Minecraft origin in new location

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Minecraft origin in new location

Post by jkievlan »

I posted earlier in bug reports that my SMP origin is in a new location. FlowerChild said it is a vanilla bug and can be fixed by quitting and restarting -- and suggested I should ask about it in tech support. So I am, because it was certainly *not* fixed by quitting and restarting. I've restarted my server, restarted Minecraft, created a new character -- same behavior. Compasses still do not point to the original spawn point. Has anyone seen this and is there any solution?
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Re: Minecraft origin in new location

Post by Vexalor »

What exactly is your problem? I assume that compasses are not pointing to the correct spot. Do you have any beacons that could be causing this? Where are you spawning on death? If it is hard to tell if you are spawning around the correct or incorrect spawn point, you may need to temporarily disable hardcore spawn to check. Have you tried just restarting the server?

You may want to use an NBT editor to look in the level.dat and the /loc command to determine where the files say your spawn is. you can get one here:
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/840 ... s-and-mac/

EDIT: Just checked your previous post. Just to rule out one possibility, have you managed to find you old "origin base?"
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Re: Minecraft origin in new location

Post by jkievlan »

No, I have no beacons -- it's a relatively new server and I haven't gotten anywhere near far enough to build beacons. But yes, compasses are pointing to an entirely new spot. I know this, because I have a fairly well-developed base at the original origin, where compasses were pointing in the beginning. Now, compasses take me to a completely new place that I don't recognize at all. It's a pretty big problem because I have several people playing on this server and we're all going to permanently lose our means of getting back home next time we die. Note: nobody else has a beacon either, my bases are by far the most developed on the server.
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Re: Minecraft origin in new location

Post by jkievlan »

I've used a map renderer (mcmapDZ) to render the world map, and yes, all my original bases are there, including the origin base. I'm working on finding out where the new origin is so I can build a path up to the old origin. However...even if I manage to do that, it's going to really suck if this happens again.
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Re: Minecraft origin in new location

Post by FlowerChild »

I've had my spawn location reset and permanently change in vanilla before. My advice: use a map editor to place it back in the original spot rather than redesign your whole world. It's a five minute job, and has only ever happened to me once, but it's definitely a vanilla thing.
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Re: Minecraft origin in new location

Post by jkievlan »

Well, I tried a few map editors and couldn't figure out how to change the origin point. But no worries! I found both the old and new origins and I'm building a stone-brick road from one to the other. Thanks for your patience FlowerChild :)
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Re: Minecraft origin in new location

Post by Vexalor »

If you use the link I posted above, that program can easily correct this issue if you know the coordinates of your original spawn. All you have to do is unzip the download, run the program, browse through your files to find the world save of the map you are using on the server, and then open the level.dat file in that folder using the program. At some point the coordinates of your spawn should be listed. Click on those values and change them back to the correct ones. Otherwise, building a road should be just fine.
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