop Chunks of Gold Ore instead of Gold Nuggets.
  • Changed the distances Nether portals look for already existing portals before spawning new portals on the other side. In general, the new numbers make it more likely that you'll get back to an already existing portal in the Overworld, and less likely that you'll end up at an already existing nether portal.
  • Changed Potash to be produced in unstoked Cauldrons.
  • Changed unstoked Crucibles to be able to melt iron items.
  • Changed kilns to fire Crucibles even with unstoked fire.
  • Changed Sparkling Torches to be crafted 8 at a time with only 1 Redstone.
  • Added a recipe for turning 32 Crude Torches into Sparkling torches in a Cauldron using only 1 Redstone.
  • Changed Piles of Soul Sand to fly towards the spawn point in the overworld if it's thrown less than 200 blocks away from it, in order to help locating the always loaded spawn chunks before compasses are available if you're already close to them.
  • Fixed an issue where returning from the end through a portal, or respawning at a Soulforged Steel Beacon reset the player maximum food and health to the default, and caused items dropped on death to despawn later than intended. Thanks to Hiracho for bringing it to my attention and suggesting a fix!
  • Fixed an issue where Better Terrain 2.0.8 would overwrite any changes Stuff & Things made to Piles of Soul Sand.
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