Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. BETA RELEASE?!

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Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. BETA RELEASE?!

Post by EpicAaron »

Get the Super Better Than Wolves 2.0 Beta HERE: ... 3_December
Includes bedrolls for sleeping!

Welcome to the development diary of EpicAaron29! I post modding updates and design musings here.

I have been modding BTW since FC first released AAAAAHHH back in 2018, but I didn't release anything until more recently. I currently have two published addons and various other unfinished works that may never see the light of day. My published works are...

Compatible Versions: CE 1.0.1
Forum thread: SBTW DOWNLOAD

Compatible Versions: CE 1.4.1 (works with Deco, BTA, etc)
Forum Thread: BPM DOWNLOAD

Please feel free to reach out to me with feedback or to share experiences, I love to talk about BTW!

For some months now, I have been developing an addon for Better Than Wolves aimed making the early game more fun. In order to keep my inspiration burning for this final [[[grueling]]] push to a 1.0 release, I have decided to follow Sockthing's lead and show off some of the features I have been working on in diary form.

This project is called Super Better Than Wolves.

The addon's github description reads: "This mod is the ultimate answer to the BTW earlygame-- a massive infusion of content to enrich the experience and give players more to do both during the day and at night." Grandiose, I know, but I have been religiously playing the post-AAAAAAHHH earlygame for years at this point, and I believe I have identified solutions to longstanding pacing problems within Flowerchild's epic camping simulator.

Don't take my word for it, have a look at the centerpiece of my project--the Bone Pickaxe!


If you have been around for a while, you might remember that before BTW version AAAAAHHHH changed everything, the game resembled a slower version of vanilla Minecraft. You still punched trees for planks to craft a workbench, and you still ultimately create a stone pickaxe to dig a hole to grind cobblestone and iron ore. Back in those days, the work/life balance that the game offered the player was still fairly straightforward--during the day you explore, build, and farm, and at night you mine, enlarging the hidey hole or digging deeper for treasures in the depths. BTW version AAAAAHHH radically changed this dynamic by requiring the player to to make an iron chisel before having access to a pickaxe (a process that can take well over an in-game week). The resulting gameplay was less than ideal; while daylight hours were extremely engaging, the available, safe nighttime activities were reduced to maintaining a cooking fire, knitting, or scraping stones out of the bedrock. The downtime can be refreshing even now, but after hundreds of hours of knitting with my stapler resting on my mouse and my eyes glued to my phone, I can safely say that I have exhausted that shit.

A man can only be made to knit so long before he breaks... In fact, back when AAAAAHHH first came out, I secretly made an illegal addon that allowed the player to craft a stone pick on their second night by carving it from rocks. Since I couldn't share this addon with anybody without being banned, I stopped using it after a while and went along with the knitting masses. Enter the bone pick!


The bone pickaxe is the refined older cousin of my original stone carving mod. Ancient man once quarried flints and stones from the earth using crude antler picks. Now, Super Better Than Wolves players can do the same! Mechanically, the bone pick is as effective at mining as the stone pick--slow and steady. Bone is about half as durable as stone, so players looking to undertake larger mining projects will eventually seek a proper stone pick. In the meantime, however, the bone pickaxe opens up some amazing gameplay opportunities. Once again, players can carve out basements and mine shafts within their hidey holes. Players can even start some basic strip mining for that elusive iron ore if resources (food and torches) allow. All of this quarrying gives the player extra gravel and cobblestones to work with, which means new opportunities to build paths and even non-wooden structures when the player needs them most. This new pickaxe can also mine ores as effectively as its stone counterpart, so gathering those initial chunks of iron and coal is a lot faster with it.

The wide impact of a proper mining tool in the first few days of a fresh world was immediately evident. Suddenly, I was planning a staircase up a hillside that would eventually lead to a watchtower. It really puts the *mine* back in Minecraft, and the result is a more creative earlygame survival experience. I think Flowerchild might have been too strict in limiting the player's ability to manipulate blocks in the world, and a weak but achievable pickaxe within the first week of play (or even second/third night if lucky) returns some much needed agency to the player. It is no longer necessary to rush four ovens and 8 blocks of iron ore for the "real game" to start.

This tool is evidently a major upgrade over the sharp rock, so I wanted to have the process of getting one feel unique and meaningful (and not just be a free pickaxe like in the olden days). In short, you fashion a bone pickaxe from the rib of a cow. Killing a cow is no easy feat even with armor and swords, so players will have to be clever (or really stupid) in order to earn a pickaxe. You do not need an oven or any iron to make one, so the bone pick acts as a standalone tech objective alongside clay drying. I think this is one of the most important aspects of the feature--it creates an entirely alternate path to the standard oven-centric progression that players can choose to engage with when the generic clay path feels stale or overdone. Realistically, both goals can be kept in mind at the same time, adding an extra layer of depth to the survival stories we weave as we play!
Another gameplay-redefining feature of my addon is a lot simpler: leather armor has been made accessible!


This is one of the first features I programmed. With a "progress recipe" similar to knitting, players can use flint to work a piece of leather into two pieces of cut leather. This cut leather can be used to craft leather armor (and perhaps other items like slings...) in the 2x2 crafting grid. Not only does this mean that players will be able to access leather armor pre-workbench, it also just generally lowers the cost of leather armor to acceptable levels. Think about how expensive it is to produce a set of leather currently. 24 pieces of leather is multiple herds of cows. That just doesn't feel right, and in terms of gameplay I could very rarely justify the cost in singleplayer, and equipping a team in multiplayer with leather is just downright wasteful. Leather is such an important crafting material! Waterwheels, pumps, bellows, and more all compete for it. At five pieces of leather for a full set, good armor is finally within grasp of players when they need it most.


