Amazing mod.....Minecraft as it could have been...

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Amazing mod.....Minecraft as it could have been...

Post by Simurgh »


I've been a long time lurker on the forums but have never really had anything relevant to add to any discussions, but I guess I should give FC my thanks first up for the blood, sweat and tears he's poured into this mod and also to the great community here for keeping the wiki pages updated (I'd be lost without them!)


What makes this mod so good?
- You give a reason to go to the nether and spend time there.
- You give a sense of development and accomplishment, seriously Steve has came so far and done many exciting things in my BTW world! (whereas, anything done on day 200 on vmc you could do on day 3-4)
- You give a REASON to automate, other mods typically just give you tubes and off you go - collecting stacks of stuff just for the sake of it. In BTW I'm gonna need some kind of proper automation soon to continue to progress, I actually have a little list of buildings I need to make for different purposes. Compare that to vMC where you dont really need to build anything other than a small cottage with a fence and some slabs.
- You give most of the blocks and items a purpose. I went looking for Lapis the other day. Seriously. And I ran out of iron at one point too.
- Well thought out and balanced. Yeah, you become more powerful and have many more options available to you than vanilla steve, but you have to earn it by taking some risks, and those risks can have consequences.
- Theres more but these are the main ones off the top of my head.

I started playing MC not long before 1.2.5 and started toying about with the various mods probably a while before 1.3 (yes, thats how long vanilla takes to get stale) Around that time I would read a lot of comments, mostly from the BTW community about the inconsistency and lack of foresight put into the vMC updates and features. At the time, I guess my thoughts were more or less "Meh, that's your opinion, you're entitled to it."

Then came the 1.3 update. What a laggy mess of a game SSP is, all so I can host a LAN? That was the worst of that IMO, other than netherwart in the overworld. The seeds of doubt were planted.
Then the pretty scary update added bats and witches, along with the simply superbly implemented anvil...
Now I'm seeing the snapshots for 1.5 being released. What a clusterfuck this is going to be. It makes me sad as I can see their goals with some of it, its just obvious to anyone who plays the game in survival what a mess the way they are going about it is. Yeah I love the fact they want to make minecart rail systems more useful, but seriously? I'd rather have one feature well thought out and implemented well which will be useful to me in my world than this mess.

Needed to get that off my chest....phew.

So yeah, many many thanks FC for all your work, I havent got around to playing with beacons yet but I'm looking forward to when my steve is at that stage.

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Re: Amazing mod.....Minecraft as it could have been...

Post by FlowerChild »

You're welcome man :)
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Re: Amazing mod.....Minecraft as it could have been...

Post by odranoel »

Simurgh wrote:- You give a sense of development and accomplishment, seriously Steve has came so far and done many exciting things in my BTW world! (whereas, anything done on day 200 on vmc you could do on day 3-4)
so very true, i used to just find my self collecting matireals for no point after i built my little shake back befor i discovered BTW. i figured since MC was still in beta, all the major uses for thos matireals havnt been implamented yet. finaly when MC "launched" i was very shocked as i was expecting much more funcionality and uses for most of those matireals. thats actually what got me started looking in to mods. i felt there was so much potencial simply not being tapped.
Simurgh wrote:I went looking for Lapis the other day. Seriously. And I ran out of iron at one point too.
lol, my steve seems to live in a perpetual state of iron and coal shortage. between screw pumps takeing 8 iron each and producing SFS, i never seem to have more then a few blocks of iron at any time. i have no idea how im guna make it to the SFS beacon xD

in short, yes there is no doubt that BTW is the best mod out there, period. its the only mod that dosnt add a buncha random crap for no purpose, but instead greatly expands on what is already present in vanilla. if there was a nobel prize for mod makeing, BTW/FC would deffinetly win it!
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Re: Amazing mod.....Minecraft as it could have been...

Post by Gareleus »

odranoel wrote: if there was a nobel prize for mod makeing, BTW/FC would deffinetly win it!
I don't know about the Nobel Prize, I liken FC more to Tesla: Absolute genius, ideas better than anyone else's, but everyone (Edisons) hate him for it. And slightly crazy, but that is a good thing for creativity. /end offtopic

The quality of this mod is absolutely outstanding, there is no equal, bar none. There is no superior, and even after the winding up of BTW there probably will be a better mod.
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