What is BWF?

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Re: What is BWF?

Post by Deathover »

I have been watching this drama for a month since I wrote my previous post, and all that stuff they're doing is more and more disgusting. FC, I know that it is up to you to decide, but if I were you, I would have started creating my own game. You actually have all qualities for doing it, you're: hardworking, have experience, you have amazing ideas. You really won't betray your community if you stop the development of BTW. I'm sure people here are enough mature to understand what you're doing and they'll completely support such a decision.
Best wishes and good luck.
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Re: What is BWF?

Post by ScubaPlays »

It sucks that so much drama is being caused by a group doing "what the community wants" in an environment that should simply be fun and free (why I fell in love with minecraft in the first place).

I'm sorry that they've driven you to a point where joining them is a viable option but looking at it strickly from the mod's perspective, I'd be interested in seeing what you'd do with BTW having all the extra block ids. I just wish the additional block ids came under better circumstances.
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Re: What is BWF?

Post by Gwyndion »

Don't assume somebody could give me a short summary of what's being said? I read some so I know they're basically trying to disregard FC's wishes and some of the backstory but seeing as a bunch of the minecraft topics got deleted getting the full story seems difficult. Would personally be nice if I could play BTW with other mods but if the mod author doesn't ant that then that should be respected...
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Re: What is BWF?

Post by EvanT »

Wow,.. I never ever dreamed of saying the following but Digital Right Management seams to have a legitimate use case after all. To bad it is manly used to gag customers who bought an item so they will have to buy it again when they change the device they use to use the item.

At this point I can easily understand why developers deny modding. We need more explosive bees. Unfortunately those will stop nobody from rewriting one's work. So an API where a mod will only be playable when registered before and has to be approved does not sound so bad after all. (If that functionality is only used for blocking malware and ripoffs)
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Re: What is BWF?

Post by ImSheroPsu »

I just returned two days ago and came straight to BTW. There is no reason to play otherwise. I've read through quite a few pages of this thread and I feel a searing pain behind my right eye and a sinking pain in my stomach. I'm not sure if its because I forgot to eat while reading all this text or if its the feeling one gets when they are stressed and upset.

FC I own a restaurant and I can only begin to imagine what you are feeling. While I feel the normal stress and pains from economic troubles, weather, and media generated fear over just about everything I never really have to feel like someone has stolen my idea. Recipes can be duplicated but its the entire experience that makes something as simple as a grilled cheese here better than one someone can make at home or get somewhere else. (Forgive my rambling, I'm trying to put words to feelings and being male I am very bad at it. My wife can vouch for that.)

I remember when you left the forge and I thought to myself how am I going to do this stuff without elorams redstone mod. I can't even remember the name and I don't care to look it up. I tried a minecraft with IC, BC, and the redstone mod but something was missing. I went to BTW and it was there, so I learned to use redstone the way it was intended.

My point is this. You created something that stands alone as one of the absolute best mods out there. If it wasn't you wouldn't have this community. You are wildly talented with great vision. You strike me as one who doesn't back down from a fight and certainly isn't afraid to voice his opinion. Without folks like you the minecraft modding community would be reduced to a hoard of drooling meat puppets (the bulk of the players are already there I fear). I am very excited for RTH and anything you do with BTW be it with forge or without. I know you have expressed your feelings over developing your own game in other posts but I do believe if you can achieve this sort of following while learning to code your true talent is creativity.

From me to you, kudos, happy trails, best of luck and all that good stuff. I look forward to following what I hope will be a great career for you that generates a lot more fun gaming for me. (:Smilies are OFF: so there's a non smiley for ya)

edit:can't read dates very well. (beer)
Last edited by ImSheroPsu on Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
FlowerChild wrote:
ManPotatoes wrote:
If you hate it ban me I could care less C:

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Re: What is BWF?

Post by Rawny »

I don't want to take away from imsheropsu cus he's got it bang on, and im drunk. I've been perty silent for a while cus I try to avoid all the drama-y things and its hard to put into words the... WTF'ery that has been going on and how to properly say "you can do it! Stay strong! We believe in you!" without sounding like a lost puppy worship'y... Person. My usual drink of choice is a shot of vodka poured into my beer; its yummy. imsheropsu said the things I, and many more probably do wanna say, and said them well. My favorite drink is, yes for real, a shot of vodka in red wine, god it good but it makes me forget things.

I was recounting most of this BWF bs (I read losts but don't usually post) to my GF who is a... Uh,... Stupid brain (me not her)... a high ranking Unix network server admin person for a large international company (I know, role reversal but dont judge lest ye cast the first Bigby's striking fist... or some thing) and she said something like... (Man ill get this wrong I know it but just believe its meant to be good cus I type slow as BLEEP on an iPad and the sleep prescriptions are now kicking in, yes they work fine together, I'm sleepy) - its like unix, Linux, redhat, Ubuntu, (other types here). It's all open source and erybody thinks it shoud be one one way (their way) and so they create some unix/Linux offshoot. Like fads they come and go but the good ones people use, stay, support and those ones stick around. Disregarding API bs how many, even good mods, have come and gone? BTWolves, even though under past and present attack and competition, is still around. Clearly it's good shit, with all the others I've tried, BTWolves is ALL I, and my... er... fiancé choose to play with... MC wise.

It's like that open market thing the libertarians talk about. You have a good product people like you'll keep your customers, and were here, happy and cheering you on.

Thank you FC for your quality product, services and humor.

Now to proof rea... Zzzzzzzzz (but how can I be asleep if I type zzzzzzz? Shhhhhh. Details)
haphazardnuke wrote:"Quick and Easy" is incompatible with Better than Wolves. Try using the patch, "Sense of Accomplishment".
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Re: What is BWF?

Post by dawnraider »

As always, you have my support in this, as this is not cool. It's good to hear that you seem to be getting back into your game, though.
Rawny wrote:BTWolves is ALL I, and my... er... fiancé choose to play with... MC wise.
Except in bed ;)
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Re: What is BWF?

Post by muyo »

Well, I saw this thread, so I decided to tell my opinion on the entire event. I have seen this entire fiasco play out over months, and it has been depressing for me. I respect both FC and the Forge creators for what they are: modders. I don't care what they do, or what arguments arise. I know that the fact remains: they all program mods for Minecraft.

I myself decided to try to get into modding, and started with Modloader in Minecraft Beta 1.8. I saw Forge come out, and the modding community change. I saw the arguments, and the drama, and the amounts of stress. I became uneasy, as I saw this large amount of mayhem in the community I was trying to get into. When the entire BWF thing came out, it was the last straw. I quit the community, and gave up on modding. I knew that I wouldn't fit into the community, not at that time.

Now, I have decided to try modding once more. I have been programming in other languages in the meantime, and have gained experience. In this experience, I have definitely learned about how programmers can have a tendency to loathe each other. I can't help but notice that the entire BWF fiasco is still going, even after months. If I were you, FC, I would probably just ignore the entire thing, and concentrate on my own projects. If I were you, I would just keep my head up and know that I will always be ahead with my own mod.

I think that what the Forge people have done is unethical, and not called for. However, I will respect them for what they have created: Forge, a popular API that has made modding easier for those new to the community.

Thank you, FC, for making a great mod.

However, I will also thank the Forge creators for making a great API.

I am neutral on this topic, and will not side with anyone.
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Re: What is BWF?

Post by sargunv »

Temp ban for necro and lock.