Now, we can all wrap ourselves in leather goodness, and the benefits are immediate. Playing naked in BTW is a death sentence, but so often the scarcity of materials forces players to attempt dangerous caving expeditions without a layer of proper protection. I admit that this change sort of relegates wool clothing to the trash pile, but I would argue that it was already trash. There is a reason Flowerchild never gave us socks. The protection that leather offers is so much more tangible, and it brings me back to the days of Minecraft Beta and Paulsauresjr when going out and hunting cows for armor was one of those things you went out and did because it felt right in a survival game. Alongside the bone pickaxe, getting oneself a nice leather suit is another early game objective for the player to think about in the first weeks of play. New players and players that tend to die a lot will certainly appreciate the increased survivability, and I generally hope this feature allows more players to be comfortable taking risks for ore and profit.

This feature does need some more play testing. I kind of want a string cost associated with the armor too, but I am not sure how best to go about that within the confines of the 2x2 grid.

Also, the tuque recipe has been adjusted to make knitting a cute little cap of your own more reasonable in the face of leather ascendancy.

And who can forget... knives knives knives!

Remember how I said that players can use a piece of flint to cut leather into pieces? Well, I decided early on that I wanted to create a new type of tool to facilitate a slew of "cutting" recipes, and knives seem perfectly positioned to fill the hole in the earlygame crafting gap.


Richard Cowen in "Primitive Geology" illustrates an image of primitive man as one dependent upon geology for survival. Identifying and working with rocks to survive is the bedrock of our species, and Minecraft demonstrates this reality very well. Lacking the strong jaws or rending teeth of other animal predator, Homo Sapiens was forced to turn to stone tools in order to fulfill a diet rich in protein. Contrary to Minecraft's magic hunting where animals POOF transform into prepared meat in a puff of steam, real primitive hunting required the use of flint knives and hammers to cut through tough hide and crack bones to expose the nutrient riches inside. As much as I would love to have players literally cut up a dead animal carcass in stages, such a feature is beyond my current scope of abilities (though I HAVE worked out how it would all work, entity corpses and all). Instead, I have elected to add new drops to animals that can only be properly processed with a specialized stone tool. That is where the flint knife comes in!


By sculpting/"knapping" a piece of flint with a stone, the player can craft a flint knife to use for a myriad processing tasks. "Flint knapping" is a new kind of progressive recipe I have created, but it isn't just knitting with a new name. Instead, the player holds right click to draw back the stone (similar to drawing a bow). Releasing right click causes the player to strike the flint with a satisfying clicking sound. If the player releases right click too early, however, the flint receives a bad hit and has a chance of shattering. The feature is not yet functional, but I have plans to animate the drawback. It will be a little crafting mini-game! I like to think that, if BTW existed on a more complex game engine, activities like knitting or carving would have some real technique to them that the player can learn and master while playing. Flint knapping isn't exactly the most exciting thing to do, but I think it is a step in the right direction toward making knitting-style progress recipes more engaging.

So, knives, what do they do? Primarily, they are necessary for carving a hunk of cow rib into a suitable head for a bone pickaxe. The cow rib can of course be cooked and eaten, but it takes extra long to eat the tough meat and it cannot be cooked over a campfire. Carving it up with a knife, however, separates a nice piece of beef from the bone! As mentioned, knives can also cut leather for armor crafting.

Other uses for the knives include:
-cutting branches from leaf blocks to use as fuel
-harvesting vines to create vine traps pre-crafting table
-harvesting hemp (because I think it is just ridiculous that you need two iron ingots to cut down a plant..)
-cutting up webs much faster than a sharp rock
-stabbing things

Planned but currently unimplemented uses for knives include:
-whittling logs into bowls, totems, pipes and other useful little items (the features surrounding these items early game has yet to be implemented anyway..)
-cutting grass for a new straw-making process
-even more animal processing recipes... mutton into sinew as a string alternative?!
-dark rituals involving animal sacrifices

It is important to note that the flint knife does not require any string to create, so in situations where the player fails to find string day 2, a knife acts as an alternative objective. Currently, not finding string day 2 results in an incredibly lame repetition of first day. It sucks, you probably already know that. The knife gives the player a decent stabbing tool (not as effective as an axe, but good in a pinch) and a more efficient fuel gathering tool than a sharp stone. My favorite aspect of the knife, however, is that is adds a ton of value to gravel pits. Not only does the player get slabs for pathing, but the reward of a few flints for knives and arrows is awesome.


A knife is a flex tool, a literal swiss army knife. An iron version is also available, made from 2 iron nuggets. It has 75 rather than the 15 uses of its flint counterpart (durability values not yet set in stone), and it stabs with the same power as a stone axe. I did not want it to be as effective as an iron sword because then nobody would ever craft iron swords. At this time, I do not think many players will craft an iron knife, though it is much faster as processing materials than the flint variety. As I develop more uses for knives in general, however, I think its appeal will grow. I would love it if all animals had processing recipes related to some of their drops (cutting fat from pigs for primitive oil lamps, sinew from limbs, more rib carving fun). Eventually, maybe I can even program a corpse butchering system. Skinning and processing an animal would be such a departure from the typical Minecraft hunting experience!

On that note, I intend to create a "bow stringing" recipe to allow the creation of bows pre-crafting table. Seeing a pattern? By giving players more content to aim for before iron smelting, the actual prospect of waiting for iron to smelt is suddenly a lot less grueling. I want players to feel like they are playing Minecraft right from the start rather than waiting days and days for Minecraft to eventually start. Bow stringing will be a little minigame like flint knapping--if the player doesn't time the string correctly, the bow snaps. That feature is currently incomplete.
Foraging and fuel gathering!

I will let these pictures speak for themselves.



Which looks better?

Never carve a tree in a forest biome again. Huge thanks to Sockthing for setting this up for me! He whipped this feature out of nowhere! Seriously incredible.

I want forests to feel more alive. As is, they are giant death traps of shade made to be chopped and burned. In Super BTW, they are an amazing source of fuel for campfires. You forage branches right off the ground, and potentially much more. I would like rotting logs, berry bushes, and mushrooms to generate in them too. If you have ever walked in a real life forest, you know what I am talking about. Rainstorms will cause rare edible mushrooms to propagate in forests for a brief period of time.

Here is another change I am working on... acorns! Well, maybe not acorns, but I want saplings/acorns to have a chance of planting themselves when they land on grass. I also want trees to take fucking forever to grow. I strongly disagree with CE's changes to tree growth speed and automation >:) I think trees should be a precious organism that is not easily replaced.
Much needed mid/endgame fixes: mining charges and steel tool enchanting.

I am getting tired of writing, so I'll keep these brief.

Using feedback provided in our mining charges discussion, I have made tallow more available and will be looking into tuning animal breeding to make automating tallow production possible earlier. I am also buffing mining charges to have a slightly larger blast radius and shorter fuse time to make tunneling with them practical. I want mining charges to be useful for building, as explosives on the whole got shafted by AAAAAAAAAAHHH.


The steel tool enchanting fix is one of those things few modern players realize is a serious problem. Currently, steel tools cannot receive enchantments in the standard table. They can only be enchanted with scrolls in the infernal enchanter. This means that steel tools are essentially worthless compared to diamond, because the effort required to get unbreaking and efficiency on a single pick (let alone the stacks of them that the player is likely to burn through while playing) is ridiculous. When I implemented this feature, CE had not yet released a fix for silverfish farming, but even with silverfish farming I do not think it is at all fun to force players to wait even longer to use a mattock. Thankfully, just enabling the standard enchanting table with steel tools easily solves this problem. Since very few players actually beat the dragon these days anyway, it is a change that has not been discussed often. I wish I had brought it up back when Flowerchild was still alive.
Hiracho's dynamic lighting comes included in the box, of course:

I will never play BTW again without this addon. It is so fluid, so perfect.
Crock pots, chunkloaders, and more!

So much more. But these details will have to wait for another diary entry.

BTW badly needs chunkloading for HC spawns, and if nobody else is going to do it, then I will!
I think this is exciting work. Initial playtests got my dopamine pumping, and I believe this addon has the potential to awaken a fresh BTW craving in a lot of players. Animals have been tweaked to drop a little bit more food, and this combined with the new fuel gathering methods culminates in a respawn experience that is a hundred times more accessible. The first few days are no longer a total slog, and I think the simple fact that players are encouraged to gather sticks off the ground rather than carve them from solid wood is 100x more intuitive to new players. It is also, to put it bluntly, more fun and dynamic, because it encourages the player to actually move around and explore their starting environment as opposed to sitting in one sport and holding left click on stones and trees. The value of flint gathering, too, will encourage players to be more mobile and active as they seek places for shelter.


I am aiming for an early February release, but who knows? I intend to accompany the 1.0 release with an anarchy server and some handy documentation to get new players into the game.

Blah blah blah, I'm tired. Before I hop off, I would like to thank some important people for making this all possible.

The ghost of FC!
Yany, Greenknight, Stinky, Lanny, and so many more! (sorry if I missed you, I'll get you on the next pass)

Thank you all so much for the constant help and community support. You are some of the most generous and sane people I have ever met.

EDIT: Textures are not final! Many of these are test textures.
Last edited by EpicAaron on Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:20 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

Ah, I forgot one thing.

I wanted to add the option for players to drop death chests rather than lose their items when dying. My vision for this feature was to create a corpse/skeleton entity that holds an inventory of your belongings, but I do not know how difficult that would be to program. Yany's addon simply allows the dropped items to persist forever. That sounds like a much easier solution! I am going to try to fit this into a 1.0 release, as hardcore spawn is a real stickler for some people. I think the simple handicap of allowing players the chance to get their items back will make players less likely to piss and moan between deaths.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by AbbyRead »

This add on looks awesome. I’m going to try it out, but I have to ask… probably an inappropriate question. Is FlowerChild for real dead (RIP style)? Sorry, y’all. I missed the memo if so.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by dawnraider »

Nah he just retired. Aaron has a flair for the dramatic :P
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by AbbyRead »

Phew, okay thanks. Yeah, I figured that was the case but wasn't sure. I mean, at this point we wouldn't know, right? He probably feels the same way though, with the wording he chose on exit.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

Currently working on implementing branch generation in forests properly. I thought I'd post my TODO list here for funsies, as well as the general changelog.



-Added new tool type: blades/knives
>effective against webs
>can harvest hemp & vines
>deals extra damage
-Added new tool: Flint knife
-Added new tool: Iron knife
-Added new progress crafting recipe: flint knapping (to produce flint knife)
TODO>Animated! Too many bad hits and the flint may break..

-Added new item: Branch
>Harvested from leaves with knife, random chance drop without knife
>Harvested from dead bushes

-Added new progress crafting recipe: leather cutting (to make cut leather)
-Added new crafting recipes for leather armor using cut leather (for use in 2x2 grid!)
TODO>make craft back into knife

-Added new cow drop: Beef rib
-Added new food: Seared Beef Rib (by cooking a beef rib)
>eaten in stages, can be shared
-Added new progress crafting recipe: rib cutting
-Added new item: Rib Bone (made from beef rib)
TODO>make craft back into knife
-Added new tool: Bone Pickaxe (made from rib)

-Added recipe for the original workbench, crafted with 8 planks and an iron ingot

-Changed cows to drop at least 1 leather every time
-Changed chickens to drop at least 2 feathers every time
-Changed pigs to always drop 2-3 pork when killed

-Changed leather to render into 2 glue instead of 1 (and 1 cut leather = 1 glue)
-Changed pork to render into 3 tallow (instead of 1 tallow)
-changed a single beef to render into 1 tallow (instead of 4 beef)

-Changed steel tools to be enchantable in the standard table ;P
-Changed steel tools to now accept up to five enchantments in the infernal enchanter (go nuts!)
-Changed diamond tools to now accept up to three enchantments in the infernal enchanter
-Tweaked diamond tool enchanting to increase the rate of level 3 enchantments
-Tweaked steel tool enchanting to make level 3 enchantments standard
>Efficiency IV is now a possibility... too OP?
-Changed Bottles O' Enchanting to drop a lot more EXP...

-Changed minecart chests to drop a chest when broken

-Added Hardcore Bible Murder
-Changed pointy sticks and sharp stone to deal small amount of damage for pretty much no reason

-Changed (reduced) the HC Respawn timer to 1/4th its original value.

TODO: branches
>make generate on the ground of forests

TODO: Bow Stringing recipe
(make bow accessible to craft in 2x2 grid by making a bow stringing progress recipe
like flint knapping, you need to hold enough to string it or it snaps)

TODO: Custom death message for being stabbed to death by a knife. Also, clubs if there isn't one already.


TODO: Grass can grow day or night as long as exposed to sun like in CE!!

TODO: Change saplings to take a really long time to grow... or acorns?
-ask Sock about giving trees growth stages...

TODO: Change saplings to auto-plant in grass like bloodwoods?

TODO: Stone hoe!!!! re implement

Hunger TODO:
- make starvation health drain take WAAAYYY longer!!!

TODO: Make mortar cobble bad break into loose cobble rather than drop

TODO: Change powered rail recipe to be cheaper on gold

TODO: Mining charges fix-4x3x3 radius, drop proper materials

TODO: new 2nd campfire stage using torch fire particles rather than tiny fire block because it looks better maybe

TODO: deathchest, or just make items not despawn like in Yany's mod

So, not too much left to do before release 1.0!

TLDR things to note:

The HC Respawn Timer has been reduced significantly. If the default is exactly 20 minutes, then it is now 5 minutes to respawn. You no longer need to get up and leave your computer to wait for a cooldown after a jungle spawn. I am not sure this is a good feature, in all honesty. Enabling ragers to rage and spam respawns in the vain hope of finding an easy path home is probably bad design. Unfortunately, I am a sinful sinful boy and sometimes I play this game in ways that are not optimal. BTW is hell.

Some animal drops are guaranteed: 2 feathers from chickens, 1 leather from cows, 2 porkchops from pigs (and I'll likely make it so 2 mutton always drop from a sheep). That should make things a little more comfortable for weaker players, and it will certainly give experience hunters enough resources to relax a bit more while building up a base camp. Cows dropping an entire extra piece of meat, the yummy rib, should make hunting cows specifically extremely rewarding.

It should be noted that the first release of SBTW will not be for the latest CE version, because I started work on this back in 1.0. I am also following FC's design philosophy and belligerently editing base classes to my heart's content, so making SBTW play fair with other addons will be a small process. I will cross that bridge later. For now, I want to wrap up development here so I can finally go back to playing BTW.

What will the distant future hold? Well, I am slowly learning to temper my expectations to my actual coding ability, but chunkloaders, in-game pipes with smokable hemp, and a more robust plant system would all be really cool. As I play SBTW more, perhaps I will find more ways to improve the game.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by dawnraider »

I will let you know that chunkloaders are planned for BTW. Also, chunk handling code is one of the more complicated aspects of the game and certainly not recommended for a novice programmer to tackle without having a solid grasp on the game's inner workings and Java as a whole.

The HCS respawn timer has also been reduced from 20 minutes to 9 minutes so that if you die after nightfall you'll spawn in a new area, but yeah jungle spawns are still an issue. Personally I'd rather just make it so that it can't spawn you in jungles (or oceans), but that's a bit more complicated. And yeah as a stopgap, reducing the timer even more

Lastly, editing a ton of base classes will make your life much harder when updating, or when trying to handle addon compatibility. BTW doesn't need to care because it's standalone on an unmoving codebase, but neither are true for addons. So just, be careful and don't go overboard. Numerous hooks have been added to assist in the most common use cases for that such as blocks, items, and entities. If you need help with figuring out how to use those I'm always willing to help out.

Certainly interesting to see this come together though. Definitely not my playstyle but I can absolutely see something like this having a place.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

Super Better Than Wolves isn't all business. Sockthing went ahead and put together some sunflower code, which I will gladly incorporate into the meadows of our worlds.

Should sunflower seeds be edible?
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

My projected Feb 9 release date is sounding increasingly far-fetched, but I am getting closer by the day. Once version 1.0 is feature complete, I need to port to multiplayer (which I hear isn't too hard) and play test. Branch generation is complete (besides some tuning for quantity of branches). I just need to add random rotation to the branch block on the ground and I'll call the feature done.

Here is something to keep your hype up:
All credit to Sock on this one, as usual. I don't know if he ever posted his Achievements Core work on the forum, which is a shame because I think this would excite a lot of new and old players alike.
Wouldn't it be awesome if craftguide and the entire tech tree were built into the game? ;)
Let's try to make that happen at some point.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

The animation code for flint knapping is finally complete! I am not entirely happy with the sprites, but this might have to do. I want to communicate the hitting as easily as possible. Here is a demo video:
Thanks to Sock for working through this one with me. The programming behind this animation cuts some dangerous corners....

And yes....
I am adding death chests. This little tombstone (stolen with permission from BTWTweaks) will hold your inventory upon death, so you do not need to stress about getting home within 20 minutes. Hardcore spawning after a hard death is torture enough for most players, and knowing that your items are still out there waiting for your triumphant return may inspire players to overlook their own weakness. Lava will still burn your shit.

For players that prefer the hardcore way, there will be an option to keep the old system of item decay. Thanks to Yany for helping me work some of this stuff out. The actual feature is not yet complete, but the model looks pretty cool. Should tombstones be movable? It would be cute if players made their own graveyards and slowly filled them up between deaths.

If there are any other "gentle mode" features that you can think of, feel free to bring them up. My addon already increases mob food drops and makes fuel gathering less painful, which I think is more than enough to address many of the complaints commonly lobbed at BTW.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

Well, Feb 9 was a stretch... 'o_O'

Here is the final TODO list as of tonight:
TODO: Stone hoe!!!!

TODO: Make mortar cobble bad break into loose cobble rather than drop

TODO> Permanent death items, they dont respawn on death (maybe a death chest?)

TODO> evergreen trade for knitting and weaving recipes (the villager can do it for you)

TODO>Flint knapping bad hits and good hits

TODO: Mining charges fix-4x3x3 radius, drop proper materials

TODO: Bow Stringing recipe
(make bow accessible to craft in 2x2 grid by making a bow stringing progress recipe
like flint knapping, you need to hold enough to string it or it snaps)

TODO> Boost food hunger values for animal feeding

TODO> carving and cutting recipe noises need to be looked at, they suck RN

TODO: Custom death message for being stabbed to death by a knife. Also, clubs if there isn't one already.

TODO: Change saplings to take a really long time to grow.

TODO: make starvation health drain take WAAAYYY longer!!!

TODO: new 2nd campfire stage using torch fire rather than tiny fire block

TODO: branches try to give random rotation
I've decided to curb certain ambitions for now, but I have started a new list: version 2.0 additions! I am awfully tired of programming, though, so I'm going to wrap up dev with these final, simpler features.

I streamed some test runs, if anyone wants to see how it is all coming together. I have to say, I am very pleased. I almost always had something to do, and I had to do a fraction of the carving. I also talk design if anyone cares about my manic BTW philosophies.

Points of interest:
21 minutes - crazy gang bang death with jockey
1 hour - cute drying rack
1:16 - bone pick, after a prior night of crafting
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by Hiracho »

Neat stuff Aaron! Maybe you could let the tombstones be picked up and have it portray the death message you got when killed?
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »


I have a special announcement:

SBTW 1.0 had just finished development... WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT Sock decided to hit me with a last minute feature. As you can see, his gourds are now integrated with Super Better Than Wolves! Check out his dev log here for more information on those: ... 12&t=10150

There are some things I want to do with them, however, so I'll have to put in more work to get 1.0 polished and ready. The rough outline of my plan is to make the smaller melons and pumpkins available for foraging, and the player can farm them. The small gourds will have low nutritional value and low seed output, so farming them will not be as UBER POWERFUL as old melons used to be. We'll see...

Currently sheep are bugged and dropping gourds on death, so we gotta figure that out first!
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

It works :)


Release imminent?
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

After a while, the ideas started creeping back to me. I am considering starting work on a new version of SBTW, but before I reignite the modder engines I want to have a clearer sense of the scope of the project. I've learned that managing scope is huge with a project like this. Even with a clearly defined set of features, development can sprawl and spaghetti forever if one isn't careful. Just look at Sock's Crops! Of course, no amount of organization can keep me from brainstorming, so I have to try to categorize my ideas on a gradient scale from IMMEDIATE MUST PROGRAM to complete fantasy.

My experience actually playing the game has gone well above my expectations. Practically speaking, the reintroduction of the stone hoe allows players the option to ignore deep caving entirely in favor of a slower, more hobbit-y lifestyle. Being able to slow down and treat Minecraft as more of an incremental game is a breath of fresh air. BTW's limitations on resource gathering speed inherently limit the scope of building projects, so cabins, low hedges, and small gardens become feasible. See my progress on this server to see one possible way to play the game: viewtopic.php?t=10184. This isn't to say that this kind of behavior does not exist in the old BTW, but it was very unrewarding to not cave since you are idling at base without any technological progress being made. At least three ingots are required to grow and harvest hemp (iron hoe and a pair of shears) in OG BTW, but SBTW makes the crafting table the only limitation. Four nuggets and a good stump unlock the gardener's tool. From there, a serious want for storage space and planks for building and crafting will feed an appetite for iron. In short, players are no longer punished for playing at their own pace. Just don't starve :> Thankfully my servant, Imsai, has kept me fed.

Unfortunately, this version already feels dated. Adventuring back to spawn from a late stage death reminded me of BTW's largest shortcoming: exploration sucks. 10 minute intervals of movement and discovery (or staring at the oceanic horizon) are split by long 10 minute intervals of waiting out the night. I just don't have the time to grind those out anymore. Thankfully, a sleeping mod has been developed by Arminias that acts as a fast forward button. The sleeping simulates the world around you while you sleep, so cobwebs still form, animals still die, and critters will still try to eat you. It is brilliant, it tackles the pacing problem inherent in BTW's gameplay loop by offering players the option to skip long periods of inactive time when nightly chores are complete. One problem I see with this powerful feature is the formation of bad habits. Players may very well abuse hardcore sleeping to their detriment, not scraping enough stones for tools or cooking enough meat at night.

So yes, at the very top of the SBTW 2.0 changelog will be the re-implementation of sleeping into BTW. Flowerchild would weep. My implementation will remove the need for beds. Instead, a little snooze button (zzz) will be added to the inventory. Players can click this button at night to lay down and sleep. I may need to have some checks in there to make sure players can't lay down inside blocks and suffocate or anything like that. Mobs will still need to attack the player while sleeping, and this damage need to awaken the player. Very importantly, HUNGER WILL NOT DRAIN AT A DIFFERENT RATE while sleeping. If players could save hunger by sleeping, that would encourage sleeping as long as possible. I do not want to punish players for staying up at night to knit or relax or tend a campfire.

Another must-program feature for 2.0 is right-clickable torches.


Here you see me going for a midnight stroll on a new moon. Hiracho's torches are so handy to have around for night related work, not to mention caving, that placing them down and picking them up to carry around becomes a pretty common action. Punching a torch and temporarily losing light to pick it up again is a bit jarring. I want players to be able to right click a torch with an empty hand to instantly pick it up, no disjoint between breaking and sucking up the torch item.

This new use of torches reawakened a Minecraft idea so old that Notch originally had it: lamps. I am envisioning an item, a lamp, that can be extinguished and relit at will. It will also be refillable, though I don't know exactly what the fuel would be. Coal, tallow, hemp oil, candles? If I went all the way with this idea, I could add a method for rendering pork fat into tallow and make candle dipping a new, pre-stoked fire crafting activity. Relighting the lamp is another consideration. Should it be free to light the lamp, or should players have to place the lamp and light it by hand? I lean toward the latter option, but perhaps I can add a recipe for lighting the lamp from within the inventory with flint&steel + unlit lamp. That way, players stuck in a new moon with an unlit lamp still get to experience the horror freakout of fiddling with crude firestarters in the dark. I am also sort of in love with the basebuilding opportunity provided by permanent light fixtures that can be reloaded and maintained like old timey streetlamps.

Perhaps a slew of new lighting options could be added that accomplish different things? Stone lamp bowls that act as long lasting but low light candles (like a redstone torch that needs to be reloaded with tallow). Iron lamps that are like torches or better? I would love to add matches that make a nice striking hiss sound when used. Obviously, these ideas exist further back in the realm of neat feature ideas that aren't as immediately pressing as hardcore sleeping or hardcore torch grabbing. I have other ideas, though, that might make the 2.0 cut instead.

I have a boatload of ideas I would like to share, from rowing oars to a crop growth/hydration overhaul that I have been planning, but I really ought to have gone to bed an hour ago.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and sunflowers!
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by PlasmaFox »

Very nice! I feel like crafting beds is good enough for sleeping but if you are going to implement "sleeping wherever" mechanic you should buff beds in some way or nerf sleeping on the floor (higher hunger consumption or a wake up de-buff). I would absolutely love re-fuelable lamps and right click to pickup torches.
Quick question: can hemp be harvested without shears? Because you added the stone hoe but I'm not aware of a way to harvest the crops reliably.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

PlasmaFox wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:57 am Quick question: can hemp be harvested without shears? Because you added the stone hoe but I'm not aware of a way to harvest the crops reliably.
I should have mentioned (and should probably emphasize more on the main page) that knives can also harvest hemp. The process of growing and cultivating the plant is totally independent of iron, though building up a large garden takes a lot longer with stone.

Knives just solve all of lifes problems.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

PlasmaFox wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:57 am Very nice! I feel like crafting beds is good enough for sleeping but if you are going to implement "sleeping wherever" mechanic you should buff beds in some way or nerf sleeping on the floor (higher hunger consumption or a wake up de-buff).
I am very very hesitant to touch debuffs or hunger values related to sleepinf, as I do not want it to have much of an impact beyond being a convenient way to pass downtime. That is also why I want sleeping to be independent from a physical bed, because the first few weeks are when a player will have the jankiest pace of play. There is something to be said, however, of the idea that different bed types might pass time faster. Sleeping on the floor could be somewhat slower than a comfy bed.

I have a distant secret concept in the works of polishing idols and sleeping surrounded by them to gain special boons, but thay may require leather too.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by PlasmaFox »

I am currently travelling back to my base on CE 1.3.8 and I have a fat ocean between me and my home land. I am basically forced to craft a boat with a sail if I want to have a chance of getting back. I am trying to farm hemp but the process is painfully slow.. Gotta make an iron axe, hoe and shears! This is a lot of grinding and waiting for iron to smelt. What I'm trying to say is that your improvement of farming is very needed!
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »


Progress is slow and steady. Arminias's mod does not actually function this way, but I am still working on understanding how that project works in the code. For now, I got beds working like they used to! In the final product, my intention is to give the player a button or command that initiates sleep. From there, time speeds up and the world is fully simulated as you rest (rather than a harsh time skip). It is a much needed fast forward button for those long early game nights.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by Battosay »

Hey Aaron, thanks for your work on this addon :)
I'm currently using it, still super early game (I'm roughly at the stage just before you start to make you first BTW builds), but I'm loving it so far.
I enjoyed having more options on my 1st day and everything felt like it was coherent with BTW, well done !
Being in a spot where it was hard to get string in the early days I got to use all of the new tools, and it worked really well to keep me engaged in the game during the night. In "vanilla BTW" you quickly reach a time where I would just tab out for 10min, and what you did really extended that by several IG weeks.

The only issue I'd have is with the non-stacking ribs tbh, with the early game inventory being such a valuable ressource, I don't see why it can't stack to 16 like other food stuff ?
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Overhauled Earlygame!

Post by EpicAaron »

Wow Batto, I'm flattered you decided to give my mod a try! I want to warn you (and anyone else playing SBTW) that gourds are currently broken. I don't know how broken code managed to get into the final version--I tested so many times. The plants grow properly, but the gourd blocks themselves do not drop the correct metadata. I am working this week to fix the issues and refactor the underlying code so that this bug does not happen ever again.

Yes, my chief intention was to give players flexibility. "Vanilla BTW," open as it is, started to get stale for me. I was getting so tired of 10 minute AFK intervals, so I tried to pinpoint what was causing them and adding content to fill the void. Poor planning can still get you stuck, but there are more options now for smart players to entertain themselves with.
Battosay wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:17 pm The only issue I'd have is with the non-stacking ribs tbh, with the early game inventory being such a valuable ressource, I don't see why it can't stack to 16 like other food stuff ?
This was actually intentional, but I am open to allowing stackable ribs if there is demand for it.

My concept was that these ribs are massive, unprocessed chunks of meat and bone that are hard to carry. By cutting them up with a knife and separating the bone from the meat, you create two stackable items from one unstackable item. An iron knife cuts the meat a lot faster, and I have plans to allow players to use iron axes and swords to do an even better job. I wanted players to have to process their food like true cavemen, but maybe it is just a nuisance?

~ ~ ~

I suppose I'll take this opportunity to make two announcements.

Announcement One: An addon-compatible version of SBTW for the latest CE (1.3.x) is nearing completion! I am coding it from the ground up with compatibility in mind, so certain features that relied on base-class edits will not be present. The first release will be fairly stripped down, but over time I hope to add more features from the original version. I still consider the OG version of SBTW the definitive experience, but this new version will allow players already playing on CE 1.3.x worlds/servers to enjoy bone picks and knives and such. I intend for this new version to be compatible with Deco, Better Terrain, Sock's Crops, Hiracho's Mods, and Yany's Stuff & Things.


Announcement Two: SBTW 2.0 is ramping back into development. This update targets the mid-game! 2.0 will still be for CE 1.0.1, rather than latest CE, but I'll update the features to latest CE over time. Here are some items from the proposed changelog:

Added new item: bucket of mortar
-8 or 16 uses before mortar is depleted, can be used just like clay/slime balls
-crafted with bucket of water, clay, sand

Added new tool: the trowel
-this is basically a metal triangle used by masons to apply mortar to bricks
-this items takes mortar from your inventory and applies it to a block when clicked (makes it easier to mortar stuff without having to fiddle with inventory)
-crafting recipe: ??? Maybe a few nuggets or a single ingot

Added new item: wet mud/straw bricks
-can be placed on the ground and dried to make normal bricks
-crafted with bucket of water, clay, dirt, and straw to produce 4 wet mud bricks
-basically, this is a 4x efficiency recipe for bricks accessible after cultivating wheat. YES! This means building with bricks is feasible again, as 64 clay balls will net you 32 brick blocks!

(this is a beta screenshot from Return to Home)

Added whittling recipes (using a knife/chisel to carve wood)
-can use a log+knife to carve signs, bowels, and other useful wooden objects without a crafting table

Added new block/item: lamp
-lights up further and lasts longer than a torch
-can be placed
-can be extinguished and relit at your pleasure
-fuel might be tallow? or some kind of oil? I am not sure yet

Added new block: STONE OVEN/FURNACE
-okay I am still on the fence about this one, let me explain
-It will act as a hearth, accepting fuel like an oven and emitting light
-It will not have a smelting slot, so you cannot smelt chunks or bake with it
-You can cook meat slowly on top of the furnace, like cooking over a fire. Sockthing is adding skillets, so you will be able to use a pan on top of it eventually
-Less effective than a brick oven, but house safe unlike a bonfire
-Crafting recipe: ??? not sure. Do we want this accessible before or after chisel? Do I add it at all?

Changed enchanting tables to accept books from a larger radius (stolen from CE)

Fixed hoppers to no longer "lock up" dispensers below them when full (stolen from CE)

Refactored gourds, also added a way to get old pumpkin and melon plants back for automation purposes, possibly with selective breeding ;)

New decorative blocks, like blocks of branches, wicker blocks, straw roofing, maybe terracotta

Hardcore Sleeping ;P


A lot of these features tackle the "mid-game slump" by rewarding tech progress with more building blocks. As players find that they have more food and free time at their disposal, the natural inclination in Minecraft is to build! I want to bring more of that creative freedom back to BTW by giving players access to mortar and new decorative blocks before mob trap. The default pallet of loose cobblestone, logs, planks, and sandstone gets old, and that is coming from a guy that mainly builds large cobblestone towers.

EDIT: I forgot! I want to address the cold biome problem. You know, the weird biome gen bug where half the world generates as useless tundra wasteland.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. Brick & Mortar

Post by EpicAaron »

The engines are revving! I am finally in a position where I feel comfortable and relaxed enough to continue development. I feel bad leaving so many loose ends untied for so long, but I think the new updates will be worth it.

By request, Bone Pick Mod will be receiving a short fix hopefully this week to add Lightning Tweaker Support. If anyone needs anything added to BPM before I do that, please let me know. Since CE dev is in a moment of rapid progress, I am going to wait on adding CE 2.0 support until other more talented folks have figured out the best way to get a dev environment set up for it. I assume the Deco update will set some standards to follow.

On the Super Better Than Wolves front, a terrible brew is coming... an update I want to call:


Originally titled "Brick and Mortar," the focus of the updated has expanded to encompass changes to pumpkins and melons. They were released in an unpolished, buggy state, and I can't ignore them through another update.


First off, bedrolls and sleeping have been ported from CE for some months now. I have been enjoying the feature immensely :)
While I have a lot of ideas for how to make sleeping feel more like a complete Better Than Wolves feature (nightmares, dreams, idols, negative effects for sleeping near sources of corruption), I think we all just want to enjoy the feature as-is for now. Waiting months or even another year for me to achieve my complete vision would be stupid. So SLEEP IN PEACE WHILE YOU CAN.

On the gourd side, I am refactoring the feature under the hood to allow for more versatility. For automation sake, the old single block vine pumpkins and melons are making a comeback (though they will require selective breeding to acquire). Each variety of gourd will have its own seed and produce its own quantity of seeds/slices in order to add some progression to gourd farming. For instance, players will be able to find tiny little primitive pumpkins in the forest that can be cultivated right away. Getting massive pumpkins that gives lots of seeds and flesh, however, will be require some work. I may even give each type of gourd unique growth patterns, but I suspect I will run out of steam before getting to that level of intricacy.

In terms of new gourd mechanics, I would like to allow vines to travel downward so they are not constricted to a single flat plain. That definitely isn't going to be in the next update. More feasible: I want to change plant hydration so that plants can be watered with a bowl/bucket/can so players can make real pumpkin patches and maintain them. In my play so far, we have not been able to make true pumpkin patches because of the necessity of water source blocks.

In honor of October, I am also implementing an old idea of Sock's--a new type of pumpkin! Have no fear, these new pumpkin variants are nothing to worry about. The foul seeds from these gourds will produce something totally new and amazing, a blight-level abomination that will grow and love and keep on growing until your whole base is filled with love.

It has been over a year now since I started modding. Thank you to everyone that has helped me along the way! I hope I can get some updates out within the next week :P We'll see
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. GOURD MANIA

Post by EpicAaron »

Okay, today was a productive one. :)


I managed to execute some under the hood changes that make pumpkins and melons grow in a much more satisfying way. Much like how wheat grows gradually day by day, a gourd will only move up a stage once every night. Before, it was all random. Some pumpkins would sprout and grow massive in an instant, others would remain runt pumpkins forever. This didn't sit well with me--what is the point of all these growth stages if, in practice, the player didn't really get to see them?

Now, players can go to sleep, dream of all the wonders and toils that the next BTW day has in store, and wake to find that their baby gourds have gotten just a little bit bigger since the day before. Of course, as players really dive into the feature, I can lengthen or shorten the growth periods to suit gameplay balance and feel.

I need to do some repetitive work to get every gourd in the game up to speed. After that, I can start working on the selective breeding progression system! Basically, players will start with tiny pumpkins found in the forest. The vines from these primitive wild gourds have a chance to sprout a slightly larger pumpkin, or a pumpkin of a unique color. The seeds from those pumpkins can produce ever bigger pumpkins or even more diverse patterns! Thus, Steve participates in the domestication of his own crops! Gameplay wise, this allows early farming without the UBER FACTOR that melons usually bring to the table. Finding a stray melon seed will no longer be a balance breaking discovery.

Perhaps Steve will be able to use dark magics to bio-engineer even more amazing crops?

EDIT: Shout out to Sock BTW for the wonderful gourd textures. Sometimes I just sit and stare at them. I want to get this update out ASAP so I can turn my base into a harvest festival.
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Re: Super Better Than Wolves Dev Diary ft. GOURD MANIA

Post by EpicAaron »

I suffered a major mental block over an issue relating to pumpkin seeds. Turns out, I was initializing my gourds with the incorrect vines, so the fruit refused to connect to the right stems. I am now once again making feature progress.

Today I programmed WET MUD BRICKS. It was an easy copy and paste of the existing wet brick code.


With some straw, you can multiply your brick yield by 4x. So, a stack of clay balls will produce 32 brick blocks rather than a mere 16.


This recipe needs a high tech automation solution, but I am not sure how to do it. Packing? Mixing? And how would mixing work? Cauldron/cistern on top of a turntable? Sounds difficult to mod.

Next up, I am turning my attention to gourd breeding. I thought of a unique way to produce new pumpkin types: growing two different varieties near each other may cause a new type to sprout! Hardcore Gourd Sex.

I am starting to relate to FC's original plea about wolves, however. These fancy new plants are cool, but the amount of my dev time they take up is definitely not commensurate to the amount of gameplay most players will actually get out of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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